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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Nemokosch also, checking it out, it may not be as useful as I first thought 00:06
Geth raku.org: 2colours++ created pull request #175:
Finanalyst patch updated
guifa_ In general, you should only worry about underlying structures unless you have a reason to (so a b-tree might be useful for some problems when you'd be interacting directly with it, but with a hash or array, how it works under the hood may actually even vary by implementation) 02:56
lizmat Demos[m]: raku.land/zef:lizmat/Hash::Sorted 08:16
lizmat weekly: dev.to/lizmat/a-gaze-of-iterators-part-2-356f 09:50
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
Nemokosch Lizmat++ 10:16
Nemokosch m: say (①..⑩).map: *.Str.uninames.words.tail.lc 10:59
camelia (one two three four five six seven eight nine zero)
tellable6 2022-11-11T13:45:22Z #raku <guifa> Nemokosch: I was I could contribuet more there. I've admittedly only dipped my toes into pod6. I'm super guilty of the getting stuff to work before documenting
2022-11-12T18:18:28Z #raku <lizmat> Nemokosch: and you're thus implying that the RSC doesn't do that?
p6steve Demos[m]: I found this raku.land/zef:Scimon/BTree and this raku.land/cpan:HANENKAMP/ArrayHash (no guarantees)
Nemokosch I think the one from liz Hash::Sorted or something like that was pretty good 11:00
p6steve Demos[m]: Oh - yes Hash::Sorted sorts by key rather than insertion order 11:14
lizmat well, actually it will sort in any way *you* tell it to :-) 11:15
p6steve raku is also very good for whipping up you own custom classes, for example by mixing in the Associate role docs.raku.org/type/Associative#Met...ld_provide 11:24
lizmat see also: raku.land/zef:lizmat/Hash::Agnostic 11:25
El_Che someone else here on mastodon tooting about stuff including raku? 19:22
I already found liz :P
Voldenet I've created accounts on twitter/mastodon and never used those. It feels easier to follow discussions on chats (irc/discord/slack) or issue trackers 19:28
or SO
avuserow `with` and MAIN with Bool parameters are very nice pattern. I'm writing a small CLI to update a config file. This lets me write `MAIN(Bool $cli-flag)` and later `$conf<foo> = $_ with $cli-flag`. This leaves the current value intact if the flag is not provided. Very happy with this. 19:37
El_Che micro blogging is great for announcements and brainfarts
both can be fun
Voldenet brainfarts are better on irc, because irc is temporary, it's literally gone once it's transmitted… ;) 19:39
only 50% of users keep logs forever
El_Che I autoremove my messages after a week 19:53
builtin in Mastodon, third party or script in twitter
and this channels keeps logs :P
lizmat indeed :-) 19:58
El_Che -s 19:59
[Coke] (CAT) I for one am happy to see CAT specs, because toxic people will destroy the community. 20:37
Geth ¦ problem-solving: rba assigned to lizmat Issue Wanted: new raku infrastructure jack-of-all-trades github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/352 20:48
¦ problem-solving: rba assigned to codesections Issue Wanted: new raku infrastructure jack-of-all-trades github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/352
El_Che did something happen or is this pro-active to avoid the huge fuckup of the Perl one? 20:51
Geth ¦ problem-solving: coke assigned to codesections Issue artistic license not a default on github github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/353 21:00
lizmat El_Che: the latter, rba has indicated he isn't going anywhere anytime soon 21:22
but e.g. the new doc site takes more time to prepare and get going then he is able to spend at this time 21:23
Nemokosch the irony of "toxic people will destroy the community" is that you only need to go back a couple of years to see that almost anyone could be "proven" to be a toxic person. One could even say that "toxic people" have already destroyed the community, and not once. But honestly, from what I see, those "toxic people" weren't some ill-willed manipulators, just members of the community who happened to end up at a dead 21:30
having said that, my complaint is actually less directed against the CAT itself, more about setting the priorities. "community affairs" have a lot of bikeshedding potential and currently the main worry is the lack of activity, not the abundance of destructive forces 21:36
if the CAT can actually help people be comfortable with doing marketing & management kind of stuff, I very much welcome it 21:38
[Coke] Having had to deal with cat-level situations in multiple communities before, having clear guidelines about acceptable behavior is absolutely welcome. 21:59
Having seen people in those communities who were either deliberately hurtful OR obvlivious that their behavior was not acceptable to others in the community, having the cat makes it clear. 22:00
regarding priorities - You are welcome to your opinion about what should be prioritized; we've discussed elsewhere that in general, our community's volunteer time is not fungible at best. 22:02
[Coke] is reminded to try to close one raku based ticket today
El_Che lizmat: the latter is good, working on stuff to avoid drama instead of being swamped by it. Good for mental health 22:19
(reading backlog, maybe we are talking about something else, I was talking about cat commits) 22:20
Nemokosch I don't know. I find it somewhat cynical to apply the "non-fungible volunteer time" in the context of representatives of the community. 22:28
It's not quite the same as somebody picking Raku for whatever reason and making a tamagochi module and then leaving or sth
Mind you, it's perfectly alright if *my* priorities are argued and decided against - but to say that the so-called "steering council" is not responsible whatsoever for carefully setting the priorities regarding the, well, "steering" of the community, that sounds like taking away the purpose of such a governing body at the first place. 22:35
oh btw [Coke] I might be biased here but there is a really handsome PR waiting to be published on the raku.org site 😉 22:38
[Coke] My volunteer time is very infrequently spent on raku.org 22:52
but if you link it here, I'll look at it. 22:53
Nemokosch github.com/Raku/raku.org/pull/175 (Geth also sent it 22 hours ago) 22:55
again, there are multiple resolutions. For example, I definitely wouldn't be badgering if I could update that site myself in the nature of forgiveness > permission or something. Another option could be that you decide to spend time more frequently on raku.org - doesn't even have to be significantly more time, just more regularly. 23:03
my goal (and perhaps I could say *our* goal) isn't to point fingers at people but to get things done 23:05
[Coke] undersightable6: check 23:10
Your patch indicates this a bot that exists.
AlexDaniel it did exist at some point 23:11
Nemokosch > While I agree I'd rather keep the list in one place, not two, I'm not opposed to accepting this until we sort that out.
AlexDaniel I don't know its current status, something doesn't work for sure but I don't know what
[Coke] reportable6: list
reportable6 [Coke], gist.github.com/ebadd55dac582e36fd...289f154ccc
AlexDaniel yep, reportable is also not operating as it did, reportable.tar.zst is an archive of its previous reports 23:12
it used to generate nice summaries for weeklies, but I guess not anymore 23:13
[Coke] shareable6: help
shareable6 [Coke], Like this: shareable6: f583f22 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Shareable
tellable6 2019-08-19T18:37:00Z #moarvm <AlexDaniel> .tell shareable6 test test
AlexDaniel that one definitely works 23:14
shareable6: HEAD
shareable6 AlexDaniel, whateverable.6lang.org/HEAD
[Coke] Nemokosch - review created on the PR. only one issue. 23:15
AlexDaniel whether you'll be able to use that file or not is a difficult question. But, from what I remember, shareable6 is actually serving these files, so it's needed for things like Blin and stuff
Nemokosch greppable6: `zef --help` 23:32
greppable6 Nemokosch, Found nothing!
Nemokosch greppable6: zef --help
greppable6 Nemokosch, 13 lines, 3 modules: gist.github.com/f3c945c5c02a7acb81...163e9855bf
Nemokosch doesn't seem too scary but I suppose this only sees the p6c stuff 23:33
Geth doc: b2cc353b9c | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Routine.pod6
Add more deprecation info

Closes #4102
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Routine
Geth doc: 76910395cf | Coke++ | doc/Type/Routine.pod6
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Routine
[Coke] github.com/Raku/Pod-To-HTML - "master branch isn't protected" 23:40
Seems like all our master/mains in raku should be protected. 23:41
Nemokosch what does "protection" mean exactly? 23:43
removed the dead bot in the meantime 23:44
Geth doc: 0d3ee3c9e9 | Coke++ | 2 files
Remove embedded links

They don't work; This workaround
Closes #4092
Geth doc: 32145ab6d1 | Coke++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Add warning about gather/take react/whenever

Closes #4041
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/control