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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Nemokosch Do you know modules that can parse strings into Date/DateTime based on a format defined with initial letters? Like 'Mmm dd hh:mm' and this could eat 'Apr 04 12:32' for example 00:48
leont DateTime::Format's strptime? 02:16
Nope, that's Not Yet Implemented
NativeCall strptime and then convert that posix time into a DateTime? 02:17
Xliff Aw. I missed AlexDaniel. 03:05
Miss ya, dude!
m: sub a ( --> uint32) { True }; a().^name.say 03:06
camelia Int
Xliff m: sub a ( --> uint32) { True }; a().say
camelia 1
opoku hello, I'm attempting to install rakudoc locally using `zef install rakudoc` and its failing. This is on an M1 macOS 13.1. Output from zef is here: gist.github.com/opoku/bc83c7171589...9f78f52672 . I'd appreciate any help I can get. 05:26
Nemokosch leont: thank you, it's good to know that there is C stuff out there already 09:18
jaguart raku --doc=HTML Grok.rak --> Undeclared routine: gen-closure-template used at lines 240 241 242... 09:47
raku --doc=Markdown Grok.raku -> works fine...
Nemokosch Is this finanalyst's business 09:48
Btw was the Grok.rak "typo" intended in the example? 09:49
jaguart yes sirry 09:53
jaguart Hmmm Pod::Load fails too - it is a unit module... does Pod::Load not grok that? 09:58
Nemokosch oh Pod::Load is JJ stuff 10:56
Pod::To::HTML might be broken these days
I'd look for some complementary finanalyst stuff, he's been dealing a lot with stuff like that 10:57
melezhik .tell @jns I've create an alpine pipeline to test AudioPortaudio - let me know if you're interested ? but I guess this should be pretty much distro independent  build ? 17:38
tellable6 melezhik, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Tellable
melezhik .tell jns: -  I've create an alpine pipeline to test AudioPortaudio - let me know if you're interested ? but I guess this should be pretty much distro independent  build ? 17:39
tellable6 melezhik, I haven't seen jns around, did you mean sjn?
melezhik .seen jns 17:40
tellable6 melezhik, I haven't seen jns around, did you mean sjn?
lizmat Jonathan doesn't really hang out here much
.seen rabidgravy
tellable6 lizmat, I saw rabidgravy 2017-12-17T01:40:19Z in #perl6: <RabidGravy> that's perl6advent.wordpress.com/2017/12/...ier-title/ if you want to get in early
melezhik thanks lizmat I never know ))) will try fosstodon ... 17:41
jaguart is MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL no longer required? 23:02
ab5tract jaguart: example?
jaguart m: 'say <a>'.EVAL
camelia a
ab5tract m: my $a = "a"; "say $a".EVAL 23:03
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Undeclared routine:
a used at line 1
ab5tract hmm, that's interesting
m: my $a = "a"; "say '$a'".EVAL
camelia a
ab5tract jaguart: looks like you are correct
there was a fuzzy line of what constituted an "EVAL-which-no-monkey-can-see" and what could be eval'd 23:04
jaguart I mourn the end of the MONKEYs
ab5tract (fuzzy to me)
I'm not sure that it was intended, though I remember debate about whether the MONKEYs were the right wording for the things 23:05
jaguart yeah I saw that - I like, kwerky 23:06
ab5tract m: my $a = say; "$a <a>".EVAL; 23:10
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of bare "say". In Raku please use: .say if you meant
to call it as a method on $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument,
or use &say to refer to the function as a noun.
at <tmp…
ab5tract m: my $a = say; "$a 'a'".EVAL;
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of bare "say". In Raku please use: .say if you meant
to call it as a method on $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument,
or use &say to refer to the function as a noun.
at <tmp…
ab5tract m: my $a = say; "'a'.$a".EVAL;
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of bare "say". In Raku please use: .say if you meant
to call it as a method on $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument,
or use &say to refer to the function as a noun.
at <tmp…
ab5tract ugh, sorry!
m: my $a = "say"; "'a'.$a".EVAL; 23:11
camelia a
ab5tract okay, yeah, the MONKEY is definitely not guarding the EVAL anymore
Nemokosch I don't know if this is intended tbh 23:13
not anywhere a hint of sunsetting the monkey pragmas
ab5tract yeah, that's what I'm thinking..
there should be a test somewhere for this though, right? how did it slip past a release?
Nemokosch bisectable6: my $a = "say"; "'a'.$a".EVAL; 23:16
bisectable6 Nemokosch, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
tellable6 2023-01-05T02:51:29Z #raku <Xliff> Nemokosch: That output looks right. Now I am wondering why the message "Applying key..." or "Applying value" are not showing up.
2023-01-05T13:45:03Z #raku <leont> Nemokosch: Just released a new Protocol::Postgres
hey Nemokosch, you have a message: gist.github.com/f0961e97c68a94af85...672b6512f6
bisectable6 Nemokosch, ¦6c (66 commits): «a␤» 23:17
Nemokosch, Nothing to bisect!
Nemokosch weeelll
ab5tract so are we just on the weird side of the fuzzy line?
Nemokosch or the bot itself uses the pragma under the hood 23:18
ab5tract works locally as well. 23:21
Nemokosch as a standalone script? 23:23
jaguart what are the differences between: use v6; use v6+; use v6.d+ - and which should I be using in my classes and modules?
ab5tract I think I see what is going wrong here..
jaguart the EVAL has gone quiet a while ago...
ab5tract m: my $a = "say"; '<a>.$a'.EVAL; 23:24
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at EVAL_0 line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ab5tract m: my $a = "say"; '\'a\'.$a'.EVAL;
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at EVAL_0 line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ab5tract jaguart: the example from the EVAL docs still fails locally: docs.raku.org/routine/EVAL 23:25
Nemokosch jaguart: vrurg's presentation covered that as well, a little bit. That doesn't mean I remember completely...
and I definitely haven't seen the latter two
ab5tract m: my $a = "say"; my $this = 50; my $call-this = '$a $this'; EVAL $call-this 23:26
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> $call-t…
ab5tract m: my $a = "say"; my $this = 50; my $call-this = "$a $this"; EVAL $call-this
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> $call-t…
ab5tract the fuzzy line :) 23:27
m: my $a = "say"; my $this = 50; my $call-this = "$a $this"; EVAL "$a $this" 23:28
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> $call-t…
ab5tract m: my $a = "say"; my $this = 50; my $call-this = "$a $this"; EVAL "$a 50"
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> my $cal…
ab5tract m: my $a = "say"; my $this = 50; my $call-this = "$a $this"; "$a 50".EVAL
camelia 50
ab5tract okay that is ridiculous
m: my $a = "say"; my $this = 50; my $call-this = "$a $this"; $call-this.EVAL 23:29
camelia 50
Nemokosch indeed
ab5tract moments like this make me feel like Raku is too big a language to ever have all the parts working as exepected at the same time 23:30
which is a mega-bummer of a feeling
Nemokosch you got a point, too
although I would be a bit more optimistic looking forward 23:31
ab5tract I try to be, too
tonyo php, javascript, etc all had growing pangs like that too 23:31
jaguart ah - so it's deliberate that calling the method on a string is quiet
ab5tract I've been a fan and a user for a long, long time at this point
jaguart: nope, it seems to be related to EVAL as a routine versus EVAL as a method 23:32
jaguart makes sense - I adopted that pattern seeing it in raku.land modules
ab5tract erm, sorry, I misread what you wrote
Nemokosch I would say, we don't even know if it is intended or not xD
ab5tract lizmat: IIRC, you were the implementor of MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL 23:33
lizmat I was?
could well be...
ab5tract :)
Nemokosch but this seems big enough to check out issues
jaguart so the routine emits but the method call doesn't -> its a suBtle thing -> www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxWwdeGz1Q
ab5tract it was a long while back at this point
lizmat it's just setting a flag somewhere 23:34
ab5tract it's weird that it doesn't trap on the method version, though
ab5tract it's weird, but maybe it was intentional? 23:35
jaguart I'm sure it was - I've seen it used in short modules
like lizmat's 'from' module - which is hard to find on raku.land 23:36
because raku.land search doesn't like...
lizmat ab5tract: that's because the method version is late bound
ab5tract jaguart: I would argue that if it was intentional, it would have been duly noted as an alternative to using MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL 23:37
"just use the method"
lizmat that's what I do usually :-)
Nemokosch also, it more or less defeats the purpose of the pragma itself
ab5tract lizmat: so, an unintended consequence
Nemokosch who would remember that it is even supposed to complain if an idiomatic, literal equivalent doesn't 23:38
ab5tract Nemokosch: that too
tellable6 ab5tract, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
lizmat well... I'm not 100% sure anymomre it's unintended
Nemokosch couldn't find it among Rakudo issues
jaguart I agree with lizmat - now I KnowHOW I will no do EVAL 23:39
Nemokosch github.com/Raku/old-issue-tracker/issues/5468
jaguart oh - if you fix that then a number of things will start to emit warnings! 23:40
ab5tract jaguart: compilation errors even 23:41
lizmat goes to bed&
ab5tract I've just posted a comment asking for a bit of input from core devs on this. Presumably it might not be fixable without some special casing in the compiler
lizmat: slaap lekker! 23:42
Nemokosch yep... this seems to be something that can only be fixed (if it's something to fix which I would argue it is) gradually
not something you would just quickly slap onto the main branch 23:43
jaguart lizmat is now going to count fluffy white MONKEYS until sleep comes... 23:44
tonyo one reasonable part of that is `EVAL ...` is subject to precedence errors and `obj.EVAL` is slightly more specific 23:46
Nemokosch 😅
tonyo which sounds like a reason made up after knowing the problem, and it is 23:47
ab5tract :)
jaguart I love back-propagation logic :) 23:56