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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:07 Sgeo joined 00:09 epony left 00:52 epony joined 00:53 maylay left 02:30 hulk joined, kylese left 02:37 epony left 02:51 jpn joined 02:55 jpn left 03:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:56 vrurg_ joined 03:59 vrurg left 04:31 epony joined 05:09 atweedie left, patrickb left, clarkema left 05:37 epony left 07:08 epony joined 07:14 epony left 07:56 jpn joined 07:58 El_Che left 07:59 El_Che joined 08:11 jpn left 08:19 jjido joined 08:33 jjido left 09:08 dakkar joined 09:15 sena_kun joined 10:18 jpn joined 10:25 Sgeo left 10:32 jpn left 10:43 jpn joined 10:49 jpn left 10:58 jpn joined 11:04 jpn left 11:52 jpn joined 11:57 jpn left 12:13 jpn joined 12:20 melezhik joined 12:26 melezhik left 12:30 jpn left 12:32 jjido joined 13:15 atweedie joined 13:21 patrickb joined 13:23 clarkema joined 13:24 jjido left 13:42 clarkema left, atweedie left, patrickb left 13:51 atweedie joined, patrickb joined, clarkema joined 13:56 atweedie left, clarkema left, patrickb left 14:04 jpn joined 14:10 jpn left 14:11 jpn joined 14:16 jpn left 14:34 jpn joined 16:24 Opus joined 16:47 abraxxa-home joined 16:56 jpn left 17:33 dakkar left 18:27 abraxxa-home left 18:29 timo left 18:32 abraxxa-home joined 18:33 abraxxa-home left 18:35 abraxxa-home joined, abraxxa-home left 18:38 abraxxa-home joined 18:39 abraxxa-home left 18:46 timo joined 18:49 jpn joined 19:08 undeadscholar joined 19:50 undeadscholar left 20:26 vrurg_ is now known as vrurg 20:33 Sgeo joined
tbrowder__ m: my $a = "acerbic"; say so $a ~~ /^ a|ac|ace/ 20:51
camelia True
20:51 Sgeo left 20:52 Sgeo joined, epony joined
tbrowder__ is there an easier way to match any partial leading chars of a target string? 20:53
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Voldenet m: for "a", "ab", "ac", "ace", "acer" { say $_ eq "acerbic".substr(0, $_.chars) }' 21:02
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> ay $_ eq "acerbic".substr(0, $_.chars) }⏏'
Voldenet m: for "a", "ab", "ac", "ace", "acer" { say $_ eq "acerbic".substr(0, $_.chars) }
camelia True
Voldenet something like that perhaps
btw, the above regex can be shortened to /^a/ 21:06
so it might be not what you actually wanted 21:07
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clarkema evening 21:35
21:43 jpn joined
tbrowder__ correct, i want it for matching option args in a raku prog. allow one or more of the correct order of the leading chars of the option. 21:55
but i'll bet lizmat has a shorter method... 21:56
nemokosch so the longest valid prefix 21:59
tbrowder__ it's a pain to manually chop the word into abbreviation. ah, maybe my Abbreviation module can help!
Abbreviations 22:00
yes! 22:03
m: use Abbreviations 22:04
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find Abbreviations in:
tbrowder__ bummer
22:27 jpn left 23:23 sena_kun left