Geth rakudo/main: b6ea57833e | (Patrick Böker)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
Get PRs working for everyone

The `build.addbuildtag` command requires special permissions of the PR creator. Effectively failing PRs for many people. Thus that command is not suitable in a public CI pipeline.
rakudo/main: 49d06524d0 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | azure-pipelines.yml
Merge pull request #5753 from patrickbkr/make-PRs-work-for-everyone

Get PRs working for everyone
nqp/main: 6dd486179d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for fallthru fixes
rakudo/main: 6363b8e176 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get MoarVM fallthru fixes
MasterDuke committable6: releases my @a; my $t = now; for ^10 { @a.push:$_ }; say now - $t; say @a[2] 17:01
committable6 MasterDuke, 17:02
MasterDuke committable6: releases my @a; for ^10 { @a.push:$_ }; say @a[2]
committable6 MasterDuke, ¦releases (86 commits): «(Any)␤» 17:03
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: d308e3e482 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed by ab5tract) | 5 files
Deprecate IO subs that operate on multiple paths in 6.e

While convienient, being able to pass multiple paths to e.g. &rmdir is problematic because there isn't a blessed way to handle what to do when an exception or failure occurs, i.e. should it try to rmdir every entry even if some things fail, or stop on the first failure?
... (24 more lines)
rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: acdb021d9a | (Nick Logan)++ (committed by ab5tract) | 5 files
Deprecate IO subs that operate on multiple paths in 6.e

While convienient, being able to pass multiple paths to e.g. &rmdir is problematic because there isn't a blessed way to handle what to do when an exception or failure occurs, i.e. should it try to rmdir every entry even if some things fail, or stop on the first failure?
... (24 more lines)
ab5tract freaking Windows... 19:03
Geth rakudo/main: 8991173fcf | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Perl6/bootstrap.c/BOOTSTRAP.nqp
[JVM] Reduce backend-specific code in find_best_dispatchee (#5714)

This is a follow-up to fa853abc7f which reverted 99f52bcd75 for the JVM backend.
From what I understand the cause of the breakage on the JVM was the the removal of the call to nqp::hllizefor in 99f52bcd75. I'm not sure ... (14 more lines)
jdv i used to work in a window factory which is the only gig ive worked at a 100% m$ shop
rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: ed7c6651e8 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed by ab5tract) | 5 files
Deprecate IO subs that operate on multiple paths in 6.e

While convienient, being able to pass multiple paths to e.g. &rmdir is problematic because there isn't a blessed way to handle what to do when an exception or failure occurs, i.e. should it try to rmdir every entry even if some things fail, or stop on the first failure?
... (24 more lines)
jdv useless info for the day
ab5tract jdv: the fact that you lived to tell the tale is useful information :)
jdv ha, i guess 19:08
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: 0cc1a84581 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed by ab5tract) | 5 files
Deprecate IO subs that operate on multiple paths in 6.e

While convienient, being able to pass multiple paths to e.g. &rmdir is problematic because there isn't a blessed way to handle what to do when an exception or failure occurs, i.e. should it try to rmdir every entry even if some things fail, or stop on the first failure?
... (24 more lines)
ab5tract .... How does this work? 100% of tests passed, but still failed? 19:55
[Coke] in tap, that could be wrong number of tests run 19:57
lizmat or no "done-testing" without a plan 20:01
ab5tract hmm... but that shouldn't be the case here, unless a new test file in t/02-rakudo needs to be manually registered somewhere... And it was succeeding in just a previous run. 20:04
I'll kick it and see if it flaps
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: 1f3e360c62 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed by ab5tract) | 5 files
Deprecate IO subs that operate on multiple paths in 6.e

While convienient, being able to pass multiple paths to e.g. &rmdir is problematic because there isn't a blessed way to handle what to do when an exception or failure occurs, i.e. should it try to rmdir every entry even if some things fail, or stop on the first failure?
... (24 more lines)
lizmat ab5tract: also, all test pass, but on the MoarVM teardown something happens that causes a non-zero exit code
such as a segfault
I've seen that
ab5tract hmm, ok that would make sense too
Unrelated to the previous query, but I'm wondering whether it is possible that we are returning different values for chown on Windows vs Linux 20:07
m: say chown("/tmp/nonexistent", "/tmp/also-nonexistent", :uid(111), :gid(222)) ~~ []
camelia True 20:08
ab5tract that apparently returns False on Windows :S
(if I'm reading the test outputs right)
lizmat uid and gid on Windows are really iffy
ab5tract yeah, I figured as much. But when then I'd still expect the code to produce an empty array for two failures (in the old code path) 20:09
lizmat only recently I've made $*USER return something sensible 20:10
on Windows
ugexe it could also potentially be related to the addition of the file-stat syscall that was added 20:11
as in a source of potentially odd guid and uid values 20:12
ab5tract Maybe I should just flub those tests for Windows then.. 20:14
ugexe actually the syscall thing shouldnt have anything to do with it since that is only used when the uid and gid are not provided 20:15
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: 95bb11b83f | (Nick Logan)++ (committed by ab5tract) | 5 files
Deprecate IO subs that operate on multiple paths in 6.e

While convienient, being able to pass multiple paths to e.g. &rmdir is problematic because there isn't a blessed way to handle what to do when an exception or failure occurs, i.e. should it try to rmdir every entry even if some things fail, or stop on the first failure?
... (24 more lines)
ugexe i suspect chown on windows is a no-op, but that we are missing a piece where we check the file for existence first 20:32
for nodejs i think that might be handled by this check that the user has write permissions to the file first - 20:37
for our case we can probably just make that file-stat syscall unconditionally and check that. it will already throw an error if the path doesnt exist i think 20:38
ab5tract ugexe: so looking the IO::Path source, the file-stat does seem to be unconditional already. But the result is only used in a few 'stat-flags' calls for UID/GID. Is your suggestion to add an additional flag check for file existence? 20:50
Unfortunately I'm a bit lost in connecting the Node source code to the syscalls in IO::Path
ugexe ah i was thinking one of those would emit the "Failed to stat file: no such file or directory" error but i guess i was wrong 20:54
although I suppose that data already exists in the result of that file-stat call
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: ace48c2486 | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/IO/Path.rakumod
Check for file existence first
ugexe the line using uv_fs_chown is on line 2876. i linked to line 2869. between those two lines there is only one significant thing that happens, that call to THROW_IF_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS 20:56
i'm presuming that has to stat the file or something to check if it has sufficient permissions, and on windows if the file does not exist that would fail
and never reach the uv_fs_chown call at all 20:57
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: efbf3e411c | ab5tract++ | 2 files
Check for file existence first
ugexe thats fine but i think the better solution would be to check $stat to avoid the extra syscalls 21:07
with the .e the file ends up getting stat-ed multiple times presumably, once with the call to .e, and once with the file-stat 21:08
(and avoiding that scenario is what file-stat was implemented for) 21:09
ab5tract ugexe: yeah makes sense. I figured this would help verify that solution first 21:14
and maybe make it work across moarvm + JVM at the same time 21:15
ugexe presumably jvm has no problem 21:16
but im just guessing. the core of the issue is libuv uv_fs_chown is a noop on windows
nqp::syscall("stat-flags", $stat, nqp::const::STAT_EXISTS) fwiw 21:19
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: d5f6baa6c3 | ab5tract++ | 3 files
Check for file existence first
ab5tract should have waited to push until migrating to checking the result of the stat call 21:21
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: da28b2e7dc | ab5tract++ | 3 files
Check for file existence first
ab5tract FWIW, I'm not sure that Win_JVM actuallty runs tests .. 21:30
I hope I don't jinx anything by saying this, but I think we've finally got it :) 21:41
guifa speaking of the JVM --- where do hold the sys calls ? 21:54
ab5tract ugexe: Looks like the PR has gone green once again 22:13
timo guifa: pardon? 22:19
guifa timo: so in MoarVM there's a bunch of syscalls, called from NQP fairly directly with nqp::syscall(...). Where do those reside in our code for JVM (and for JS as well)? So I can bring over my multicast code to the other ones too 22:29
timo they don't have an equivalent, but also they don't need to, their implementations of nqp ops go much more directly to functions being called without going through some kind of bytecode like MBC 22:30
guifa hmm okay 23:01
ab5tract It would be nice to be able to develop reasonable analogs 23:17
So that we don’t have to diverge
IIUC guifa would need to implement some NQP functions to do the work on JVM, etc 23:18
Then these functions are VM specific, which feels wrong 23:19
timo yeah, they would become nqp::blabla ops from the perspective of the code inside rakudo or nqp 23:20
but we can also support nqp::syscall("blabla", ...) to just mean nqp::blabla(...) for a set of names
guifa So in Rakudo I just see nqp::foo, I guess I'm trying to figure out how to locate that code in JVM. 23:25
but I admit I'm probably going a bit over my head
guifa also hates Java haha 23:26
timo <- 23:36