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Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc-website/fix_special_filenames: 684a0a9c0f | finanalyst++ | 5 files
fix issue #288 problem searching for `\`,`.`,`..`

  - searching for one of the above yields candidates that are named, eg.`routine/.`, but a page gets a 404.
  - after some testing on various browsers/OS, it seems that those three specific character sequences cannot be used as filenames everywhere. Browsers/OS modify the URL before it reaches the server
  - To overcome this behaviour, the three composite filenames `.` `..` `\` are mapped to URLs that will be preserved.
  - This patch only affects three filenames and does not affect any other name.
  - This problem was also present in the Documentable build of the website.
  - patch changes `secondaries` plugin to create the url, and place the url in the podf structure. The `options-search` plugin is modified to pick up the url from the podf structure instead of forming the name by a rule.
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #306:
fix issue #288 problem searching for `\`,`.`,`..`
finanalyst [Coke]: now that the search refactoring has been merged, what should happen to all the issues with the SEARCH label? 09:23
Can I close them all as completed?
Or do you want to go through them to see that they have been fully addressed? 09:24
[Coke] For big stuff, it's good to have a reviewer separate from the implementor; I can review them. 11:27
coleman finanalyst: maybe leave a comment on the issues that ought to be closed to start with? 16:22
[Coke] Sure, and feel free to assign them to me.
Geth doc-website/main: 18a1135a02 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 5 files
fix issue #288 problem searching for `\`,`.`,`..` (#306)

  - searching for one of the above yields candidates that are named, eg.`routine/.`, but a page gets a 404.
  - after some testing on various browsers/OS, it seems that those three specific character sequences cannot be used as filenames everywhere. Browsers/OS modify the URL before it reaches the server
  - To overcome this behaviour, the three composite filenames `.` `..` `\` are mapped to URLs that will be preserved.
  - This patch only affects three filenames and does not affect any other name.
  - This problem was also present in the Documentable build of the website.
  - patch changes `secondaries` plugin to create the url, and place the url in the podf structure. The `options-search` plugin is modified to pick up the url from the podf structure instead of forming the name by a rule.
¦ doc-website: finanalyst self-assigned The tables in the documents are very packed 20:17
¦ doc-website: finanalyst self-assigned search results scroll bar broken 20:24
¦ doc-website: finanalyst self-unassigned search results scroll bar broken
¦ doc-website: finanalyst assigned to coke Issue search results scroll bar broken
¦ doc-website: finanalyst self-unassigned Notes on latest search updates 20:26
¦ doc-website: finanalyst assigned to coke Issue Notes on latest search updates
¦ doc-website: finanalyst assigned to coke Issue Provide keyboard shortcut for focusing the "Search" field 20:29
¦ doc-website: finanalyst assigned to coke Issue Correctly represent namespace separators in the search box 20:36
NemokoschKiwi Is there anybody who self-hosts an instance of the website for testing purposes? Is it possible that it reaches 6GB RAM during the secondary generation and never lets go of this memory? 20:40
Geth ¦ doc-website: coke self-assigned Matches in Language should get priority 20:44
NemokoschKiwi it's suspicious that it shouldn't use gigabytes of memory, I wonder if it's an environmental thing or there really is some serious resource leakage 20:49
Geth ¦ doc-website: finanalyst unassigned from Altai-man Issue Typing a search term and hitting return always gives first result from menu of indexed items 20:56
¦ doc-website: finanalyst assigned to coke Issue Typing a search term and hitting return always gives first result from menu of indexed items
Geth doc: tbrowder++ created pull request #4376:
Clarify use of the '$?DISTRIBUTION.ver' (and '.content') methods