Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc-website/update_cro_app_for_pretty_urls: eb06efbe58 | finanalyst++ | 2 files
This PR updates the Cro-app for the secondary refactoring

Cro is not used for build, and only exists if someone wants to clone repo for local build and then serve those files.
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #259:
This PR updates the Cro-app for the secondary refactoring
doc-website/fail-on-missing-highlighter: 19d1ab91fc | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Assert presence of atom-perl-highlighter on PATH

If we don't have this executable, highlighting doesn't happen.
doc-website/fail-on-missing-highlighter: 80bf72098a | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Assert presence of atom-perl-highlighter on PATH

If we don't have this executable, highlighting doesn't happen.
doc-website/fail-on-missing-highlighter: db77fd52bf | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Assert presence of atom-perl-highlighter on PATH

If we don't have this executable, highlighting doesn't happen.
doc-website/fail-on-missing-highlighter: bf8e19c40e | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Assert presence of atom-perl-highlighter on PATH

If we don't have this executable, highlighting doesn't happen.
doc-website: dontlaugh++ created pull request #261:
Assert presence of atom-perl-highlighter on PATH
doc-website/main: 15c1bcbd7d | (Coleman McFarland)++ (committed by Will Coleda) | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Assert presence of atom-perl-highlighter on PATH

If we don't have this executable, highlighting doesn't happen.
doc-website/install-highlighter-during-build: 5115555dbe | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Install highlighter every time
doc-website/install-highlighter-during-build: 53a530aed1 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Add MoarVM bin install dir to PATH
doc-website/install-highlighter-during-build: 97abbf2d21 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Add MoarVM bin install dir to PATH
doc-website/install-highlighter-during-build: 9b191b2801 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Add MoarVM bin install dir to PATH
coleman The dependencies for this highlighter thing are a nightmare 17:57
I don't like reaching into personal repos for this core stuff 17:58
[Coke] I think our goal is to replace the atom highlighter with RakuAST at some point. 18:03
Raku and Perl have many "big" modules that are owned by individuals and the not the community, so I wouldn't in general be worried about that. 18:12
... depending on the module, and the individual, and how often it's been updated, etc.
coleman Okay, well, as an architectual point, it's a problem 18:14
This is a problem: 18:15
I shouldn't need to chase that stuff; it should take params, etc. 18:16
I'm going to take some time to re-learn how this works this afternoon 18:17
Oh [Coke] can you try something for me 18:18
[Coke] yes? 18:19
coleman actually nvm
[Coke] ok 18:20
coleman I was goieng to ask for you to connect buildkite to github, but i think I can do that 19:18
Temporarily reducing the number of build agents 20:30
[Coke] okD
coleman I am testing my changes to the base image
Geth doc-website/revert-assertion: aad09478b2 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Revert assertion
coleman I think that assertion is invalid, but it's hard to tell. atom-perl-highlighter might be the name of a directory 20:36
and only that
[Coke] tag richard and make him fix it? 20:42
coleman it was my misunderstanding. The issue I opened on his repo would be the most helpful 20:43
Give the caller more power somehow. Maybe it's a config option I don't know about. 20:44
[Coke] +1 20:50
Geth doc-website/revert-assertion: b90e75c349 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Revert assertion
doc-website: dontlaugh++ created pull request #262:
Revert assertion
doc-website/main: b90e75c349 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Revert assertion
doc-website/main: 74e28b36d6 | (Coleman McFarland)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .buildkite/pipeline.yaml
Merge pull request #262 from Raku/revert-assertion

Revert assertion
coleman Scaling CI agents back out. 23:45
Triggered multiple builds to "warm" the agents. An initial build can take 20 minutes. 23:53