00:05 Voldenet_ joined 00:06 Voldenet left, Voldenet_ is now known as Voldenet 04:32 sena_kun joined 08:39 sena_kun left 11:29 sena_kun joined
Geth doc/main: d6db7e0b62 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Type/Attribute.rakudoc
Document has $!foo is built(:bind)
[Coke] lizmat: there's an extra closing } in that code snippet 16:23
also: Failed test 'C<Proxy> should be L<C<Proxy>|/type/Proxy>' 16:24
lizmat looks
[Coke] Let me know if you like I can fix those.
Geth doc/main: 85c9a53e56 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Type/Attribute.rakudoc
Remove exitraneous }

Coke++ for spotting
21:42 sena_kun left