jjatria sjn: I am! I'll be giving a talk about my Perl OpenTelemetry work. We should be able to catch up there if not sooner 14:41
sjn ok, cool 15:19
sjn needs to submit a talk too
and find a place to stay, and a flight to catch...
lizmat jjatria: I'm seeing some updated of modules on gitlab, e.g. raku.land/gitlab:stmuk/Task::Galaxy 16:34
the only reason I think this was done, is that I left an issue there that it would not be updated anymore
gitlab.com/stmuk/p6-task-galaxy/-/issues/2 16:35
seems like adding an issue triggers "new module" logic?
tonyo i'd be interested to know too since i make available the metadata authors would like public via zef eco 18:36
lizmat jjatria: Interested in taking over Terminal::WCWidth, or shall I move it to the Raku Community modules? github.com/bluebear94/Math-Random/...2271825298 19:59