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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
clarkema1 how about that? 00:00
00:01 lichtkind__ left
ugexe that sounds like the best option so far 00:02
clarkema1 ok, i'll write both changes up tomorrow then. Gotta head off for now 00:05
thanks for the help
02:35 constxqt_ left 02:39 constxqt_ joined 02:47 kylese left, kylese joined 02:48 constxqt_ left 02:55 simcop2387 left, perlbot left 02:57 constxqt_ joined 03:15 kylese left, kylese joined, constxqt_ left 03:16 constxqt_ joined 03:23 jpn joined 03:26 constxqt_ left 03:28 jpn left 03:45 Sgeo left 03:50 Sgeo joined 03:53 cm left 04:02 cm joined 04:03 simcop2387 joined 04:04 perlbot joined 05:13 systems_ joined 07:14 mark22k6 joined 07:15 hexology left, summerisle left, hexology joined, japhb left 07:16 japhb joined, mark22k left, mark22k6 is now known as mark22k, bd3i left, summerisle joined, bd3i joined 07:35 melezhik joined
melezhik m: unit module Foo; 07:36
camelia ( no output )
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo is export () {}; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").keys 07:37
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> unit module Foo; sub foo is export⏏ () {}; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").ke
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
melezhik [10:37:15] melezhik: m: unit module Foo; sub foo is export () {}; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").keys 07:38
m: unit module Foo; sub foo is export () {}; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").keys
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> unit module Foo; sub foo is export⏏ () {}; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").ke
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
07:38 melezhik left 07:49 melezhik joined 07:50 melezhik left 07:56 melezhik joined
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo is export () { say 111 }; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").keys 07:57
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> unit module Foo; sub foo is export⏏ () { say 111 }; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::F
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::").keys
camelia No such symbol 'UNIT::EXPORT::FOO::'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::Foo::").keys 07:59
camelia No such symbol 'UNIT::EXPORT::Foo::'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("UNIT::EXPORT::").keys 08:00
camelia No such symbol 'UNIT::EXPORT::'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
08:01 melezhik left 08:12 systems_ left 08:18 melezhik joined
melezhik I try to do a dynamic lookup in tables of symbols and looks like ::("foo::bar::what::ever::EXPORT::DEFAULT::").keys construction does not work for me , any ideas ? 08:20
In comparison direct lookup seems to work : foo::bar::what::ever::EXPORT::DEFAULT::.keys 08:21
But in my case I would I need a dynamic lookup because module name is dynamic variable 08:22
08:26 jpn joined
melezhik Reading this - stackoverflow.com/questions/670407...me-in-raku 08:29
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melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys 11:28
camelia ()
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.keys 11:29
camelia (&foo)
melezhik Here we are ))) this should be WHO, not ::: for dynamically loaded modules 11:30
m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys.head
camelia Nil
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys -> $f { say $f } 11:31
camelia ( no output )
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys -> $f { say "ok" }
camelia ( no output )
nemokosch m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT")::.keys 11:32
evalable6 ()
Raku eval ()
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys() -> $f { say "ok" }
camelia ( no output )
nemokosch m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.keys
evalable6 (&foo)
Raku eval (&foo)
nemokosch why is there a difference... 11:33
melezhik Between what?
:: and WHO ?
m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys() -> $f { say &::($f).signature } 11:37
camelia ( no output )
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys-> $f { say &::($f).signature }
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of -> as postfix. In Raku please use: either . to
call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block.
at <tmp>:1
------> r ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys->⏏ $f …
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys -> $f { say &::($f).signature }
camelia ( no output )
melezhik <nemokosch> m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.keys.perl 11:38
unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.keys
evalable6 (&foo)
melezhik unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.keys.perl 11:39
evalable6 ("\&foo",).Seq
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys<> -> $f { say &::($f).signature }
camelia ( no output )
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; my @s = ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys; for @s -> $f { say $f } 11:41
camelia ( no output )
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; my @s = ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT ").WHO.keys; say @s.raku 11:42
camelia []
nemokosch In vrurg's workshop from like 2 years ago, :: was promoted as sugar for .WHO
which it apparently isn't...
melezhik Well stack overflow post says that :: does not work for dynamic look up , while WHO does 11:43
In my case I need dynamic look up
unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.raku 11:44
evalable6 {"\&foo" => sub foo { #`(Sub|3833481475584) ... }}
melezhik unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; say ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.head 11:45
evalable6 &foo => &foo
melezhik unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO -> $k, $v { say $k } 11:46
m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO -> $k, $v { say $k }
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1
in block at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO -> $v { say $v } 11:48
camelia &foo => &foo
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO -> $v { say $v.head }
camelia &foo => &foo
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO -> $v { say &::($v.head).signature } 11:50
camelia Sub object coerced to string (please use .gist or .raku to do that)
in block at <tmp> line 1
No such symbol ''
in block at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say &::($v).signature } 11:51
camelia Sub object coerced to string (please use .gist or .raku to do that)
in block at <tmp> line 1
11:52 melezhik left 11:53 melezhik joined 11:55 jpn joined
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO -> $o { say &::($o.key).signature } 11:56
camelia No such symbol ''
in block at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.kv -> $k, $v { say &::($k).signature } 11:58
camelia No such symbol ''
in block at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.kv -> $k, $v { say &::($v).signature }
camelia Sub object coerced to string (please use .gist or .raku to do that)
in block at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo () is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.kv -> $k, $v { say $v.signature }
camelia ()
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo (Int $a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.kv -> $k, $v { say $v.signature } 11:59
camelia (Int $a)
melezhik This is what I wanted ))) 12:00
m: unit module Foo; sub foo (Int $a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.kv -> $k, $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature }
camelia foo
(Int $a)
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo (Int $a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature } 12:01
camelia foo
(Int $a)
melezhik Working code ))) 12:02
m: unit module Foo; sub foo (Int :$a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature }
camelia foo
(Int :$a)
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo (:%a(:$b)) ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature } 12:04
camelia ===SORRY!===
Shape declaration with () is reserved;
please use whitespace if you meant a subsignature for unpacking,
or use the :() form if you meant to add signature info to the function's type
at <tmp>:1
------> unit module Foo…
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foobar (Int :$a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature } 12:06
camelia foobar
(Int :$a)
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo (Int :$a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature; $v(10); }; 12:07
camelia foo
Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

(Int :$a)
melezhik m: unit module Foo; sub foo (Int :$a ) is export { say 1000 }; for ::("Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT").WHO.values -> $v { say $v.name; say $v.signature; $v(:a<10>); }; 12:08
camelia foo
(Int :$a)
12:09 melezhik left, melezhik joined 12:14 melezhik left 12:15 jpn left
nemokosch > Well stack overflow post says that :: does not work for dynamic look up , while WHO does 12:26
then it really isn't sugar for the same thing
12:28 jpn joined 12:43 jpn left 13:03 abraxxa-home left
SmokeMachine lizmat: is it ok to use irclogs.raku to generate automated summaries of what’s happening on Raku channels? 13:10
lizmat: if that’s ok, is there any endpoint I could get only the conversation in plain text? 13:11
I’m playing with this currently (you need iPhone’s shortcut and ChatGPT app installed): www.icloud.com/shortcuts/126a16822...d30b17f173 13:14
vrurg nemokosch: Who told you that WHO works for dynamic lookups? Have you compared AST for `Hash::` and `Hash.WHO`? I'd recommend you to try and see on your own. 14:01
A standalone :: creates a PseudoStash, which is a hash as well as .WHO. Therefore their use is identical. Therefore in some contexts it's OK not to focus on the differences. 14:03
14:10 constxqt_ joined
nemokosch .WHO does work for dynamic lookups 14:50
lizmat SmokeMachine: irclogs.raku.org/raku/2023-12-03.log would be today's raw log 14:57
the format is basically /channel/YYYY-MM-DD.log 14:58
SmokeMachine lizmat: thanks! 15:03
15:05 melezhik joined
melezhik hi @vrurg - it was me who said that, but I base my judgment on this - stackoverflow.com/questions/670407...me-in-raku 15:06
also: :: does not work with dynamic look ups 15:10
while WHO does, you could take a look at my previous examples
15:15 melezhik left
vrurg .tell melezhik Actually, "dynamic lookup" in Raku means "resolve a $*VAR via the call stack", roughly. Using it in the sense of "at run-time" is rather misleading. 15:26
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to melezhik
mort boxed variables in raku can be nil, right? How do I check an Int variable for nil? 15:33
trying with `== Nil` or `=== Nil` just gives me use of uninitialized value warnings, even though the value is initialized to Nil
lizmat mort: one seldom checks for Nil explicitely 15:34
usually it's with .defined
mort I need one behavior if the variable is set, and another behavior if it's not set; is `if $thing.defined` the right way to do that then
lizmat m: my Int $a; with $a { say "it is $_" }
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: my Int $a = 42; with $a { say "it is $_" }
camelia it is 42
mort I'll use .defined, that seems to work 15:36
15:38 jpn joined 15:45 jpn left
lizmat mort: fwiw, "with $a {" is basically: if $a.defined && $a -> $_ { 15:54
mort m: my Int $a; with $a { say "it is $_" } else { say "it is not defined" }
camelia it is not defined
ab5tract I was just typing the same
mort so with-else is possible, interesting
lizmat note there's also a "without" 15:55
Nahita with $a corresponds to if $a.defined only right? doesn't impose && $a
ab5tract m: with 0 -> $z { dd $z } 15:56
camelia 0
ab5tract Nahita: indeed :) 15:57
15:58 jpn joined
nemokosch Well, it allows setting of a topic, like given 16:03
16:11 melezhik joined
melezhik . 16:11
tellable6 2023-12-03T15:26:18Z #raku <vrurg> melezhik Actually, "dynamic lookup" in Raku means "resolve a $*VAR via the call stack", roughly. Using it in the sense of "at run-time" is rather misleading.
melezhik tellable6: vrurg: that the term which is used in the official Rakudo documentation - docs.raku.org/language/modules#Exp..._importing 16:12
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to vrurg
melezhik tellable6: vrurg : "require" section actually in this link 16:14
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to vrurg
16:15 melezhik left
vrurg Something has to be done to the documentation terminology. 16:19
ab5tract nemokosh: do you consider rakudo/rakudo!5170 resolved? 16:34
dang, I messed up the linkable syntax 16:35
nemokosch what is the current behavior?
ab5tract R#5170 16:36
linkable6 R#5170 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5170 Feature: warn on assigning a Block to a Hash
ab5tract m: my %h = { my $a; } 16:37
camelia Cannot use a Callable as the only argument to store in a Hash. If the
intent was to store the contents of a Hash, one should probably use the
%( ) hash constructor instead of { }. Causes of { } misinterpretation:
- using ';' instead of ',' to …
ab5tract I just wanted to double check with you before I closed it
nemokosch bisectable: my %h = { my $a; } 16:39
bisectable6 nemokosch, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
nemokosch, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/8cb63c2ba6cf66f826...edfd42d0ca 16:40
nemokosch, More than 3 changes to bisect, please try a narrower range like old=2023.05 new=HEAD
nemokosch I think this is good to go
ab5tract one more stale bug report closed 16:49
SmokeMachine Thanks! Now I’m doing it like this: www.icloud.com/shortcuts/87a4a1910...b82ec7ccec 16:53
mort does raku have something like python's `mystring in ("foo", "bar", "baz")` to check if the variable is "foo", "bar" or "baz"? 16:56
leont `$mystring eq any("foo", "bar", "baz")` 16:57
mort damn I actually tried to google for the any function but I couldn't find anything other than the Any type 16:58
leont really should finish their article on junctions, they're way more powerful than in is
Mainly because they're not limited to equality 16:59
lizmat also: $mystring (elem) ("foo", "bar", "baz") 17:01
nemokosch yeah that's more similar
17:29 kjp left 17:44 melezhik joined
melezhik tellable6: vrurg: sure, what the terminology is I meant that I need a symbolic table lookup for a module that is required in runtime rather then used in compile time 17:46
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to vrurg
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