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Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc/main: fdd15e3f08 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 2 files
Expand code declaration/invocation syntax

This commit replaces the "Subroutine declaration" section with a
  "Callable declarations" section, which now contains sub-sections on
  "Subroutine declaration", "Multiple dispatch subroutine declaration",
  "Block declaration", "Method declaration", and "Multiple-dispatch
method declaration". Similarly, it replaces the "Subroutine calls" ... (6 more lines)
doc-website/main: a2b044a304 | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | Website/plugins/secondaries/header-templates.raku
issue #309 reports a redundant link, patch removes it

  - the source file `5to6-nutshell` contains the heading `C<constant>` that matches the regex looking for composite files, but this is a false positive as no name is generated
  - this patch to the `Website/plugins/secondaries` verifies `.name` is non-blank.
doc-website/main: 3537a21438 | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 2 files
resolves issue #303

  - users want to be able to auxiliary (for Ubuntu = right) mouse-click and for the url to be opened in a new tab while remaining in the current tab.
  - users do not want the position within the list of found candidates to be affected by key entries, which means the position in the list state is also unchanged by cancelling a search or a change in focus.
  - for security reasons, 'pop-unders' are made very difficult in javascript
  - but browsers all allow this behaviour for HTML links (eg `<a>` tabs).
  - users want to have `select` meaning the 'Enter' and left mouse-button to operate as before.
... (5 more lines)
doc-website/main: 79184ed2a0 | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 5 files
make description anchor too, modify CSS
11:04 Geth left, Geth joined
[Coke] "wow, that's a lot of commits!" (oh, that was me yesterday merging pRs0 15:11
coleman Thank you. I am still doing interviews so I will be a little low key this week. 17:30
I still lurk so please contact if there is an emergency. 17:31
I am bad at coding interviews so it's tough right now.
18:54 Geth left, Geth joined 19:28 Geth left, Geth joined
[Coke] break a leg! 20:22
coleman thanks coke 21:58
23:32 coleman left 23:33 coleman joined