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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:03 finanalyst left
gfldex I would mich prefere a general styling hint (like the class attribute in html) over specifying individual unicode characters to be used for individual elements. 08:35
08:43 sena_kun joined 08:58 finanalyst joined 10:28 finanalyst left 15:29 finanalyst joined
finanalyst lizmat ping 15:55
lizmat pong 15:56
finanalyst I just got back from a long walk. Fabulous day and some nice hills. I know its not your thing, but it gets me out of the house. 15:57
I actually like =for foo :bullit=<E<BALLOT BOX>>
The '=' is in keeping with other Rakudoc elements 15:58
lizmat yeah, that's why I thought of it :-)
finanalyst I'm having problems with modules not compiling. How do I force the compilation of a local module, eg. `lib/RakuDoc/PromiseStrings`? 15:59
lizmat now, whether it is easy / feasible to implement, is another matter
finanalyst I'll add '=' to the PR
I was wondering whether it could be a sort of syntactic sugar for `=rakudoc ...` 16:00
lizmat assuming you run with -I. , then rm -rf .precomp should do the trick
finanalyst I got rid of the .precomp and now it doesnt like the module at all 16:01
I tried a raku program with 'use RakuDoc::PromiseStrings', but that didnt work (I thought it would recompile) 16:02
lizmat how do you invoke that program?
finanalyst I just realised as I was writing that I need to call it with raku -I. force-compile. Instead I had it as an executable with #!/usr/env raku 16:04
now it works. So suppose I do want to force a recompile inside a script? I set use lib 'lib'; nuke the .precomp files, but then? 16:07
lizmat you should almost never use -Ilib 16:09
you should use -I. if at all possible, as that will read the META6.json and know where to look for modules 16:10
finanalyst I was thinking of the `use lib 'lib' inside a raku script. I thought was would be the same as -I. 16:11
lizmat use lib "." is the same as -I.
finanalyst Ah. 16:12
am I asking questions answered elsewhere? if so, sorry, I'll go read 16:13
lizmat no worries... the docs on lib are... maybe ready for improvement 16:22
finanalyst I am thinking how to recompile a list of modules. Would `for <M1 M2 M3> { $*EXECUTABLE -I. -e "use $_" }`work? Probably not. 16:27
lizmat are those modules interdependent?
finanalyst yes, but I would put them in the order of least dependent to more dependent. 16:29
I was getting an error because I use PromiseStr, but it could not be found 16:30
lizmat are all those modules in the same distribution (lib directory) ? 16:31
finanalyst yes
lizmat then running -I. should automatically re-compile all dependencies of a module that was changed 16:32
dinner& 16:33
finanalyst with -I. as in `#!/usr/env -S raku -I.\n use RakuDoc::Render\n` ? 16:34
bon appetit
22:25 finanalyst left 22:29 sena_kun left