Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc-website/main: 3127319cca | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Website/plugins/secondaries/gen-secondaries.raku
fixes issues #275 and #279 (#281)

both issues stem from the same problem: text is included in a secondary file from a primary file from a level2 heading. But the section is terminated by a level1 heading, not a level2 heading. The fix is to look for leveln, n-1, n-2, n-3 headings. By specification of RakuDoc, only headings upto level 4 are distinguished. The regex should be made more generic, perhpas by recursion on level, decrementing it to 0, but I don't know how.
Geth doc-website/add_page_styling_plugin: 65c04b2ebc | finanalyst++ | 97 files
add page-styling plugin code to repo, no change to build

page-styling is intended as a replacement for the 'ogdenwebb' plugin It will have no effect on the build at all until it is enabled in `config/02-plugins` There are 97 files, mainly in the `page-styling/bulma/` `../scss/` and `../css` sub-directories. The files in `bulma/` are all duplicates of the files in `ogdenwebb/bulma` to try to make the switch from *odgenwebb* to *page-styling* as easy as possible. Substantial and significant changes between the two plugins are in the root directories of the plugins.
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #283:
add page-styling plugin code to repo, no change to build
doc-website/enable_added_page_styling_plugin: b2d6012c33 | finanalyst++ | Website/configs/02-plugins.raku
Enables the page-styling plugin
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #284:
Enable added page styling plugin
finanalyst I have created two PRs on the doc-website repo. 1) a new plugin 2) enable plugin 15:24
[Coke] Does this cover the first "split" we talked about on the call? 15:25
finanalyst The effect of the change is in a docker file `inanalyst/new-raku-website:dev`
the docker file only has a minimal test set of documents, those that cause most problems 15:26
This PR is in line with agreement to create incremental changes
[Coke] yes this is the first split 15:28
tl;dr only a change to the underlying HTML, no change to Search 15:29
Even so, resizing the browser window to mobile size seems to me to be better. 15:30
I am not 100% happy with the result. 15:31
Geth doc-website/main: d7e875477d | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 97 files
add page-styling plugin code to repo, no change to build

page-styling is intended as a replacement for the 'ogdenwebb' plugin It will have no effect on the build at all until it is enabled in `config/02-plugins` There are 97 files, mainly in the `page-styling/bulma/` `../scss/` and `../css` sub-directories. The files in `bulma/` are all duplicates of the files in `ogdenwebb/bulma` to try to make the switch from *odgenwebb* to *page-styling* as easy as possible. Substantial and significant changes between the two plugins are in the root directories of the plugins.
finanalyst I can make changes to meet requests before the plugin is enabled
I will then update the docker container so you can see the result. 15:34
When we have some consensus, the plugin can be enabled. 15:35
[Coke] I'd appreciate a Jitsi discussion about the search. I have some other ideas after the last discussion 15:36
Eg., We could put the search options only inside the right-hand hidden panel, and have the search input from the main screen 15:38
[Coke] why does PR #2 also change 98 files? 15:42
I expected a minimal changeset there.
Geth doc/rakuast-links: 458be4f7c2 | (Will Coleda)++ | util/dumpast.raku
add dump utility to see AST
doc/rakuast-links: 02db55247e | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/links-not-links.rakutest
Update test to use RakuAST
doc: coke++ created pull request #4342:
Rakuast links
[Coke] lizmat: assigned you as reviewer there since it's all AST-related 16:26
feedback welcome, if it looks ok, please rebase/merge. 16:27
lizmat [Coke]: posted some comments 18:29
afk again& 18:31
Geth doc/rakuast-links: 3ac719c2a3 | (Will Coleda)++ | util/dumpast.raku
use say instead of dd
