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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
ab5tract Needed to poke the optimizer as well of course 00:35
Geth rakudo/main: c972df6865 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/Supply-coercers.rakumod
Allow a value of 0 with :vent-at

Hopefully fixing #5358
Geth rakudo/main: a917cf0321 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Internals.rakumod
Don't use ANSI color in error messages always

but also stop doing that if STDERR is not a TTY. Fixes #5867
rakudo/main: fa72e6be9c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/xx-fixed-in-rakuast.rakutest
Make sure test compiles without RakuAST
lizmat meh #5687, not 5867 10:08
ab5tract when it comes to patching optimizer, which do you reckon is preferrable? gist.github.com/ab5tract/676be98f9...cafa7bf207 14:31
my gut says the all-QAST option is better?
vrurg ab5tract: The less code to execute you leave for the runtime – the better. Therefore all-QAST is worse, in my view. 14:40
ab5tract ok, fair
it wasn't clear to me if the over-head of doing it in the optimizer might be larger than the check in QAST 14:42
"it" meaning the check
vrurg The optimizer is executed once, at compile time. While the code it produces might end up in a hot path of runtime. 14:45
ab5tract seems pretty obvious when you put it that way :) 14:49
my defense is that I've gotten 4 or less hours of sleep for the last week 😅
vrurg It takes time to wrap one's head around this stuff anyway. But then it clicks at some point... 14:58
ab5tract vrurg: I guess the only potential issue is whether there could ever be a scenario where the lexical `$?LANGUAGE-REVISION` could be different than the revision of the compiler that is doing the optimizing? 15:27
I think it's highly unlikely, but as demonstrated my brain isn't 100% reliable at the moment 15:28
vrurg You just should rely on compiler's interface for this. 15:33
But, anyway, I can think of a scenario where QAST passed into optimizer is created with different compiler version, but it involves so much of handwork that I barely can figure out why would someone ever need this. 15:38
ab5tract got it, thanks! 15:43
donaldh timo: tbrowder: could someone set up a wordpress advent account for me? 16:03
Geth rakudo/fix-negated-junctions: 72a7ef2996 | ab5tract++ | 5 files
Address long-standing discrepancy for != and METAOP_NEGATE

This patch uses revision-gate to migrate v6e to a version of negation that preserves junctions while accomplishing the same underlying functionality as planting `not` in front of `$expr`.
Previously: ... (17 more lines)
rakudo: ab5tract++ created pull request #5690:
Address long-standing discrepancy for != and METAOP_NEGATE
lizmat donaldh: what WP username do you have? or what email address should I use ? 16:16
donaldh ? in that case, you should have gotten an invite 16:17
donaldh lizmat: my WP username is donaldhunter 16:20
lizmat invite sent 16:21
donaldh ty lizmat++
timo huh, libuv has tty support that translates ansi escape sequences in what you output to the equivalent on windows? 18:41
lizmat oooooh! 18:43
timo less necessary now that Windows Terminal or whatever it's called is Out There, but nonetheless ... 18:50
lizmat: is there another change needed to make the ==Sorry!== text also not spit out ansi escape sequences? 20:07