timo | 4 seconds of kernel time is also suspicious. could be from spawning processes for example. were they just running "rakudo" and waiting for it to show up or something? so that we would be loading (and precompiling) the readline modules for example? | 00:03 | |
148 megabytes of max resident size isn't much more than the 120 i get when i just run rakudo -e '' | 00:04 | ||
no it seems like it runs "raku /tmp/tmp.blabla" with a say hello in it | 00:06 | ||
[Coke] | in the linked article, they're just running 'raku --version', though | 00:14 | |
(as far as I can tell) | |||
timo | from what i see that's just the "setup block" that gets the versions for the output in the table later when the "run" function is used | 00:16 | |
`echo 'mkstemp(/tmp/tmp.XXXXXX)' | m4` is certainly not one i've seen before | 00:17 | ||
i'm assuming that's because you can't assume the sh you're working with has much of anything? | |||
coleman | m4 is POSIX? | 00:21 | |
I see that it is. How convenient! | 00:22 | ||
lizmat | note that the times are (s; x100) | 00:25 | |
timo | oh, time to do "hello world" a hundred times? | 00:51 | |
"Performance counter stats for 'rakudo -e say "hello"' (100 runs):" / "115.11 msec task-clock" | 00:53 | ||
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Xliff | m: say <a b c d> Z (0 xx 4) | 13:04 | |
camelia | ((a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0)) | ||
Xliff | m: my @a = <a b c d>; say @a Z (0 xx 4) | ||
camelia | ((a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0)) | ||
Geth | ecosystem/main: cf842b6ac1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list Remove WWW::DuckDuckGo It lives on as a Raku Community module now |
14:55 | |
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Geth | ecosystem/main: bae70787c6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list Removed Text::LDIF It lives on as a Raku Community module |
15:42 | |
librasteve | m: say <a b c d> Z 0 xx *; | 16:49 | |
evalable6 | ((a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0)) | ||
Raku eval | ((a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0)) | ||
Geth | ecosystem/main: a8e5eadfbb | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list Removed Texas::To::Uni It now lives on as ASCII::To::Uni as a Raku Community module |
16:52 | |
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m.dango | I'm finding one of the ironic realities of unemployment is that I actually have less time for open-source projects, or coding in general, and most of my time is spent on forms and cover letters instead of code 🥲 | 18:50 | |
antononcube | Can that application process be automated? | 18:53 | |
With Raku or otherwise... | |||
m.dango | Only for the basics really. A well-written cover letter catered to each role is a necessity for the state of the job market, at a minimum. Beyond that some forms have their own registration processes, custom questions/dropdowns. Given my industry experience is almost entirely with Perl, competition is tough. Roles I have gone through the interview process for end up picking candidates with more direct experience in | 18:59 | |
their field/tech stack. | |||
antononcube | Which market? USA, EU? (I assume the former.) | 19:03 | |
m.dango | UK | ||
antononcube | Ah... I see | 19:04 | |
ab5tract | m: say <a b c d> X 0 | 19:51 | |
camelia | ((a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0)) | ||
ab5tract | librasteve: don’t forget the power of X :) | ||
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librasteve | .oO | 21:08 | |
timo | Z also stops at the end of the shorter sequence, so you can Z with (0 xx *) | 21:19 | |
m: my @a = <a b c d>; say @a Z (0 xx *) | |||
camelia | ((a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0)) | ||
nahita3882 | you can equivalently do @a Z 0, * to that effect | 22:19 | |
@a Z (0, *) reads slightly better | 22:20 | ||
(than without parens) | |||
timo | m: my @a = <a b c d>; say @a Z <0 *> | 22:30 | |
camelia | ((a 0) (b *)) | ||
timo | aww :) | ||
lizmat | m: say <a b c d> >>,>> <0 *> | 22:35 | |
camelia | ((a 0) (b *) (c 0) (d *)) | ||
timo | hehe. | 22:36 | |
ab5tract | no parens necessary for @a Z 0 xx * | ||
timo | ah, useful | 22:37 | |
Xliff | Oh, nice. Folks actually played with it. | 23:04 | |
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