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Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
[Coke] did kick off a build? doesn't look like error-report was updated. 00:39
er, a deploy?
coleman The buildkite-agent is running but it is having trouble connecting to the server 16:04
seems good now 16:07
[Coke] ok - error-report was not regen'd by that, will try another docs-dev commit to poke it 17:42
Geth doc-website/docs-dev: df2c554c89 | (Will Coleda)++ |
[Coke] TIL about git -C 17:56
... Wow, that would have saved me some effort in a raku script I wrote to checkout all the git repos in an azdo project.
ok. completed... does this result in a deploy? 17:57
lizmat heh... will need to remember that for App::Rak --show-blame option :-)
[Coke] ok, it hasn't updated the website by now either. Coleman, how do I get an update to date build of the site (not just the latest docs) to deploy to docs-dev? I've been pushing changes to raku/doc:main, then doing a whitespace change on raku/doc-website:docs-dev 18:09
Is there a buildkite pipeline i need to trigger? something else?
[Coke] will try to do a local build, I guess. 18:10
oh, I think I missed the "then every 30m a deploy is done", and that's not tracked on buildkite. 18:11
would really like a way to monitor that "every 30m" bit. 18:48
I'm not seeing my expected changes yet.
So I am sure I'm missing some step here.
coleman the tag was updated 18:52
checking the site 18:53
[Coke] The shas at seem to be correct. 18:57
[Coke] so I was expecting error-report to be much shorter. I'll try to find an explicit one that doesn't seem right, maybe I didn't fix what I thought. 18:59
ARGH. So the first of the bad links I checked, it was still really a bad link I hadn't fixed. Figures! 21:00
Geth doc/main: a89742bdfe | (Will Coleda)++ | 11 files
fix more links

Part of #4476
doc-website/fix_issue_403: ecc441d4d5 | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/link-error-test/let-templates.raku
addresses issue in #403 adds time/date in glitches section
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #404:
addresses issue in #403 adds time/date in glitches section
doc-website/main: a754afa082 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Website/plugins/link-error-test/let-templates.raku
addresses issue in #403 adds time/date in glitches section (#404)
Geth doc-website/fix_issue_401: e563ff9d07 | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/link-error-test/let-callable.raku
addresses issue in #401 whitelists all links with typegraphs

  - all typegraph headings have an id of typegraphrelations
  - if a target contains this, the target is passed
  - it will not work if the target is in an external file, so this test is too broad, but given the rarity of such a link, I think this fix is the best use of time
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #405:
addresses issue in #401 whitelists all links with typegraphs