10:31 sena_kun joined 12:24 finanalyst joined 12:33 finanalyst left 12:34 finanalyst joined
Geth doc-website/docs-dev: 3ce93bc504 | finanalyst++ | 4 files
Sync to Rainbow v0.3.0, changes in SCSS variable names
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #423:
Sync to Rainbow v0.3.0, changes in SCSS variable names
doc/main: 4aab8e24c1 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc
Make ini file example not nested twice

In the rendering on docs.raku.org it's a raku-code/raku-lang with a nohighlights inside of it, which is probably not what we want
23:12 sena_kun left