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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
[Coke] guifa++ 00:03
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ugexe tbrowder__: i think you were leaving off the resources/ prefix when using .content 00:35
%?RESOURCES adds the resources/ 00:36
tbrowder__: i just tested $?DISTRIBUTION.content("resources/config.json") on an installed version of zef and it works as expected 00:44
tbrowder__ ok, i'll check again on the morrow 01:02
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lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2023/10/23/2023-...leastober/ 12:20
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[Coke] yawns. 13:05
tbrowder__ ugexe: is it correct to say: only files listed in META6.json/resources can have their contents shown when installed? 13:07
ugexe: well, i just discovered that any file listed in the META6.json file under resources can be accessed after installation. the only caveat being the actual location must be shown relative to /resources in the original repo. maybe that's what you've been beating me on the head with all along! 13:23
ugexe yes. %?RESOURCES also only works with files listed in META6.json, although this might sound confusing if you've been using -Ilib instead of -I. (since the former doesn't have a META6.json to work with and has to just crawl the ../resources directory) 13:30
El_Che "This procedure can be used on a Windows and Mac PC. Linux does not support Acrobat Reader DC, therefore you cannot use this procedure on a Linux PC." 13:32
doc sig doc icts
zou moeten zijn "Acrobat Reader DC does not support Linux" 13:33
agentschap verstoppen, ja :0
[Coke] ? 13:56
13:57 buildable6 left
El_Che oops 13:59
wrong channel
wrong language
and all sorts of wrongs :)
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[Coke] kein Problem. 14:05
(which probably isn't even the same language0
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wow are you guys human? 15:21
lizmat some of are girls even 15:22
wow could i use python library with raku?
15:26 wow left
antononcube @wow Yes. In what direction: (i) Python in Raku sessions, or (ii) Raku in Python sessions? 15:57
lizmat wow has left the building
antononcube Damn, I already collected links to for a more detailed answers... 15:59
lizmat well, wouldn't hurt posting them anyways?
or create a question / answer combo on StackOverflow ? 16:00
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nemokosch 😂 16:02
are we human, or are we dancer 16:03
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El_Che Can I use python in Y, are mostly trolls in my experience 18:30
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nemokosch Can I use Python in Dutch? 18:59
antononcube No, but you can ditch Python. 19:00
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gfldex lolialsobloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2023/10/24/in...te-ranges/ 19:36
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nemokosch Ranges are not special, or rather, have no reason to be special 19:50
El_Che we are all special
nemokosch I uploaded the presentations so I guess I'm immune to some moody hasty change of mind 19:51
but still, it's very very disappointing how there is a culture to hang on to irregularities, pretty much for the sake of irregularities 19:52
completely neglecting the alternatives, as if the irregularity itself was the virtue
gfldex m: say so 'special'.all; 19:55
camelia True
gfldex Indeed!
El_Che \o/ 19:57
nemokosch also, it's surpring, not for the very first time, when somebody makes an argument at the expense of exposing an even bigger mistake
"so you say coercive operations can achieve consistently typed results? wrong, they cannot" 19:59
... hooray?
these are kind of nihilistic arguments, questioning the existence of good design 20:01
El_Che (I miss the context to give an opinion about $something) 20:09
nemokosch long story short, there are a couple of types that have an overload for "numeric operations" 20:11
one of them being Range +-*/ Numeric
apparently only I think that it's a problem that you sometimes get your variables coerced and at other times create completely unrelated behavior 20:13
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El_Che this one? github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/391 20:37
nemokosch yep 20:38
El_Che so the goold old discussion of orthogonality vs pragmatism? 20:45
if I undertand it correctly
nemokosch I don't get what defines "pragmatism" here, other than "let's not respect our own design" 20:49
gfldex I hope to have moved beyond that and provide a path to a better Raku, that is not "pure"erer but provides better utility.
I would love to see Range just work, the same way that Junction just work. 20:51
nemokosch what justifies the analogy, though?
El_Che (there is no judgment intended in the terms) 20:52
nemokosch what I really see is that impure masquerades as pragmatic
if it were like "it's more pragmatic, because" and some argument followed, okay
gfldex Luckily I never read the terms and conditions. :->
nemokosch but it looks more like "it's not pure so let's call it pragmatic" 20:53
El_Che I see pragmatic in this context as "it breaks orthogonality, but that's okay because it makes things easier for some contexts"
until it breaks
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nemokosch yes, with the "it makes things easier" part included 20:54
El_Che the core idea is not that's "impure" but an explicit decision for a defined advantage
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nemokosch this is why I was trying to "steer" the discourse to a mutual ground by proposing alternatives that I don't consider less practical 20:55
El_Che so I would only call something pragmatic if intended, not a side effect
the perl-python examples were interesting
nemokosch whether it is an offset or scale method for Ranges, or generic arithmetic operations, like div itself was originally intended to be generic division 20:56
I ran a couple of circles to try to explain why I don't like the current way - the people who like it, why do they not like my proposal, in turn? That's something they should say 20:58
gfldex I prefer to think of Raku as a practical language. In fact, most programming languages ignore the fact that they are languages and not algebraic expressions. Raku does care about being a languages and - surprise surprise - it happens to be very expressive.
El_Che I suppose that the persons that have an architect role will weight in sooner or later 21:01
nemokosch again, maybe this is meant to be a kind of autological reasoning, languages being vague 21:02
but it all just sounds vague when I have a very exact question: what's the problem with either the methods, or the introduction of generic arithmetic operators, mostly left to the user space? 21:03
are they not expressive?
gfldex And I'm quite happy not to have to carry that burden. :)
21:18 buildable6 left
gfldex m: say (1..3).succ; 21:20
camelia No such method 'succ' for invocant of type 'Range'. Did you mean any
of these: 'sec', 'sech', 'sum', 'uc'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
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nemokosch m: Cool.^methods.say 21:23
evalable6 (sqrt abs conj sign rand sin asin cos acos tan …
Raku eval (abs conj sqrt sign rand sin asin cos acos tan atan atan2 sec asec cosec acosec cotan acotan sinh asinh cosh acosh tanh atanh sech asech cosech acosech cotanh acotanh cis is-prime log Order exp round roots log2 log10 unpolar floor ceiling truncate chars codes encode fmt wordcase trans indent uc lc tc fc tclc flip chomp chop samecase samemark samespace starts-with ends-with substr substr-rw substr-eq contains
evalable6 nemokosch, Full output: gist.github.com/d00028e6f30d63ca1d...4238c0acbc
indices index rindex split match comb lines words subst subst-mutate IO sprintf printf trim trim-leading trim-trailing EVAL Int UInt Num Rat FatRat Complex Version Real BUILDALL chr ord ords unimatch uniname uninames uniparse ...)
nemokosch lawl
m: 'succ' (elem) Cool.^methods andthen .say
evalable6 False
Raku eval False
nemokosch dang 21:24
but I guess Range isn't even Cool anyway
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xinming When I try to compile rakudo 2023.10, I got error which is `src/moar.h:84:10: fatal error: dynload.h: No such file or directory` 23:46
what do I need to install to fix this plesae?
23:46 teatwo left
xinming I'm using gentoo, Before it compiles ok, I don't know what I've done so this is not working anymore 23:46