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Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
04:46 raiph left 07:23 kjp left 07:27 kjp joined
Geth doc/main: 331e220726 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Bool.rakudoc
Fix codos in `pick` signatures in Bool.rakudoc (#4365)

Dunno if I should just be committing changes like this...
doc/raiph-patch-3: a71cb144c1 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Bool.rakudoc
Honey the `pick` description of Bool.rakudoc

I found the `Bool` page's `pick` doc hard to understand.¹ I eventually figured it out.² I have tried to improve it so it's easier to understand, especially for concrete thinkers.³
  ¹ I initially thought that the `Bool` class's `pick` was perhaps an especially powerful abstraction which made it a bit difficult to describe and understand, but was ultimately worth the mental effort.
  ² I concluded the doc was probably just unhelpfully abstract. (Perhaps it was originally copy/pasted from some other class's `pick`?)
  ³ I concluded the `Bool` variant of `pick` was nice and easy, and I just needed to distill its simplicity while remaining technically correct.
doc/raiph-patch-3: ac6aa3e30b | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Bool.rakudoc
Update Bool.rakudoc
14:15 raiph joined
Geth doc-website/replace_search: 9f92a7b9ae | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/options-search/options-search.js
render all matches, rely on CSS to manage overflow, add Google to end of list

  - Autocomplete.js allows for rendering of all matches, not just first N
  - Google line is added to all lists
  - change info line about the number of matches
doc/main: 40ae3e3cda | raiph++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Type/Bool.rakudoc
Rewrite `pick` description of Bool.rakudoc

I found the existing prose description way too complicated to understand, and when rewriting it decided to separate the description and example that corresponds to one signature from the description and examples that corresponds to the other signature.
doc/main: 670bdd1ad7 | raiph++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Type/Bool.rakudoc
Honey the `pick` description of Bool.rakudoc

I found the `Bool` page's `pick` doc hard to understand.¹ I eventually figured it out.² I have tried to improve it so it's easier to understand, especially for concrete thinkers.³
  ¹ I initially thought that the `Bool` class's `pick` was perhaps an especially powerful abstraction which made it a bit difficult to describe and understand, but was ultimately worth the mental effort.
  ² I concluded the doc was probably just unhelpfully abstract. (Perhaps it was originally copy/pasted from some other class's `pick`?)
  ³ I concluded the `Bool` variant of `pick` was nice and easy, and I just needed to distill its simplicity while remaining technically correct.
doc/main: 163573353b | raiph++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Type/Bool.rakudoc
Update Bool.rakudoc
doc/main: 8be59922a9 | raiph++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Type/IO/Path.rakudoc
Tweak description of `dir` in `IO::Path` doc
doc/main: 0f5879131c | (Will Coleda)++ | xt/word-variants.rakutest
Add test for 'environment variable'

Part of #4363
doc/main: 60fbd4d9f7 | (Will Coleda)++ | 5 files
prefer "environment variable"

Closes #4363
[Coke] folks, finanalyst finished another round of changes on search, please check them out 19:01
19:18 raiph left
Geth doc-website/replace_search: cb30acf3bc | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/options-search/add-options-search.raku
Fixes final part of issue #288

Searching for `.` produced some matches, but these were not correctly associated with the correct page. The fault was a filename containing a `.` or `..` was incorrectly escaped (actually not escaped at all) This patch fixes the error.
21:57 codesections joined 22:22 codesections left 22:30 codesections joined
Geth doc-website/replace_search: b08dd20e0a | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/options-search/options-search.js
set scroll to Top on focus or change

When a search is made and the results are navigated by a scroll down, the browser retains the state of the scroll position. Cancelling the search does not reset the state of the scroll Patch resets scrollTop to 0 when focus is in search box, and when a change is made to the search input.
doc-website/replace_search: 13120f941c | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/options-search/options-search.js
Add search type to info

After number of matches report, state of engine (loose/strict) is reported Try searching on 'ao' and then toggling state with `Alt-L`
doc-website/replace_search: e36bbd649e | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/options-search/options-search.js
fix typo ! -> :