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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
ab5tract github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5589 08:51
This one is so interesting.. haven’t been able to poke at it (left the laptop at home) 08:52
But the | operation on the array results in nothing, but earlier | is used against the method chain to obtain the parameters.. and this seems to work without issue 08:53
finanalyst .tell lizmat just sent you an email about C<> & V<> markup that been config'ed 10:55
tellable6 finanalyst, I'll pass your message to lizmat
lizmat_ finanalyst: so if I understand correctly, you'd want all markup to be always parsed and disregard any :allow() during parsing ? 10:57
tellable6 2024-06-01T19:10:20Z #raku-dev <patrickb> lizmat: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/77...r142633905
2024-06-02T10:55:20Z #raku-dev <finanalyst> lizmat just sent you an email about C<> & V<> markup that been config'ed
finanalyst problem with allow is that it can now be configured with a config for a markup code and for a block, 10:59
lizmat_ ok, so you're saying it's become the renderers responsibility
finanalyst Also, we had a discussion that meta data should handled by Renderer 10:59
lizmat ok, gotcha... am in the middle of patrickb's bug report, will look at this after that 11:01
finanalyst understood
Geth rakudo/main: 9502bcbbb2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Hopefully final fix for CPP name mangling

  - copied the original implementation to a new test file
  - made new cpp_param_letter implementation "our" for testability
  - added tests to run all possible types
  - compare results of original with new implementation
  - found and fixed some discrepancies
lizmat patrickb ^^
patrickb lizmat: Thanks! Sadly CI still fails with the same error. Maybe I can have a look in the late evening. 13:33
lizmat patrickb: then I guess my assumption abour $P / $R / $K being always empty, is incorrect 15:56
Geth rakudo/main: cc52ff1251 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Restrore NativeCall::Compiler::MSVC to its original state

And adapt tests for it accordingly. Mostly to see how CI will react to this.
lizmat patrickb ^^
Geth rakudo/main: 946ab9024a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/RakuAST/Fixups.rakumod
RakuAST: don't flatten markup inside C<>

Let a renderer make that decision
patrickb dev.azure.com/Rakudo/rakudo/_build...ew=results 17:23
lizmat: Now it succeeded
lizmat ok, then I'm gonna leave it at that 17:42
Geth rakudo/main: c99d4369a4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/RakuAST/Fixups.rakumod
RakuAST: don't flatten markup inside V<> either

Let a renderer make that decision, as per the 2.0 rakudoc specification
patrickb lizmat: Thanks for wading through this. 18:59
lizmat well, I caused it, so it's only fair 19:00
patrickb Do you think this is worth a point release?
Still annoying;-)
lizmat not sure 19:01
it wasn't borked in 2024.04 right ? 19:02
patrickb Nope. Currently prevents me doing the binaries. I could either fake something up to make the build go through, or a point release. 19:03
lizmat then I guess a point release is in order :-(
patrickb jdv: Can you do a point release containing lizmats MSVC native call fixes? 19:06
lizmat: Could you create a branch containing only the relevant changes? i.e. 2024.05 + cherry-picking the respective commits? 19:07
lizmat yeah, can do 19:08
patrickb Thanks! 19:09
Geth rakudo/main: 1a61ed025e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: allow for =formula, as per rakudoc 2.0

The reason this didn't work is because =formula shares the prefix with =for. Fixed for now by adding a specific token for =formula.
Turns out the legacy grammar **also** has an issue with any abbreviated rakudoc items that share the prefix with a directive, such as =beginna and =enda. I wonder why nobody found this to be a problem before in the past 10+ years: I guess a general fix is just not that easy, *or* would slow down parsing in general too much.
rakudo/2024.05.1: 4 commits pushed by (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ 20:05
lizmat patrickb jdv ^^
afk& 20:16
Geth nqp/main: e7d1bbe3df | (Daniel Green)++ | src/vm/js/Operations.nqp
One step toward maybe unbreaking the JS build