Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
08:28 sena_kun joined 10:51 finanalyst joined 12:33 finanalyst left 13:19 finanalyst joined
Geth ¦ doc: coke self-assigned encoding list missing in some locations 13:21
doc/main: 399ec64660 | (Will Coleda)++ | 3 files
HOW archetypes and document parameterization

Hand applying a patch submitted by Kaiepi in from 2020. Much thanks.
[Coke] whew. 13:42
very thankful his repo is still around. Much easier to get a patch file from the last few commits in the branch and tweak that rather than try to rebase a copy. 13:43
One more slightly tricky one, 2 easy ones. 13:46
Geth doc/main: 6d12a7482d | (Will Coleda)++ | 3 files
Standardize some 'is trait' X<>

Closes #4425
¦ doc: coke self-assigned is default has three Composite pages, should be one
¦ doc: coke self-assigned doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc fails xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest 15:14
doc/main: d45ed4e176 | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest
Ignore whitespace when comparing rakuast old/new

In raku/doc we don't need 100% compliance here; some of the non-trivial changes are fixed in RakuAST but will not be back ported to the old engine. We want to make sure there are no egregious errors so when the cutover occurs we're still good.
Closes #4373
doc/main: fdca00ddd4 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/create-cli.rakudoc
Fix typo in create-cli.rakudoc
doc/raiph-patch-1: 93bd4d57d3 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/create-cli.rakudoc
One way of addressing a formatto in create-cli.rakudoc

There's a segment in the doc which has two consecutive `=item` lists. It's clear to me the second one is supposed to correspond to the first one, with three items in the second list to match the first list. But the second just had two items. This PR just fixes that basic mistake, and is a minimalist approach to addressing that basic problem.
However, t seems to me the two lists would be better as a single list of three items, or perhaps better, a table. Rather than write that (more complicated) PR I've decided to wait for responses to this simpler solution.
doc: raiph++ created pull request #4469:
Address formatto in create-cli.rakudoc
doc/main: 8982f9d576 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/create-cli.rakudoc
One way of addressing a formatto in create-cli.rakudoc (#4469)

There's a segment in the doc which has two consecutive `=item` lists. It's clear to me the second one is supposed to correspond to the first one, with three items in the second list to match the first list. But the second just had two items. This PR just fixes that basic mistake, and is a minimalist approach to addressing that basic problem.
However, t seems to me the two lists would be better as a single list of three items, or perhaps better, a table. Rather than write that (more complicated) PR I've decided to wait for responses to this simpler solution.
[Coke] I think the check-signatures test has been subtly broken for a while and we didn't notice because the default was to skip so much 16:37
Rant: we have too many adhoc exceptions 17:01
wtf. I am trying to debug check-signatures. I am using RAKUDO_SRC=/Users/coke/sandbox/rakudo - but I am now getting an error message that it's trying to open /Volumes/xxx/doc/../rakudo/src/core.c/allomorphs.rakumod - like it's ignoring the env var entirely and just looking for ../rakudo 17:27
(I've got this checkout in that /Volume)
... Dammit. my $src-line := slurp( $*PROGRAM.parent(3).add("rakudo/" ~ $method.file.split('::')[1]) 17:28
So it was using the src dir at the top of the file but not where it counted. 17:33
Geth doc/main: d9311d1ae8 | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/check-signatures.rakutest
Actually use RAKUDO_SRC when looking at src.

Previously assumed the source dir was a sibling of the doc dir.
doc/main: 17984936b5 | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/check-signatures.rakutest
^lookup requires Str, not Match
[Coke] That's better. now mostly OKs instead of SKIPs 17:51
Mu.WHERE is documented as returning an Int but this is not enforced in the rakudo src. 17:57
Geth doc/main: 10a3202f97 | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Mu.rakudoc
Return type not specced, not in Rakudo src.
[Coke] not ok 17 - Mu.WHERE invocant matches source 18:08
# Failed test 'Mu.WHERE invocant matches source'
# at xt/check-signatures.rakutest line 139
# documented method: ()
# source method: (Mu \SELF:)
do we the SELF's in the doc'd method? Yes, right?
Geth doc: voldenet++ created pull request #4470:
(Async.rakudoc) Improve example to work on modern browsers
doc/main: 3758580d0d | voldenet++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.rakudoc
(Async.rakudoc) Improve example to work on modern browsers (#4470)
[Coke] down to 445 issues+PRs. 19:22
(on raku/doc)
lizmat [Coke]++ 19:27
[Coke] our should probably be in rakudoc in source, and generated to markdown only for github reasons. 19:32
lizmat App::Mi6 has that logic :-) 19:34
Geth doc/main: 31eaee142d | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Mu.rakudoc
Fix signature

  (self: needed, returns Int was not)
doc/main: d6494b37ce | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Pod/Block/Declarator.rakudoc
Fix signature on leading/trailing
doc/main: 109c13f8b1 | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/rakudoc-l.rakutest
Add diagnostic output showing count of links

Useful to figure out what to add next.
22:11 sena_kun left 22:12 finanalyst left
Geth doc/main: b7b0d5f16f | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Type/RakuAST/Doc.rakudoc
Remove links

These files don't exist and RakuAST may change.
doc/main: 0bbff3737f | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/examples-compilation.rakutest
complain about 'multi sub' (use 'multi' instead)

Part of #1189
[Coke] ^^ that is an easy set of changes: basically convert most uses of multi sub to multi in code snippets. you can add an :ok-test<multi> if we're showing multi sub explicitly 23:26