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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Nemokosch I realized why .= is such a tough case, by the way 00:02
it is not really just another shortcut assignment operator, even though it looks like one 00:04
it mostly has method call semantics
the docs don't imply it's a methodoperator but it definitely behaves like . operators
the . part dominates the = part
for example, .= acting on the topic operator cannot be explained from the shortcut assignment nature, only from the method call nature 00:05
and the precedence is also like that
guifa .= is a method operator. It's the method op . with the metaop = The catch is just that (right now) that IIRC it needs to be special cased in the compiler 02:34
Nemokosch so yeah... here it seems like yet another X= operator docs.raku.org/routine/.= 08:41
Here it's noted as a methodop docs.raku.org/language/operators#methodop_.= 08:47
Voldenet It's a problem, because method calls don't need () 08:53
m: sub infix:<.&>($t, &call) { call($t) }; sub x { "x$^a" }; my $p = "hi"; $p .&= &x ; say $p 08:54
camelia xhi
Voldenet (the .&= operator doesn't exist)
and the &x looks like an ugly syntax thanks to that
tonyo m: sub x($self is rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r.&x; dd $r 08:59
camelia Int $r = 42
Voldenet the .& is the source of my endless sadness, btw 09:00
m: sub x($self is rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r .& x; dd $r
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call (only basic method calls that exclusively use a dot can be detached)
at <tmp>:1
------> s rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r .⏏& x; dd $r
Voldenet m: sub x($self is rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r .&x; dd $r
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call (only basic method calls that exclusively use a dot can be detached)
at <tmp>:1
------> s rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r .⏏&x; dd $r
Voldenet since it doesn't work like a normal operator, it doesn't like any whitespace 09:01
tonyo m: sub x($self is rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r\ .&x; dd $r 09:02
camelia Int $r = 42
Voldenet m: sub x($self is rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r\ .&\ x; dd $r 09:03
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing required term after infix
at <tmp>:1
------> { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r\ .&\ x⏏; dd $r
expecting any of:
tonyo m: class XXX { method hi() { "hi".say; } }; my $x = XXX.new; $x. hi; # didn't realize this didn't need un-whitespaced
camelia hi
tonyo that does seem a bit inconsistent
Voldenet it gets especially hairy when your method calls are obnoxiously long
because of nested lambdas and so on 09:04
I'm betting that rakuast will be able to rewrite those easily
tonyo you could just hop on the tuxic slang and make that work ^ 09:13
lizmat hmmm... the tuxic slang is hairy enough as it is... :-)
tonyo m: sub x($self is rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r.: x; dd $r 09:14
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call
at <tmp>:1
------> s rw) { $self = 42; }; my $r = 21; $r.:⏏ x; dd $r
lizmat tonyo: I seem to be missing context on " looks like no extra processing is done on $thisname in that method - i'm basically just trying to inject some data into the `use` statement as a shortcut"
tonyo i'm messing around with the do_pramga_or_load_module 09:15
lizmat aah... ok
wow, that's been a while :-)
tonyo eight years for most of it 09:16
lizmat Looks like it is only there to handle -M command line argument ? 09:19
in what looks like a bad hack to me now, really :-)
Nemokosch I got disturbed and didn't follow 09:24
Oh yeah, what I wanted to say is...
I don't know what the implications (of .= being a methodop) are on the user's end, but I think it's a source of confusion that it's advertised as [something=] kind of operator when it's in fact rather a [.something] kind of operator 09:26
lizmat fwiw, it took Juerd a long time to convince TimToady for that feature :-) 09:27
Nemokosch its current precedence and syntactic position makes it seem more like a "mutating method call" than "infix dot applied in an assignment shortcut" 09:28
I hope I'm making sense 09:30
tonyo lizmat: it's used in the `<use>` grammar as well 09:32
lizmat yeah, but without the additional $thisname argument
is what I meant to say :-)
tonyo ah 09:33
Voldenet I totally get the point about mutating method call, but in fact it _can_ be mutating without that extra bit 09:40
Nemokosch yes yes, sure thing 09:45
it's just that the dot is the fixed part of this "operator cluster", not the =
it could be .! or something
Voldenet the thing I don't fancy about immutability is that methods `$obj.do-mutation` and `$obj .= with-mutation` can't be marked mutable/immutable anyhow 09:46
Nemokosch because it's not really like $a = $a.method 09:47
well the latter does mutate, no matter what
the former also could, that we don't know 09:48
Voldenet imo the `$a .= b` should be equivalent to `$a = $a.b` 09:50
Nemokosch What about `$a .= b.c`? 09:54
Voldenet `$a = $a.b.c`
Voldenet imo it gets a lot easier to reason about when it works like that 09:55
The only exception I could see is the ()-form call, so `$a .= &b(1, *, 3)` would become `$a = b(1, $a, 3)` but honestly I'm not sure if that's practical 09:57
especially that there'd be multiple ways to achieve that without fancy syntax 10:00
Nemokosch Then yeah no, doesn't work that way 10:01
Voldenet sure it doesn't 10:02
Nemokosch But also, last time tonyo pointed out that .= method can work on the topic variable 10:03
That capability also comes from the dot, against the nature of a regular infix 10:04
Voldenet wait what 10:05
m: $_ = 42; .= msb; .say 10:06
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> $_ = 42; .=⏏ msb; .say
Voldenet m: $_ = 42; .=msb; .say
camelia 5
Voldenet …huh
Voldenet cool and spooky 10:07
Nemokosch I know right? 😄 I mean I kinda like this, in isolation, but would expect it to fail if .= is a shortcut assignment
El_Che hi 10:10
tellable6 2022-09-15T15:05:15Z #raku <melezhik> El_Che I have freed up memory on VM, the link should be accessible now - sparrowhub.io:4000/report/rakudo-build/5367
2022-09-15T21:00:45Z #raku <melezhik> El_Che the should work - sparky.sparrowhub.io/report/rakudo-build/5367
2022-09-16T14:28:55Z #raku <melezhik> El_Che I will think about it, there is another build for fedora os - sparky.sparrowhub.io/report/rakudo-build/5410
2022-09-16T17:44:38Z #raku <melezhik> El_Che I enabled color output for sparky builds - sparky.sparrowhub.io/report/rakudo-build/5449
El_Che lizmat: ping
lizmat pong
El_Che just checking
it's like people pingen google.com in a test
lizmat hehe 10:11
El_Che (but with caring on how you are doing :) )
moritz you could at least print round trip time and package loss, El_Che :D
lizmat :-)
El_Che she's almost local in my case :)
lizmat yeah, only 120km or so :-)
moritz it's been far too long that I've been local there... :-) 10:12
lizmat moritz: indeed 10:12
Nemokosch Moritz also showed up, hello, just in time for my joke 10:14
Voldenet Nemokosch: Though no lvalue seems like a special case of `.=` (that turns the first operand into $_), similar to how `- 42` can be special case of `0 - 42`
tellable6 Voldenet, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Nemokosch I have the feeling that the Raku grammar is complex... however
The Raku grammar of the Raku grammar, is probably even more complex
Voldenet it's not that complex, it's only one file… :D 10:15
moritz that's not quite true
it inherits from the NQP grammar (or mixes in some roles? or so) 10:16
Voldenet jokes aside, it's most sane that there's a difference between `.= a .= b and .= a.b` but I'm not sure if that's useful in practice 10:20
Voldenet especially when most things don't mix mutable/immutable apis 10:35
Nemokosch Let me alter your statement 10:47
"It's most sane that there's a difference between `+= a += b` and `+= a + b`
How do we feel about this? 10:48
Voldenet `+ b` has no mutable side effects
that's why it's nonsense
but `.=a.b` can make sense when .b is side-effect and .a creates a copy 10:50
m: my $a = [1, 2, 3]; my $b = $a; $b.=clone.pop.say; ($a, $b).say 10:52
camelia 3
([1 2 3] [1 2])
Nemokosch + b could also have mutable side-effects though, it's a mere convention that it doesn't 10:54
Voldenet Right, it _has_ side-effects
can set cpu flags 10:55
lizmat Nemokosch: by that notion, *anything* in Raku can have side effects, even just accessing a variable's value if it has a Proxy in which the FETCH does a counter increment 10:57
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
lizmat so the remark that + b can have side-effects, is really kicking in an open door 10:58
Nemokosch Yes, and I wanted to draw attention to something else anyway. I don't think - partially because of what you are pointing out - that the mutating/non-mutating approach is good here 11:02
I wanted to point out that chaining "shortcut assignments" is conceptually bizarre 11:03
Raku sometimes throws warnings about things that work but "you probably don't want". Now, I think `x op= y op= z` is a candidate for that 11:04
Regardless whether op tends to mutate or not 11:05
Kaiepi chaining of =, albeit niche, can be useful with custom containers 11:07
i've depended on it once 11:08
just adding more operations on top narrows that further
Nemokosch I think for these discussions, we badly need to decide on certain presumptions. Like here: do we consider .= "the always-mutating dot" - or do we consider it "the short-hand assignment with dot as the infix"? 11:10
Kaiepi it's an assignment of the return value of a method call, down to the grammar level
lizmat m: my $a := 42; $a .= Str 11:11
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int (42)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat clearly it is an assignment
Nemokosch If it is an assignment, I think it should behave just like +=. With that precedence and failing in prefix position 11:14
lizmat m: $_ := 42; .= Str
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> $_ := 42; .=⏏ Str
lizmat m: $_ = 42; .= Str 11:15
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> $_ = 42; .=⏏ Str
lizmat seems to me it does ?
Voldenet m: $_ = 42; .=Str 11:17
camelia ( no output )
Voldenet don't even ask why
Nemokosch Oh right, it was whitespace-sensitivr 11:18
lizmat m: $_ = 42; .=Str; dd $_ # duh :-)
camelia Str $_ = "42"
Voldenet this feature works when doing data traversal: my $name = $current.=sender.=as-person.name; 11:19
it definitely looks weird though
Nemokosch Again, I don't mind that it does something, but I suppose your average op= wouldn't work in prefix position 😛 11:20
Voldenet m: class Fun { has $.s = (); method FALLBACK($v) { self.new: s => (|$!s, $v) }; method presents { say "I am {self} now" }; method Str { $!s.join(" ") }}; my Fun $a .= new; $a.=ministry.=of.=silly.=apis.presents; 11:22
camelia I am ministry of silly apis now
lizmat m: $_ = 42; say .++; .say 11:25
camelia 42
lizmat still, I think TimToady thought it would be too magic if += 42 in a prefix position would apply to $_ 11:26
now, anything starting with a . in a prefix position is more natural, as that is widely used 11:27
Nemokosch yes, I think that's "defendable" or how to put it 11:34
I can take the argument that operators starting with the dot have this widely used "magic behavior" 11:35
tonyo lizmat: re(irclogs.raku.org/raku/2022-09-15.html#21:49) - do you recall what module it was? or, if you're around, can we do that right now and i can watch the log? 12:35
lizmat irclogs.raku.org/raku/2022-08-27.html#10:25 12:37
also: irclogs.raku.org/raku/2022-08-26.html#22:38 12:38
the module was rak, version 0.0.14
raku.land/zef:lizmat/rak does not list version 0.14
lizmat tonyo: is that what you wanted to know ? 12:50
tonyo yea 12:52
are you able to send it up right now? i don't keep logs that far back
lizmat uploaded rak 0.0.14 just now 13:01
tonyo tak
looks like it indexed 13:02
lizmat but it did not index then :-(
tonyo booo, hopefully i am a little more attentive next time it's refusing to index 13:03
lizmat fwiw, I also didn't get mail that the index failed 13:04
it just said it was going to be indexed after the upload, and then didn't (silently)
tonyo ahh, i'm not seeing a log file was even created for it - wonder if aws was having some problems 13:06
jjatria FWIW, it was the same for me: my latest attempt for HTTP::Tiny didn't index
tonyo jjatria: you want to give it a shot now while i'm in there looking at logs? 13:07
jjatria Let's see
Ok, it said it would index shortly 13:11
I didn't keep the old tarball around, so I minted a new one
tonyo i don't see it even getting to aws .. hmm 13:14
jjatria Is there a debug option I can set to send you more detailed output, maybe? 13:15
tonyo 0.2.4 ? 13:18
there's a flag to keep the .tar.gz around 13:19
i think i do actually see it, and it did get stored, just not indexed - may be a bug 360.zef.pm/H/TT/HTTP_TINY/e147a2a973fb5eb925b776c00b3eb3b1dd8f1597.tar.gz 13:20
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2022/09/19/2022-...ther-wave/ 13:21
jjatria I've been making my own tarballs, and then using `fez upload --file` to push them 13:29
tonyo gotcha, i think i've figured out where the bug might be
jjatria tonyo: yeah, 0.2.4 was the latest one 13:30
tonyo and it's a non-obvious one of how to trigger
jjatria So the one for 0.2.3 might also be lying around somewhere in there... 🤔
lizmat tonyo: so does it depend on the content, or is there some internal issue / race condition ? 13:31
just OOC :-)
tonyo there shouldn't be a race, i think S3 is failing to update the index file and there's no retry built in 13:32
it serializes changes through a queue so the processor adds a message to the queue to add/remove (that way if you remove a dist it will actually wait to remove it until after it's been added to the index, if that makes sense) 13:33
in this case i don't know what the error is but it updated the `/H/TT/HTTP_TINY/index.json` but failed on `/index.json`
lizmat TIL you can remove a dist 13:37
tonyo only within 1 day of its upload
lizmat wow, 736 dists for yours truly :-) 13:38
1 failure on those is still pretty good :)
tonyo curl -s 360.zef.pm |jq -s '.[] | group_by(.auth) | map({auth: .[0].auth, agg: map(1) | add})' 13:41
i'm only getting 626 :) - hopefully i can fix this one and we won't see this error 13:42
Nemokosch what is the difference between a bare sub and an `only` sub? 13:53
lizmat only sub is explicit 14:00
sub a() { }
is 'our only sub a() { }'
if it is in the mainline 14:01
of a compunit
Nemokosch hmm... so you can always get away without writing `sub`, except lambdas? 14:05
moritz I think `sub a` is `my only sub a` 14:06
not our
Nemokosch my only sub... sounds much sadder 14:07
moritz or romantic, it's my only one, after all! 14:09
Nemokosch Oh okay... but then sub has a BDSM undertone, no? 🤣 14:11
melezhik o/ 14:12
tellable6 2022-09-17T16:57:27Z #raku <jdv> melezhik i tried a few ways and no joy
melezhik .tell El_Che I have integrated raku-zef-deps and sparkyci - please see this build - ci.sparrowhub.io/report/1178 , deps report 14:13
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to El_Che
melezhik deps tab 14:14
lizmat moritz: you're right, I had a Perlism in my head :- 14:15
m: sub a() { dd }; dd OUR::<&a>
camelia Any element{'&a'} = Any
lizmat m: our sub a() { dd }; dd OUR::<&a>
camelia Sub a = sub a { #`(Sub|3966133159264) ... }
lizmat m: sub a() { dd }; dd MY::<&a>
camelia Sub a = sub a { #`(Sub|5552587949408) ... }
Nemokosch so typing `only` instead of `sub` for a named function is mostly about stylistics, 14:18
so typing `only` instead of `sub` for a named function is mostly about stylistics?
Rog I thought it enforced no other candidates
Nemokosch I mean, if that's the default for subs anyway
and you can apparently drop `sub` if you type out `only`
melezhik .tell El_Che - raw.githubusercontent.com/melezhik...4%20AM.png 14:19
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to El_Che
Nemokosch > only sub you () {"Can make all the world seem right"}; 14:20
okay, this IS romantic 😄
melezhik ups probably should have told to [Coke] ))
.tell [Coke] - twitter.com/melezhik2/status/15722...9029980165 sparkyci and App::Zef-Deps integration 14:22
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
melezhik main. with-zef-deps: true in .sparkyci.yaml enables App::Zef-Deps report 14:24
tonyo just uploaded a new version of the processor that should give me some better insight ( jjatria ) 14:28
jjatria tonyo Shall I try to upload again? 14:53
tonyo yes please 14:57
lizmat m: my %a = :42a, :666b; my %b = :314c; %a ,= %b; dd %a # me just fell in love with the ,= idiom on 2 hashes 14:58
camelia Hash %a = {:a(42), :b(666), :c(314)}
jjatria Steady as she goes~ 14:59
I got the same success message as before
vrurg lizmat: live and learn, truly.
[Coke] .tell melezhik ooh, nifty 15:29
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to melezhik
jjatria tonyo: Yeah, that didn't get indexed either it seems 15:44
tonyo hmmm 15:54
it looks like it's not even processing your tar
you mind sending me the tar you've built? 15:55
jjatria Sure. Email?
tonyo yea 16:15
tonyo pmd 16:15
tonyo jjatria: bug should be fixed 20:02
if you upload again, it should index this time 20:03
lizmat tonyo++ 20:04
tonyo turns out that gzip in particular was taking longer than the lambda timeout 20:04
tonyo anyone familiar with QAST around? i would've thought that in a slang returning the QAST::Op(:bind, QAST::Var, <some val>) was the way to register a symbol in the scope 20:07
lizmat github.com/Raku/nqp/blob/master/do...t.markdown ? 20:08
tonyo i'm doing what the example says but getting that var doesn't exist in scope at runtime 20:16
vrurg tonyo: You need QAST::Var for that. 20:35
tonyo: What you do is actually `nqp::bind(sym, $val)` where `sym` is not declared yet. 20:36
tonyo gist.github.com/tonyo-tatari/ae8d8...6abd5d19e0
this is what's in the actions right now and method fact is definitely being called 20:37
the double up was me experimenting
vrurg Frankly, I don't remember what is the meaning of 'lexicalref', but just 'lexical' must work. 20:38
tonyo i get `Variable '$x' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?` with `lexical` and `lexicalref`
vrurg Could it depend on now the AST you make is used after? 20:41
now -> how
BTW, you can actually declare the symbol where you use it and reduce the number of ops. Just a note. 20:44
tonyo what do you mean? the Action isn't being applied in a way where nqp::bind can affect the scope it's used in the script 21:04
err, oh, you mean the first Var in there is unnecessary 21:08
vrurg tonyo: sorry, I'm not always around. Yes, the note was about the redundant Var. But that's minor. More important is what block the Var gets installed into? This could be the reason for the error. 21:40
tonyo part of the error was i wasn't making that stmt in the right spot, that's corrected but i still get the var not found thing. currently looking at $*W.install_lexical_symbol 21:41
vrurg Have you tried get rid of the redundant Var? There is a little chance it can help. But otherwise I suspect there is a bigger problem. 21:42
tonyo yea 21:52
just updated the gist 21:53
vrurg find_single_symbol must be wrapped into WVal. But you can use just QAST::WVal.new(:value(Any)) because you have it already in Raku. 22:35
tonyo like this? $*W.install_lexical_symbol($*W.cur_lexpad(), '$test', QAST::WVal.new(:value(Any))); 22:41
fails with: This type (Scalar) does not support positional operations
vrurg That's because they're not designed for use in Raku, but in NQP. The first arguments gets containerized. 22:46
tonyo ah
vrurg But you must not need it anyway. 22:47
tonyo what's the right way to make the symbol known at compile time so it can be known that there is a symbol with that name in the current scope?
vrurg You mean there is code ran at compile time which needs to access the symbol? 22:48
tbrowder last week i updated module V 22:50
vrurg tonyo: actually, you can try $*W.install_lexical_symbol(nqp::decont($*W.cur_lexpad()), '$test', Any). 22:52
tbrowder module Calendar which now has some limited functions, the most useful of which is the same output as the *nix program 'cal' BUT with a choice of one of 13 languages... 22:53
vrurg is afk for a while 22:54
tonyo: before I'm gone for another hour, what you probably need is the symbol to be installed at node 0 of $*W.cur_lexpad. It is a block node where 0 element is for declarations, and 1 is for the actual code. 23:04
jjatria tonyo: Thanks! I've re-uploaded, let's see what happens 23:25
tonyo Looks like no joy 23:39