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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Geth App-Rakubrew/main: bab182828e | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Try harder to find a `sysctl` on MacOS
App-Rakubrew/main: 175558e608 | (Patrick Böker)++ | release-stuff/do-release.sh
Ask before uploading in release script
AlexDaniel does anybody have experience with ZNC? Could you help me set it up for the bots? 12:56
coleman I have experience w/ soju; 16:07
AlexDaniel I don't see any maintained docker image for it 16:11
coleman ah, yea. it's a Go binary so it's easy to ship up there, but it is not packaged widely (it is on Void Linux, tho) 16:19
I couldn't figure ZNC out
lizmat AlexDaniel: if whateverable uses the most recent IRC::Client, it should automatically reconnect in most situations 20:11
tellable6 2023-09-30T13:09:15Z #raku-dev <ab5tract> lizmat: how deeply tied to the current find-nodes implementation are you?
AlexDaniel lizmat: currently redeploying the bots makes them rejoin, that's a lot of spam
lizmat: and sometimes they rejoin by themselves… I'm not 100% sure why. Could be that the peak memory hits the limit, or something like that 20:12
lizmat ah, ok, like that.. hmmm but how often would that happen ?
AlexDaniel well, I guess not too often, but having an IRC bouncer would be so much cleaner 20:13
it's not a blocker for anything, just a very valuable nice to have for me
lizmat ack
lizmat used znc once long ago, but got overwhelmed by the backlog every time I was away for a while 20:14
El_Che I set up znc once, but after using it I decided screen+irssi worked best for me 22:10
tbrowder__ can anyone get $?DISTRIBUTION.meta<ver> (or .meta<version>) to give a usable result? 23:38
i've tried it in a real zef installable module but all i v 23:39
*all i can get is '*'
i can get the version using $?DISTRIBUTION.content after a little tweaking 23:41