Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
00:00 finanalyst left 00:08 kjp joined
Geth doc/main: 5604bd8bbc | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc
Add 「…」, ‘…’, and “…” as Regex syntax
doc: codesections++ created pull request #4397:
Replace incorrect use of "currying" with "priming"
04:22 kjp left 04:29 kjp joined 04:37 kjp left 04:42 kjp joined 09:16 finanalyst joined 09:42 finanalyst left 10:18 sena_kun joined
[Coke] lizmat: You OK with the currying/priming change? I hadn't heard priming before. 14:08
If so, please feel free to press the button (or I can)
ah, missed followup chat on PR 14:29
Voldenet the whole discussion only makes sense if you throw in languages that actually make currying practical because of their type system 14:43
so, non-haskell people will call it currying no matter if docs call it that 14:45
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ab5tract_ right? Is it just a Raku mistake or is this a misnomer that is generally applied by those who don’t really know or care about the distinction between partial function application and currying? 19:43
Voldenet it's the latter and probably a lost battle 21:12
like some people consider js promise a monad
22:44 finanalyst left 23:23 sena_kun left