10:18 sena_kun joined
timo1 Xliff, I was wondering how your nickname is meant to be pronounced 11:50
11:50 timo1 is now known as timo 11:53 |Tux| left
timo i kind of like saying it like "axel F" 11:53
lizmat m: say ("a", Int, "b").first(Numeric) 12:56
camelia (Int)
lizmat m: say "found" if ("a", Int, "b").first(Numeric) 12:57
camelia ( no output )
lizmat I wonder if it would make sense to add a :b / :bool adverb to "first" that would return True in the above case
timo ah, since even .defined will not be correct there 12:58
and even if you check specifically for Nil as the return value, what if you have a list with Nil in it where the Nil in it is actually what you want to find? :D 12:59
but i would suggest :exists might be good to mirror what [] and {} have
lizmat actually I just realized that :p will do the trick also
timo btw do we have an abbreviation for postcircumfix that's kinda long to type
lizmat m: say "found" if ("a", Int, "b").first(Numeric, :p)
camelia found
timo yeah
i was going to suggest k instead of p, but with p you get he value as well of course 13:00
lizmat and k wouldn't work for the first element
m: say "found" if (Int, "b").first(Numeric, :k)
camelia ( no output )
timo m: say "found $_" with (Int, "a", "b").first(Numeric, :k)
camelia found 0
timo that's what with is for :)
so i would have suggested :k along with with not :k along with if 13:01
but yeah, makes sense
m: dd (Int, "a", "b").first(* > 1000, :p)
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Int in numeric context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timo pff :)
lizmat from a performance point of view I try t avoid with
timo m: dd (Int, "a", "b").first({ try $_ > 1000 }, :p)
camelia Nil = Nil
timo oh this is a little odd 13:04
m: dd (Str, "a", "b").first(* > 1000, :p); say "alive"
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Str in numeric context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Nil = Nil
timo m: dd (Str, "a", "b").first(* > 1000, :p); dd "alive" # make sure it's all on stderr so it's in order
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Str in numeric context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Nil = Nil
timo m: dd (Int, "a", "b").first(* > 1000, :p); dd "alive" 13:05
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Int in numeric context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timo well, really this is just
m: dd Str > 1000; dd "alive"
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Str in numeric context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timo m: dd Int > 1000; dd "alive"
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Int in numeric context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Geth rakudo: patrickbkr++ created pull request #5738:
Move precomp docker host ubuntu 24.04 -> 20.04
rakudo/main: eba9332df1 | (Patrick Böker)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
Move precomp docker host ubuntu 24.04 -> 20.04

This should get the build working again.
rakudo/main: 3efc376a5b | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | azure-pipelines.yml
Merge pull request #5738 from patrickbkr/fix-precomp-release-pipeline

Move precomp docker host ubuntu 24.04 -> 20.04
15:26 librasteve_ joined 15:35 kawaii joined
Geth nqp/address-proc-issues-redux: 79fa780d88 | ab5tract++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp
Explicitly deactivate repl-mode for -e
rakudo/address-proc-issues-redux: 2a1c050968 | ab5tract++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Update NQP
rakudo: ab5tract++ created pull request #5739:
Draft: Adress proc issues caused by repl-mode
nqp: ab5tract++ created pull request #834:
Explicitly deactivate repl-mode for -e
16:38 unicodable6 left, unicodable6 joined 17:45 kawaii left 22:39 guifa joined 22:54 sena_kun left
guifa So I think I've found a bug with respect to broadcast sockets. Not sure where along the way the bug might be though. But basically, you cannot open a socket on a common multicast port (like 5353), even when using the :broadcast option. The error is just that the address is already in use 22:58
aha it might be because 5353 is used for multicast, that's separate to broadcast and I don't see any code in MoarVM for activating multicast membership 23:08