Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc-website/dev: 3c4660a09b | finanalyst++ | META6.json
bump ver of Rainbow to faster one.
Geth doc-website/docs-dev: 9 commits pushed by finanalyst++, (Coleman McFarland)++ 19:55
coleman patrickb: assuming Richard's latest commit truly uses Rainbow, this webpage is using it 20:15
patrickb Yes, that's Rainbow highlighting. I recognize the bugs. :-P 20:31
coleman Well done, in any case. I'm inclined to merge just to get rid of the npm dependency. 20:42
If we can really remove one more reason to use node, that's huge 20:43
patrickb o/ 21:19
coleman finanalyst: you can push to docs-dev branch and it will be deployed again. I have deployed your dev branch. 21:20
patrickb I'm all for replacing the npm dep. I would have preferred the RakuAST deparse based highlighter. But IIUC it's not ready for prime time yet. 21:21
o/ finanalyst
coleman where and how should people file bugs for Rainbow? 21:24
patrickb 21:39
coleman Got it, thank you :) 21:43
patrickb Yeah, the linking is suboptimal on The uplinks from the ticket/list/git/... sites up to the project hub are missing. It's on their evergrowing todo list... 21:45