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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:03 jpn joined 00:06 Maximus joined 00:07 Sevalecan left, Maximus is now known as Sevalecan 00:08 jpn left 00:17 lichtkind__ left
antononcube @japhb Thank you! 00:25
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elcaro Who manages rakudo.org? I still cannot download the Linux release. I've also tried from a VPS in New Zealand and Japan and it also fails 03:44
As mentioned previously, curl gives error `HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR` 03:45
based on search results, this is possibly an issue with nginx or AWS Application Load Balancer.
MasterDuke coleman or andinus are probably your best bets 04:32
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andinus elcaro: that's weird, can you share the release you're trying to download? (link) 06:54
i tested on a few networks, unable to reproduce 07:03
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_elcaro_ I ended up spinning up a VPS in NY and downloading it, but as mentioned above, downloading from Australia, New Zealand, or Japan failed. I mentioned link yesterday 08:28
rakudo.org/dl/rakudo/rakudo-moar-2...gcc.tar.gz 08:29
VPS in NY downloaded fine, so possibly only affecting APAC regions?
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antononcube Is participation (with a presentation) in FOSDEM 2024 in person only? 11:11
11:18 CIAvash joined
lizmat I think it is 11:22
antononcube @lizmat ok, thanks! 11:25
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Xliff m: (2, 0, 3).permutations.gist.say' 11:31
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> (2, 0, 3).permutations.gist.say⏏'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier…
Xliff m: (2, 0, 3).permutations.gist.say
camelia ((2 0 3) (2 3 0) (0 2 3) (0 3 2) (3 2 0) (3 0 2))
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El_Che antoncube: Fosdem is normally also streamed 13:42
lizmat El_Che: yeah, but they expect the presenters to be, eh... present ? 13:55
13:59 suman joined
suman m: my @test = [c => (2,3), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16)];say @test.map: {$_.value.elems}; 14:04
camelia (2 3 3)
El_Che lizmat: good point.
suman Given an array of hashes, how to check if the elems is each hash is same?
m: my @test = [c => (2,3), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16)];say @test.map: {$_.value.elems}; 14:06
camelia (2 3 3)
lizmat suman: that'd be an array of Pairs, not hashesh
*hashes :-)
m: my @test = c => (2,3,4), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16); say [==] @test>>.value>>.elems' 14:07
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 34,11,16); say [==] @test>>.value>>.elems⏏'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end…
lizmat m: my @test = c => (2,3,4), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16); say [==] @test>>.value>>.elems 14:08
camelia True
lizmat m: my @test = c => (2,3), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16); say [==] @test>>.value>>.elems
camelia False
suman Ah cool
lizmat m: my @test = c => (2,3), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16); say [==] @test.map: { .value.elems } # alternately with .map 14:09
camelia False
lizmat m: my @test = c => (2,3), d => (9,10,12), e => (4,11,16); say [==] @test.map: *.value.elems 14:10
camelia False
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antononcube El_Che and lizmat -- I spent 10-12 min browsing the FOSDEM 2024 annoucements, call for papers, etc. Yes, the presentations are also streamed online. Nowhere it was said that the presenters can attend online. (Last year FOSDEM was mixed, with both in-person and online for presenters.) 14:40
tbrowder__ m: lives-ok { say "boo" } 14:49
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
lives-ok used at line 1
tbrowder__ m: use Test; lives-ok { say "boo" } 14:50
camelia boo
ok 1 -
14:51 init left
tbrowder__ m: use Test; lives-ok { note "boo" } 14:52
camelia boo
ok 1 -
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lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/11/27/2023-...-ab5tract/ 16:47
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Xliff lizmat: Are you only tracking new modules via zef? 17:21
I release GIO over the last week and it wasn't mentioned.
lizmat oops... sorry, I missed a few 17:22
Xliff lizmat: Can you give it a mention in the next one, please? 17:23
lizmat I'll update the current
Xliff Thanks!
lizmat fixed 17:25
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