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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:02 Summer left 00:03 Summer joined 00:33 Summer left
ugexe www.perlfoundation.org/grants.html 00:33
00:33 Summer joined
ugexe doesn't say where to submit it though 00:33
tonyo: go to www.perlfoundation.org/how-to-writ...posal.html and click the link saying "Submit your proposal via this google form." 00:39
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guifa realized he's been so busy with $day-job and $school he's basically been absent on the Raku circuit the past few months :-( 01:28
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guifa tonyo: any update on the fez backend? I'm still trying unsuccessfully to push an update to Intl::CLDR. I did a fez -v upload and it seems everything was pretty successful including the upload portion, so it feels like it might be the backend 02:12
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tonyo guifa: i'll look rightt now, did you try to upload today? 04:17
the grant i'm trying to submit is to rewrite and open source the backend, in the process we'll get better error messaging (read: instantly upon upload) 04:18
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patrickb tonyo++ 10:12
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lizmat PSA: still looking for 5 advent blog posts! 10:50
.oO( please don't make me write all of them )
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librasteve lizmat: i’ll volunteer for another one … 13:35
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guifa tonyo : yeah, I tried again yesterday 13:41
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lizmat librasteve thank you! 15:38
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Geth advent/main: d4f6b8a0e7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2023/authors.md
Add blog post by pheix
lizmat down to three! :-) 16:25
antononcube @lizmat I can volunteer making an advent post. (I planned a few blog post already, each between 60% and 75% finished.) 16:30
lizmat antononcube that would be great! 16:31
first open slot is the Tue 19th
if you could have one by then, that would be great 16:32
antononcube @lizmat Ok. I will prepare a Markdown version today and/or tomorrow, titled something like "Streamlining AI vision workflows" (with Raku), or something similar. 16:33
16:34 jpn joined
lizmat antononcube: ok, please make a gist somewhere and I will take care of the rest 16:35
or send it by mail to me 16:36
antononcube @lizmat Good -- you answered a question I was going to ask. (I am/was reading this: github.com/Raku/advent/blob/main/r...authors.md )
16:39 jpn left
Mmm... I meant to say that I was reading : github.com/Raku/advent/blob/main/C...IBUTING.md 16:45
Now, this statement/advice is in "CONTRIBUTING.md" > Note that it is recommended to have each paragraph in the markdown source file collapsed into one long line before using one of the html converter tools listed in the next step. That is necessary in order to get the html formatting correct (Wordpress doesn't remove newlines inside html text content). 16:47
I am thinking -- maybe I should make add a "translator" to "Grammar::Markdown" that just converts text paragraphs in to one-line paragraphs.
BTW, "Grammar::Markdown" has an HTML translator which I use for posting at WordPress, but translator does not handle images given in Base64 format well. (For example, pandoc does.) 16:48
16:52 epony left
lizmat antononcube what's your WP user name ? 16:52
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lizmat I can give you access to the advent blog, so you can work on it there yourself 16:53
"rakuforprediction" isn't cutting it
found it, sent invite 16:57
antononcube @lizmat Just accepted the invite. Thanks! 17:03
leont How do I declare ar class with a custom HOW again? 17:06
17:08 jpn joined
lizmat leont: you mean also replacing the "class" keyword with something else ? 17:16
roguerakudev Okay, back with another fun one - is there a way to use a BEGIN block or similar to define a variable to later be used in a use? 17:24
Basically, I won't know at the time of writing the code which things I need to use (because this is for loading plugins), but it is determinable at startup time 17:25
ugexe why would you 'use' plugins instead of 'require' them? 17:26
roguerakudev require works to
ugexe one is explicitly compile time, one is run time
roguerakudev Oh, I didn't realize that
I always thought the different was something to do with importing symbols
Nice, that works 17:27
librasteve Rog: just a thought, but use and require import at a lexical level (ie inside a block) - so you can put the require inside a block inside (eg) an if (condition) { require Your::Import } and then only run the block if condition == True 17:36
ugexe that isn't entirely true... require leaks through scope 17:39
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ugexe maybe ignore what i said... i know that is true for some edge cases but generally i guess its fine to assume it 17:44
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Geth advent: librasteve++ created pull request #111:
add 3rd librasteve post
advent/main: 1fc9b893c3 | librasteve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2023/authors.md
Update authors.md
advent/main: 8415e9263e | librasteve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2023/authors.md
Merge pull request #111 from librasteve/master

add 3rd librasteve post
ugexe github.com/tony-o/perl6-pluggable/...bR125-R133 17:48
librasteve ugexe: my bad --- I had assumed that require == use in terms of the block scope
ugexe the comment there seems to suggest what i just said about leaking scope is correct tho 17:49
librasteve: it is probably fair to suggest to people that it is. i'm just whining about some edge case really :P 17:57
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leont No, I actually know how to do that, and I suppose I could have solved it like that. But to be honest I am overkilling it again and shouldn't solve my metaprogramming needs in an easier way 19:03
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Geth Raku-Steering-Council/main: eb64bbaf17 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | minutes/20231216.md
Add RSC meeting minutes for 2023-12-16
23:53 Summer left 23:54 Summer joined