japhb Terminal::LineEditor 0.0.17 released with patrickb's no-C-compiler-required PR 00:08
Please test on all your weird OSen. :-) 00:09
ab5tract works great here 01:00
05:31 kjp left 05:32 kjp joined 05:33 kjp left, kjp joined 08:55 sena_kun joined
lizmat I see one quirk on MacOS japhb patrickb 09:08
instead of '[0] > ' I have '[0] > ' as the prompt (aka 2 spaces after the >)
other than that, it all works afaics 09:10
patrickb \o/ 09:37
Geth ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Final list of .snip should be a lazy list with a $!todo set github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4986 12:45
roast: d1a798be60 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-promise/start.t
Add test for #4989
rakudo/main: 0d199cb095 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/xx-fixed-in-rakuast.rakutest
Add test for #5056
rakudo/main: 368ec5c3cb | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/install-dist.p6
Remove install-dist.p6 file

  - it hasn't been changed functionally since 2018
  - it is obsolete
Fixes #5063
rakudo/main: 2f8bd23993 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/xx-fixed-in-rakuast.rakutest
Add tests for #5100
japhb lizmat: The extra space is because T::LE reserves a space on either end of the edit field to place scroll markers without overwriting the prompt itself, going over the end of the line, or causing a jarring double-step just when scrolling starts. The prompt itself also ends in a space, so it ends up doubled. 18:42
lizmat so maybe the REPL prompt should have one space less if T::LE is mixed in ? 18:43
Geth rakudo/main: 6c30c5902d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/REPL.rakumod
Remove trailing space for T::LE

As it has a space of its own
japhb Could do that, but I guess it depends on what conditions we want to maintain spacing consistency. I'm mildly less annoyed by the current extra spacing than having scroll markers right up next to the prompt, but I'm not wedded to that choice.
Heh. Don't get between Liz and a patch opportunity. ;-)
lizmat hehe... it can be easily reverted
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈23 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 19:00
japhb ab5tract: Assuming that no one finds a problem with patrickb's Terminal::MakeRaw as used in Terminal::LineEditor, any objection to making the same change in Terminal::Print? 19:27
That would similarly free T::P from the C compiler blues
Well, the input side of T::P I mean; the original output-only T::P didn't need it. 19:28
ab5tract japhb: no objections whatsoever, considering they are already in place :) 22:44
I don’t think I bumped the version number though
23:03 sena_kun left
japhb Ah, that's why I didn't see that I needed to pull 23:30
All right, want to make a release then? 23:31