releasable6 Next release in ≈1 day and ≈15 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 03:00
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Geth GD-Raw: 0racle++ created pull request #1:
Add some in-place filters
08:40 sena_kun joined
Geth GD-Raw/main: 21113fdddb | 0racle++ | lib/GD/Raw.rakumod
Add some in-place filters

Adds some of the functions documented here: -
I have inserted them below gdImagePixelate as that is where they appear in the C header
GD-Raw/main: 6654e5af23 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/GD/Raw.rakumod
Merge pull request #1 from 0racle/add-filters

Add some in-place filters
08:57 sena_kun left
Geth GD-Raw/main: 399cb5b06d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
09:27 lizmat left 09:29 lizmat joined
Geth rakudo/main: ce03069d2b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Make Iterable.flat an only again

Turning it into a multi broke Dan, and possibly other modules that Blin didn't catch. Turning it back into an only again, required changes in Range and native array as well.
The problem is really caused by the fact that current consumers ofi ... (7 more lines)
rakudo/main: 2750112c08 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/REPL.rakumod
Handle REPL case if %*ENV<_> is not set

Which may happen if modules start instantiating the REPL class, which I'm not sure is actually documented or supported.
Unbreaks Text::CodeProcessing module
lizmat jdv: concluded my blin induced investigations 10:24
jdv looks like its all figured then. Thanks! 14:24
i wasn't able to repro the gio one. i guess its fine. 14:28
its normal for a test to fail but not really a moarvm panic like that, at least not in a long time 14:29
i meant fail in the blin run but not be reproducable 14:30
lizmat well, there's still some gremlins in MoarVM and NativeCall specifically, so I'm not really surprised by the non-reproducebility 14:34
jdv maybe a few years ago or so it was way more common for moarvm to freak iirc 14:37
hopefully this is not a new regression 14:38
lizmat I hope so too :-) 14:39
the fact that they're less common now, is a good sign 14:40
jdv yes, i remember a few people did a lot of work to fix that up back in the day.
ab5tract once again wrestling while angry with the native `to-json` .. why is `no worries` not enough to suppress the deprecation notice? 16:44
imagine a script that wants to output some json to be read by another process. is it impossible to do this without a third-party module? 16:45
I mean, at least the deprecation notice arrives on stderr, so I guess the above concern is mitigated 16:47
jdv what would be the vm cored json lib? the simd one?
ugexe ab5tract: >:) 16:49
ab5tract ooooo
ugexe naturally this is the part where i have to tell you not to do that, which you are free to ignore 16:50
ab5tract jdv: If / when I have the tuits, I would try wiring the simdjson.c or whatever it's called into MoarVM
then likewise deliver jackson -- or if I get around to it -- kotlin serilization for the JVM backend
both exposed via a single nqp api 16:51
ugexe: I had no idea that zef was such a mischevious machine :) 16:52
jdv that could be cool. ctilme did some nice work modularly but iirc ultimately its the c/nqp/raku barrier that eats resources
ab5tract yeah, I don't want to make NativeCall resemble XS by any means 16:53
but the flipside of that is that in situations where NativeCall is unfairly handicapping an important (imo integral) component of the language, we need a way to vault over the issue and deliver a VM-level solution 16:54
but who knows, maybe smarter minds than mine already have some notions about how to cleanly provide VM hashes to NativeCall space ... I know nine has some ideas on where the current implementation could receive an upgrade 16:56
jdv except hes busy building a biz:) 16:57
ab5tract One last thought: I think this all falls under the principle of making the difficult possible
To which I mean, don't handicap our external libraries to the lowest common denominator, but instead allow VMs to have VM-specific libraries 16:58
jdv that was kinda the point of nqp:) but maybe with a lot of careful effort it could be threaded around well. 17:00
ab5tract if the JVM backend ever reaches strong interoperability with other JVM libraries and the like, then it would be fair to expect that there would be Raku modules that would either only run on JVM or would run with significant changes to the backed
nqp is a perfect solution for how to allow two backends to have divergent solutions to the same problem but comply to the same API 17:01
I'm talking more about trying to integrate C but not being able to access any Raku datastructures. Which is fair, but it doesn't make sense to me that we wouldn't allow easy-ish access to MoarVM ones
Or trying to integrate a Java/Scala/Kotlin library but being forced to use a sub-optimal data structure to do so 17:02
not even a datastructure, essentially a function callback
Right now all the weight is placed on the "maybe one day Rakudo will run on a zillion VMs next to another zillion independent Raku implementations" ... and I just don't see the utility in that line of thinking. I'm not saying we should abandon that dream, but it needs to be tempered with the reality of where we are currently at. 17:05
jdv fondly remembers parrot 17:07
ab5tract fondly remembers reading the initial Perl + Python = Parrot announcement on 17:09
jdv did dan get a pie in the face? i barely remember. 17:11
17:40 sena_kun joined
Geth roast: 9bf4b1ea07 | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ |
Revert "Disable test file that hogs up all memory"

This reverts commit a9808b7896ab5f675ccca910b411e34bbd0dbfa2.
The underlying problem has been fixed and the test file can (and
   should) be used again. Relevant commits for Rakudo:
[Coke] pretty sure yes 20:14
20:43 lizmat left
ab5tract Dan? 21:52
[Coke] 22:06
22:15 sena_kun left
releasable6 Next release in ≈19 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 23:00
23:22 lizmat joined