Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc: opoku++ created pull request #4405:
Refer to the correct class name in the the example that follows
doc/main: 8f0dae4ab9 | (Osei Poku)++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Language/grammars.rakudoc
Refer to the correct class name in the the example that follows

The example defines a class `Calculations` not `Actions` as previously referred to in the text.
10:44 sena_kun joined 11:48 foo63 joined
Geth doc-website: donaldh++ created pull request #323:
Limit search results to 500
doc-website: donaldh++ created pull request #324:
Move Composite below Class and Role in search results
19:23 rba_ joined 19:25 gfldex_ joined, rba left 19:26 gfldex left, jjatria left, rba_ is now known as rba 19:36 jjatria joined 22:15 foo63 left 23:48 sena_kun left