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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:46 kybr left 00:47 kybr joined, leedo left 00:55 leedo joined 01:26 teatwo joined 01:29 teatime left 01:33 teatwo left 01:34 teatwo joined 01:37 teatwo left 02:24 teatime joined 02:51 AlexDaniel left 03:50 guifa left 04:06 derpydoo left 04:43 stevied_test left, stevied_test joined 05:44 chmod222 left 05:46 chmod222 joined 06:40 wheaties left
ab5tract_ tbrowder__: interesting. I thought that worked automagically :( 07:44
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tbrowder__ probably right, but that file is not liked by raku for some reason. trying alternative now. fingers crossed 10:31
10:41 jpn joined
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2023/10/09/2023-...-in-three/ 10:43
10:45 merp left 10:49 abraxxa joined 10:52 Geth left, Geth joined 10:57 merp joined
tbrowder__ ah, using run i added :enc<latin1> to the mix and cured the immediate problem. 11:31
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Geth ecosystem: 2colours++ created pull request #621:
Remove WebService::AWS::Auth::V4
ecosystem/main: 8295366dec | (Márton Polgár)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Remove WebService::AWS::Auth::V4

It lives on the zef ecosystem now.
ecosystem/main: 9008afb36b | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #621 from 2colours/patch-1

Remove WebService::AWS::Auth::V4
12:39 derpydoo joined
[Coke] Would love to have a multinational interested in improving raku's performance if they like the language. 12:52
nemokosch well, do they like the language? 🙂 13:04
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guifa o/ 23:18
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