🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022. |
MasterDuke | timo: any reason not to merge the runc pr? | 00:02 | |
timo | it's proooobably OK to merge? maybe a spectest / stresstest with SPESH NODELAY and BLOCKING first though ... | 00:05 | |
> | 00:06 | ||
Too young, only 3 of 5 days old | |||
only a matter of time | |||
MasterDuke | what about the todo for when the number of elems is known-but-not-0? | 00:11 | |
timo | someone can do that at some point | 00:12 | |
MasterDuke | tons of failed spectests with `MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1` at head of main moarvm/nqp/rakudo | 00:17 | |
timo | welp, that's not great | ||
MasterDuke | gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/f7931...159de837c7 | 00:20 | |
hm...wait... | 00:21 | ||
that might not be correct | 00:22 | ||
afk for a while, but will re-run that during | 00:23 | ||
timo | today while napping i was dreaming of a much shinied up spec test runner | ||
i'm also wondering how much time we could save if we prefork an instance that has already run through at least a little cross-section of the parser, compiler, optimizer | 00:25 | ||
and of course it has to give better details than "non-zero exit status" when something goes south | 00:26 | ||
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[Coke] | timo: like the JVM runner? | 00:38 | |
but for moarvm? | |||
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MasterDuke | huh. those results seem correct | 01:52 | |
[dan@alexandria rakudo]$ ./rakudo-m -I lib t/spec/S05-modifier/exhaustive.t | 01:53 | ||
1..104 | |||
Iteration past end of grapheme iterator | |||
in block <unit> at t/spec/S05-modifier/exhaustive.t line 29 | |||
# You planned 104 tests, but ran 0 | |||
does that fail when run completely unmodified for anybody else? | |||
m: my $str = "abrAcadAbbra"; say $str ~~ m:i:exhaustive/ a .+ a / | 01:56 | ||
camelia | (「abrAcadAbbra」 「abrAcadA」 「abrAca」 「abrA」 「AcadAbbra」 「AcadA」 「Aca」 「adAbbra」 「adA」 「Abbra」) | ||
MasterDuke | huh. locally i get `Iteration past end of grapheme iterator` | ||
i double checked i'm on main and rebuilt everything, but i must have some bad precomp file from when i was working on my remove-repetitions-from-MVMString branch | 01:57 | ||
hm. remove all .precomp directories and still same thing | 02:00 | ||
just rebuilt all three and still the same | 02:06 | ||
ugh. a clean checkout of rakudo built with `--gen-nqp --gen-moar` works fine. so some(where|how) rebuilding my normal setup isn't overwriting something | 02:18 | ||
only one fail in the clean checkout for `MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 make m-spectest` | 02:58 | ||
t/spec/S09-typed-arrays/native-shape1-num.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 256 (exited 1) Tests: 333 Failed: 1) | |||
Failed test: 237 | |||
Non-zero exit status: 1 | |||
[Tux] left
[Tux] joined
timo | under some circumstances, when a moar/nqp/rakudo is still running, it can prevent "make install" from overwriting the binary | 10:33 | |
lizmat | notable6__: weekly | 11:59 | |
notable6__ | lizmat, 3 notes: gist.github.com/eee7548a8ae7dcde1d...22c40316e5 | ||
lizmat | notable6__: weekly reset | 12:14 | |
notable6__ | lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2024-09-10T12:14:44Z” | ||
MasterDuke left
lizmat | and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/09/10/2024-...hlighting/ | 15:55 | |
finanalyst joined
Geth | ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned [rakuast-highlighter] Formating different uses of '{' github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5640 | 16:26 | |
timo | lizmat: "a CVE for minilua that potentially affected MoarVM" i would downgrade the severity of that statement by a few notches tbh | 16:52 | |
lizmat | how would you phrase it then | 16:53 | |
timo | "a CVE in minilua that is unlikely to affect MoarVM" maybe? | 17:00 | |
lizmat | so done | 17:01 | |
Geth | rakudo/main: 7ddaf755f8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/RakuAST/Deparse/Highlight.rakumod RakuAST: partial fix for postcircumfix:<{ }> highlighting ::SemiList has its own deparsing logic. It is a subclass of ::StatementList. The Highlight module injects its own handling for ::StatementList, shadowing the handling of ::SemiList. Fix by adding a Highlight candidate for ::SemiList, that just does what it is supposed to do. |
17:23 | |
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