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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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roguerakudev where can one find the Apocalypses these days? The old URIs are broken 04:51
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Xliff \o 10:37
How can I force raku to use a class method over a role method of the same name? 10:38
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lizmat m: role A { method a() { say "A" } }; class B does A { method a() { say "B" } }; B.a; B.A::a 10:46
camelia B
lizmat Xliff ^^
assuming that's what you meant, as a method in a class always shadows the same method in a role 10:47
Xliff Does that apply to multis, as well? 10:52
m: role A { multi method a() { say "A" } multi methold a(Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a() { say "B" }; method a(Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a; B.A::a 10:54
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> role A { multi method a() { say "A" }ā multi methold a(Int) { say "IntA" }; };
expecting any of:
Xliff m: role A { multi method a() { say "A" }; multi methold a(Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a() { say "B" }; method a(Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a; B.A::a
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> ti method a() { say "A" }; multi metholdā a(Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
Xliff m: role A { multi method a() { say "A" }; multi method a(Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a() { say "B" }; method a(Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a; B.A::a 10:55
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot have a multi candidate for 'a' when an only method is also in the package 'B'
at <tmp>:1
Xliff m: role A { multi method a() { say "A" }; multi method a(Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a() { say "B" }; multi method a(Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a; B.A::a 10:56
camelia B
Cannot dispatch to method a on A because it is not inherited or done by B
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: role A { multi method a() { say "A" }; multi method a (Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a() { say "B" }; multi method a (Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a; B.A::a
camelia B
Cannot dispatch to method a on A because it is not inherited or done by B
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: role A { multi method a() { say "A" }; multi method a (Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a() { say "B" }; multi method a (Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a;
camelia B
10:59 itaipu joined 11:01 CIAvash left 11:27 MasterDuke left
Xliff m: role A { multi method a(*@a) { say "A" }; multi method a (Int) { say "IntA" }; }; class B does A { multi method a(*@a) { say "B" }; multi method a (Int) { say "IntB" }; }; B.a(1, 2, 3); 11:51
camelia B
Voldenet roguerakudev: www.perl.com/pub/2001/04/02/wall.html/ 12:00
also web.archive.org/web/20200123132845...o/A01.html 12:02
tbrowder__ ugexe: when accessing a distro oobject from RESOURCES, is the .open always required (as in %?RESOURCES<key>.open.slurp)? 12:12
it seems to work ok while testing a module locally during a test install with zef 12:22
ugexe tbrowder__: yesā€¦ if it does work without it itā€™s probably because it was unintentionally made so at one point. Since it has to be implemented per comp unit repository you should still use open because other comp unit repos *do* still require it to be opened first 12:42
12:47 jpn left
ugexe Actually Iā€™m think about DISTRIBUTION, but youā€™re talking about RESOURCES 13:10
tbrowder__ yes. i'm tidying up a module giving me the warning from zef about RESOURCES 13:18
for us journeyman raku coders a good HOWTO would be very helpful. you could submit a corrective PR for my HowToUseModuleResources distro (or a new but similar distro). :-) 13:24
with a better name 13:27
say, DistroHowTo or...take a vote on Raku.land 13:29
for a good name 13:30
DistroBestPractices ... 13:33
ugexe what warning? 13:43
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roguerakudev Voldenet - thanks! 14:59
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jdv since when can't a rakudo install dir be moved? 15:10
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tadzik I'm pretty sure that's since the original Rakudo Star release :) 15:53
unless it's changed later and broke again
antononcube @tadzik Do you use "Geo::Coder::OpenCage", or you have abandoned it? šŸ™‚ 15:59
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patrickb jdv: I implemented that in 2019. That was my first contribution to rakudo back then. 16:57
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patrickb tadzik: I'm pretty sure it never worked before my changes. The binary Rakudo Star releases back then relied on being installed into the exact same location they were compiled in. 16:59
2019.07 was the first relocatable release. 17:02
tadzik antononcube: I did it for a customer back then, I never used it myself 17:06
patrickb: aha, I missed the news back then it seems (or have forgotten :))
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tbrowder__ ugexe: my bad, i thought this warning was from zef but it looks like it was from App::Mi6 19:14
that's when i changed to use %?RESOURCES<key>.slurp to get the file contents and then rewrote it in a tempdir for use 19:29
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tbrowder__ fyi, i just submitted a PR for community module File::Temp (github.com/raku-community-modules/raku-File-Temp). i could merge it but o prefer someone else do it for 2-person control. 19:50
[Coke] tbrowder__: is it common to show git hash ids in the changes file? 19:58
Thought that was just "everything that rolls up into the next version" usually
otherwise seems OK to me on the documentation side (I can't speak to the testing parts) 19:59
tbrowder__ hm...looking...mine do because i haven't squashed stuff. i used to be careful about not submitting a PR before extensive testing, but using mi6 and the auto changes to the README make that harder for me because i forget about it until after the first submission. 20:03
i don't know how to squash an active PR 20:04
or whatever the proper git term is
i have to change to the proper receiving repo name in the README 20:06
oh, you mean the Changes file? those are changes i made to ensure there is a record of changes prior to any Changes file 20:09
docos were sparse when the repo was started 20:10
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[Coke] ok 20:25
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patrickb weekly: dev.to/patrickbkr/stability-3mla 20:58
notable6 patrickb, Noted! (weekly)
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aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine, do you think you'd wanna pair up on migrations for Red? Or are you still working on HTML::Component? 22:22
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tbrowder__ hi 22:28
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tbrowder__ can anyone see this msg? 23:14
can anyone see this msg? 23:16
hello 23:18
gfldex looks at msg 23:19
23:19 Summer left
Voldenet yes 23:19
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