Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
07:27 finanalyst joined 08:14 finanalyst left 08:24 sena_kun joined 09:56 finanalyst joined 12:32 finanalyst left 12:45 finanalyst joined
Geth doc-website/remove_redundant_text: 3e3d9b1cd8 | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/page-styling/page-styling.raku
when shortcuts disabled, the "tool-tips" were left in

  - removing tool-tips from page-styling
  - remove disabling option from More
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #373:
when shortcuts disabled, the "tool-tips" were left in
[Coke] "Apple Books supports EPUB 3.3" 13:40 13:46
That's the validation errors which may be preventing work in apple books
14:15 finanalyst left
coleman [Coke] I edited your issue to collapse the error message into a drop down 14:49
GitHub markdown supports (some) inline HTML, so you can use the <details></details> tag!
Just make sure there is a newline above and below any triple backtick code fence ``` 14:50
[Coke] coleman++ 15:05
18:18 Geth left, Geth joined 23:24 sena_kun left