🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Xliff_ For reference, I know this code worked as of March 24th of this year. 00:13
[Coke] bisectable6: my $a = "(b)"; my $b = $a.encode; $b.^name.say; use NativeCall; my $ca = CArray[uint8].new($b) 01:34
bisectable6 [Coke], Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
[Coke] oh, this was already done in #raku 01:35
bisectable6 [Coke], Output on all releases: gist.github.com/e0b78471299540b643...dab8d7ec5c
[Coke], More than 3 changes to bisect, please try a narrower range like old=2024.04 new=HEAD
Geth rakudo/rakuast-phase-cleanup: 25 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++
review: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/7...1f32c08d2d
06:33 _Guapo_ joined 06:40 _Guapo_ left
Geth rakudo/rakuast-phase-cleanup: c5b634266d | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/variable-access.rakumod
RakuAST: give dynamics a second chance at resolving

There are two ways for finding dynamically scoped variables: if they are in the current scope, we have to access the lexical direclty. If they are not in the current scope, we have to use dynamic lookup. Thus we look up these variables only in the current scope.
... (9 more lines)
lizmat Xliff_: I probably borked that, please make an issue and assign me 07:48
08:00 sena_kun joined
Geth rakudo/main: d0cbe4ae30 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Unbreak CArray.new

An optimization in 3861b8f8f27028426f27 inadvertently broke some use cases without being noticed. This unbreaks that by adding a fast path for Blobs and Lists, while retaining the original slow path for all other Positionals.
Add test to make sure this doesn't happen again unnoticed.
Spotted by Xliff++
lizmat m: dd "(b)".encode.^roles # found this while investigating ^^ 08:26
camelia (Blob[uint8], UnsignedBlob[uint8], Positional[uint8], Stringy, UnsignedBlob[uint8])
lizmat note that UnsignedBlob[uint8] is occurring twice 08:27
wonder what that is about
m: dd "(b)".encode.^roles.Set 08:38
camelia Set.new(Blob[uint8],Positional[uint8],Stringy,UnsignedBlob[uint8])
lizmat so they *are* the same UnsignedBlob[uint8], not just by name, but also by WHICH
afk for quite a few hours& 08:39
09:25 sena_kun left
Xliff_ 'morn 10:44
lizmat: Looks like your fix broke something else...
Can you please check the following gist: gist.github.com/Xliff/0fdb4edcca96...5b3c858b3a 10:47
Added a raku backtrace to it. 10:49
11:56 liztormato joined
liztormato Xliff_: am afk atm. Will look when back later today 11:57
Xliff_ liztormato: Understood. Thanks! 11:59
12:01 liztormato left 12:40 finanalyst joined 16:01 finanalyst left
Geth rakudo/main: b36cceb36b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/NativeCall/Types.rakumod
Remove Blob fast path in CArray.new

Apparently it causes segfaults
lizmat Xliff_: ^^ 16:57
Xliff_ lizmat: Has camelia been updated? 17:15
lizmat: New error - "==SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/cbwood/Projects/p6-GLib/lib/GLib/Raw/Definitions.pm6 (GLib::Raw::Definitions) New type Block for List is not a mixin type at /home/cbwood/Projects/p6-GLib/lib/GLib/Raw/Definitions.pm6 (GLib::Raw::Definitions):9" 17:18
[Coke] m: say 3 17:46
camelia 3
[Coke] Note the commit ID in the response 17:47
Geth rakudo/main: b6028f9da6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/NativeCall/Types.rakumod
Remove List fast path in CArray.new as well
lizmat Xliff_: ^^
nine lizmat: isn't there still an off-by-one error in there? 19:53
Ah, no --$n
Xliff_ lizmat: Same error. You can check yourself. 20:44
Pull down github.com/Xliff/p6-GLib
1) Make change; 2) cd into p6-GLib; 3) raku -Ilib -e 'use GLib::Raw::Definitions'
The advantage here: It gives you a chance to look at GLib::Raw::Definitions to see what the root issue is, and if it can be solved by changing that compunit. I will be doing the same, here. 20:45
Looks like the problem is triggered by GLib::Raw::Distro 20:48
Found the problem. Recompiled it. Problem went away. 20:53
Now went back to the original version of the code and problem did NOT return. Weird.
Problem found again in GLib::Object::Supplyish 20:54
Commented out the entire compunit. 20:55
Recompiled it. Fine.
Uncommented. Recompiled. Fine
Same with GLib::Roles::Protection 20:57
So I can't confirm what the problem is, but I have found a workaround. 20:58
20:58 sena_kun joined 22:23 sena_kun left 22:51 Xliff_ left 23:26 MasterDuke joined