🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
xinming_ m: class A { method t () { state $x; $x++; $x.say; }; }; my $a1 = A.new; $a1.t; my $a2 = A.new; $a2.t; $a2.t 09:39
camelia 1
hellwolf oh wow, so the rakuirc over at the matrix.org is a dud then... 18:48
hellwolf[m] and I guess this portalled channel will cease to exist soon 19:02
hellwolf Howdy folks, I post what I posted on matrix here instead: 21:34
I am a returned perl5 user and feeling nostalgic and exploring if I should use raku for an otherwise shell-scripting mostly glue script (templating some temporary files, call a transpiler pipeline, gather results, and tidy everything up)
... few days later ...
for the lol, I did the thing I asked in bash instead for now. But I asked chatgpt4 to rewrite it in Raku instead: 21:35
nemokosch please, for the love of God, do not use bash 22:35
if we all stop using it, we might be able to achieve a common evolutionary step towards actual engineering disciplines 22:36
jdv bash, the gnu bash shell? 23:10
nemokosch any POSIX compatible shell, bash is simply too known among them, even though it's about the best in this miserable competition 23:15
jdv ok 23:16