Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
01:18 explorer left
[Coke] It's a reasonable ask, and you should start a discussion about it. 01:19
07:42 sena_kun joined
[Coke] 19 UTC, 3 PM Eastern 13:52
lizmat 21 CEST, 20 BST 13:53
16:22 NemokoschKiwi joined
coleman I can be there 17:59
[Coke] can you paste the link 19:00
lizmat 19:02
19:02 finanalyst joined
coleman Thank you, all 19:47
lizmat :-) afk& 19:48
NemokoschKiwi let me ask it here as well: any info on the site's deployment?
trynna figure out who I could bother with the migration of those tools
coleman If that is in a container as well I can stand up a similar system to docs site. 19:49
NemokoschKiwi I don't know anything about it besides that there is a repo, so I just rolled with the assumption that those tools are used somewhere by someone 19:50
I wrote a little more on #raku-infra 19:52
19:52 NemokoschKiwi left
coleman I see it! I will respond 19:53
I have job interviews over the next 2 days. I will be mostly-unavailable, but @ me if there is an emergency 19:58
[Coke] good luck! 20:04
crap. I seem to have lost my personal cell phone somewhere in the house. 20:05
Thanks everyone, was a good call
Geth doc-website/move_toc_plugin: 5524856392 | finanalyst++ | 13 files
move ToC from ogdenwebb to filtered-toc plugin

This patch structurally has no effect on the build, but makes styling of the ToC easier. It will make the change to a different HTML setup easier. Visually, there **is** a change to the ToC. Four levels of heading are distinguished, instead of two.
21:07 finanalyst left 22:59 sena_kun left
Geth doc-website/main: 08c23fcf38 | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 13 files
move ToC from ogdenwebb to filtered-toc plugin

This patch structurally has no effect on the build, but makes styling of the ToC easier. It will make the change to a different HTML setup easier. Visually, there **is** a change to the ToC. Four levels of heading are distinguished, instead of two.