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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:35 jgaz left 01:50 hulk joined, kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 04:13 MasterDuke left 05:09 dawids joined 05:17 dawids_ joined 05:19 dawids left 06:47 dawids_ left 07:37 sena_kun joined 07:40 Sgeo left 08:10 sena_kun left
Geth ecosystem/main: ff557c4947 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove distributions by 7ojo

Jarkko Haapalainen has archived these repositories in 2018 already, so no updates can be expected, so the versions in the REA will be up to date
ecosystem/main: 6b599d04bf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove distributions by afiskon

Aleksander Alekseev has archived these repositories in 2018 already, so no updates can be expected, so the versions in the REA will be up to date
ecosystem/main: e52c7270a0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove AlexDaniel's "foo" ecosystem testing modules

They are static and live as such in the REA
ecosystem/main: d21865b9b1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Getopt-Kinoko as it has been archived

So the version in the REA is up to date
11:48 lizmat_ joined 11:52 lizmat left 12:02 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined
tbrowder need some advice, pls: i have a class that encapsulates all glyph info on one font at one scaled size. i want it to have a method to calculate the several attributes of a string set with that class and pass all to a caller. the returned object would be a struct in C++. would (or could) such an object in Raku be an "is built" class? in short, what does the "is built" trait mean? 12:11
hm, i could just as well return a Hash 12:13
never mind. got it. thanks. 12:16
(aka throw it up on the wall and see if it sticks) 12:17
Geth ecosystem/main: 34028b28a2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Linux::Process::SignalInfo

as its repo has been archived, so the version in the REA is up-tp-date
ecosystem/main: ae7ca6f4fb | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove heather/ignore

This repository no longer exists
antononcube @tbrowder I've argued here before with others telling them that I cannot do data wrangling with their classes, and I would rather use the Hash representation instead. 12:46
Geth ecosystem/main: af057cd416 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove distribution as a gist

This is no longer supported indirectly anyway, so the version in the REA is up to date
13:05 xinming left 13:08 xinming joined
Geth ecosystem/main: 605c831fad | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Raku community modules

Maintainers of Raku community modules are aware that they must push any updates to the zef ecosystem
14:05 guifa joined
Geth ecosystem/main: be6855178a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove sergot's dists that have been archived
ecosystem/main: e9894c15e1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove stmuk's modules on Github

As they have all been archived so the version in the REA is up-to-date
14:48 jgaz joined
Geth ecosystem/main: a964be2f6e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove archived dist by ugexe

It lives in the REA now
ecosystem/main: 6379f91182 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove xfix' repos that have been archived

They live in the REA now
ecosystem/main: f2d5b17e40 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove yuvipands's dist as it has been archived
15:21 xinming left, Aedil left, xinming joined
guifa ugh why does macOS make it so hard to have a window with a title bar but also no bottom corners. *sigh* 15:51
tellable6 2024-07-22T18:52:55Z #raku-dev <lizmat> guifa sorry, there's not enough Raku content on that page
guifa doesn't even remember what he sent lizmat lol 15:52
15:54 thaewrapt left
Geth ecosystem/main: f1a1162f82 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Siavash's modules, they are not usable anymore

See gitlab.com/CIAvash/App-Football/-/...033466946m
16:05 thaewrapt joined 16:12 thaewrapt left 16:15 thaewrapt joined
guifa hooray 16:58
I now have a functioning canvas-y like module
make a canvas with a height/width, and then it opens up a window you can draw in
right now hyper limited (pixel only drawing, and mac only) but hey, it's a start
lizmat guifa++ 16:59
guifa but it does have two way communication between the canvas process so could lead way to clickable elements too 17:00
antononcube Interesting. 17:03
guifa Unfortuately right now you can't just send a gazillion operations at once, as I'm lazy and using a WebView canvas 17:19
and I think if I make too many calls to JS at once some wires get crossed and it crashes, so I probably need to make a queue but I'm *really* lazy lol 17:20
17:27 gfldex left
antononcube @guifa So, my "JavaScripdt::D3" is better than yours! 17:32
17:33 gfldex joined
I do have the problem that JS graphics (and, hence, "JavaScripdt::D3") do not render reliably in Jupyter. 17:33
@guifa I have been thinking what would be a Raku-graphics system developed "from scratch." I assume your "Canvas" efforts are from that POV? 17:34
(I am only interested in hijacking some established solutions, not developing a graphics system from scratch.) 17:35
guifa I guess yeah. Basically you'll say Canvas.new(width => ..., height => ...); and then set pixels with, e.g. Canvas.pixel(x,y,r,g,b) 17:37
the first one launches the subprocess with the height/width args, and then a communication link is formed
commands are literally as simple as "pixel(50,50,0,0,0)" which sets the pixel at 50,50 to black 17:38
or title("Foo") which sets the title bar
antononcube 👍 17:39
guifa obvs next is to add basic line / rect support. image will be trickier
antononcube Right, that is why I use "D3.js" those kind of things are solved. 17:40
And 'Google Charts" is even more "pre-canned."
guifa I like doing the lower level stuff ha (although just getting a raw set of bytes to write into for graphics is surprisingly more complicated than I thought it would be, so much is designed to be much more higher level) 17:41
holmdunc A binding to this could be good for easy pixel-level drawing github.com/emoon/minifb 17:44
17:48 Aedil joined
guifa ah that's basically what I'm doing haha 17:51
17:51 skyesoss joined
holmdunc HTML <canvas> is probably better though, cos on most OS its drawing functions are likely GPU-accelerated 17:56
guifa And any system that supports a WebView will have it work. It also has a really simple mental model, which is good enough for me. If I need more, if I've got a simple enough protocol I can switch to another library later 18:02
18:21 defaultxr left
[Coke] the authors and auth for raku/doc is listed as "perl6" - it's not currently installable, but I want to update those. any issue just changing them to "raku" ? 18:36
18:55 sena_kun joined
Geth ecosystem: skaji++ created pull request #631:
remove my modules
ecosystem/main: e5753caa59 | (Shoichi Kaji)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
remove my modules (#631)
20:00 guifa left 20:12 Aedil left
Geth ecosystem/main: ff873e24b6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
This repository has been removed
ecosystem/main: 5c89c123a3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove dists that have been archived.

See github.com/dnmfarrell/Pod-Perl5/is...2271640827
20:26 xinming left 21:05 skyesoss left 21:15 jgaz left 21:40 skyesoss joined 21:47 xinming joined 22:06 guifa joined 22:12 xinming left 22:14 Sgeo joined 22:26 sena_kun left