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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
melezhik tell tonyo: how to disable tar in fez config ? 00:34
guifa .tell tonyo: melezhik is interested in how to disable tar in fez config 00:45
tellable6 guifa, I'll pass your message to tonyo
guifa ^^melezhik
melezhik guifa - thanks 🙏 a lot! always forget this "tell" syntax 01:26
tonyo .tell melezhik add a key `"bundlers": ["Fez::Util::Pax"]` in your ~/.fez-config.json 03:01
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to melezhik
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/02/06/2023-...en-davies/ 11:53
Skarsnik @Anton Antonov How is that fiddly? You just need to install libgumbo on your system. I did not try on Windows thou x) 12:00
Anton Antonov @Skarsnik Well, it did not install because of native libraries dependencies. Installing and linking to those libraries on macOS arm64 is “fiddly.” 12:38
Skarsnik unfortunate 😦 12:42
grondilu Hi all. 12:49
Nemokosch hello
grondilu m: class Foo of Bag {}; print (Foo.new("a") (+) Foo.new("b")) ~~ Foo; # was expecting True here
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
No such method 'set_of' for invocant of type
at <tmp>:1
grondilu heh?
Nemokosch re connectified.com/@masukomi/109807721943445406, I think this is the kind of case where everything works "as intended", and the main concrete issue is simply confusing oneself 12:50
grondilu oh my bad
m: class Foo is Bag {}; print (Foo.new("a") (+) Foo.new("b")) ~~ Foo; # was expecting True here 12:51
camelia False
grondilu m: class Foo is Bag {}; dd Foo.new("a") (+) Foo.new("b") 12:51
camelia ("a"=>1,"b"=>1).Bag
lizmat ah.. looks like the set op doesn't create a Foo but a Bag
Nemokosch in a broader picture, well... I think tight coupling of itemization and a mutability interface is a source of many confusing things 12:52
lizmat could you make an issue for that?
grondilu lizmat: sure
lizmat I guess it should create the tightest possible type, for which we have the .are function nowadays :-)
grondilu github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5190 12:56
lizmat thanks! 12:57
Nemokosch hm, do the arguments themselves get coerced into Bag? 12:58
lizmat only when they really need to be
grondilu m: class Foo is Bag {}; dd Foo.new("a") (-) Foo.new("b") 13:04
camelia ("a"=>1).Foo
Nemokosch oh okay 13:05
grondilu weird that it works for (-) and not (+)
m: class Foo is Bag {}; dd Foo.new("a") (-) Foo.new("a")
camelia ().Foo
Nemokosch time for a little sourcery...
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/2022...on.pm6#L79 13:09
the latter seems to be more abstract to begin with 13:10
lizmat will look at this after being afk for a few hours& 13:17
Xliff lizmat: As always, a thoughtful and compelling weekly. Thank you. 13:25
Anton Antonov weekly: rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...megrammar/ 13:48
Nemokosch I don't think the bot listens through the bridge 14:00
although it would be cool
Voldenet btw, recently I've seen discord bridge that colored names in IRC, it was pretty nice 14:02
regarding things that would be cool 14:03
Nemokosch I think that was actually turned off
because of complications
mst I'd be happy to talk through strategies for how to avoid ending up with complications if somebody makes a second attempt 14:10
I've spent 15+ years now dealing with the logistical side of channel and network management, so I've both made and seen a lot of things go wrong and can hopefully help whoever's looking at it skip past those so we can get to the making new and exciting mistakes part sooner 14:12
El_Che a shorter nick than "< discord-raku-bot><$nick> would be appreciated. It's really hard to parse messages from people on that bot. 14:19
(mentally parse)
Nemokosch test 14:20
El_Che whut? who said that? 14:20
Nemokosch 🤣 14:21
El_Che :)
Nemokosch #onlyIRCThings 14:22
<drb> when 14:23
support.github.com/ticket/personal/0/2000413 14:26
needed for msgpack.org actually showing the Raku version because the crawler willingly ignores forks, bruh
> We need a request from the admin\owner account to perform this action. Please, add them to this case and let them approve this request. 14:33
Welp, if somebody happens to be the admin/owner of that account, and also understands what "let them approve" looks like... please ^^
patrickb guifa: Did you notice my DateTime::Timezones PR? 16:39
tonyo . 17:22
cfa , 17:26
Nemokosch m 17:30
tonyo mst++ 17:31
pingu maybe I should use regex rather than trying to check if a scalar list is assigned to a certain data type 19:22
^[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9 ._-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ for filename+extension 19:23
it would be a little more efficiant to store the file paramaters as pointers, rather than copying them to a new scalar list 19:24
Anton Antonov I tried to upload to raku.land using fez twice today. I got confirmation messages, but I do not see the distributions in raku.land. Is this expected, or “it is just me” ? 19:39
Nemokosch do you see your distribution in this file? 360.zef.pm/ 19:43
ugexe to be clear you don't upload to raku.land 20:24
raku.land is just a site that reads meta data from other sources
Anton Antonov No -- good point! 20:31
japhb Anyone have any luck installing Doc::TypeGraph + Documentable + p6doc ? There seems to be auth confusion between `github:JJ` and `zef:jjmerelo`, and that seems to make zef very confused. 21:04
Nemokosch I don't think anybody will try that in the future as that stack is being sunset 21:21
cokebot9000 waves from elsewhere. 21:34
coleman beep boop 21:38
cokebot9000 ^_^ 21:42
PipStuart Does anyone happen to know how I might go about locating or generating an updated to current version of HTTPS://FinAnalyst.GitHub.IO/ModuleCitation ? 22:04
Nemokosch another thing on my kilometer long bucket list... 22:06
cokebot9000 ping @finanalyst
guifa patrickb : I did not. 22:07
guifa checks
approved! 22:08
guifa thank you for that find 22:08
Nemokosch raku.land/zef:lizmat/Ecosystem this is the module wanted to use
cokebot9000 could probably regen the module citation with raku.land/zef:coke/App::Zef-Deps 22:11
Nemokosch I think the "what depends on what" part is simpler than what I was mostly concerned about: retrospectively filling the graph 22:12
ugexe zef rdepends Foo::Bar 22:25
patrickb guifa: I rebased the PR, but I don't have merge permissions, so you'll have to push the button. ;-) 22:38