Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
coleman Very strongly against taking over Ctrl+F 15:43
Forward slash "/" is a more common choice. GitHub uses it for focusing search. 15:44
lizmat that's very vim like, no? 15:51
coleman I suppose you're right! My chief concern is making sure that we do not break the native browser Ctrl+F 15:54
lizmat that's a point :-)
patrickb I fully agree not to kill the Browser native CTRL+F. / is a choice I have observed in other places as well. 16:00
coleman patrickb: Would you mind saying so? 16:04
I feel outnumbered at the moment.
[Coke] do you see a button in the upper right? 16:13
You might need to be logged in 16:14
Geth doc: 2colours++ created pull request #4367:
Change `contains` snippet to a non-trap
[Coke] will try logging in next time there's a failed build, thanks 23:59