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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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chloekek good morning 11:39
tellable6 2020-02-25T10:25:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> .ask chloekek could you give a reply on www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...e_in_raku/ with regards to the status of your GSOC project of last year ?
2020-03-21T10:13:00Z #raku-dev <tyil> .tell chloekek of course, I'm @tyil@soc.fglt.nl
2020-04-17T11:21:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> chloekek: wonder how that applies to CRAI ?
tellable6_ 2020-02-25T10:25:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> .ask chloekek could you give a reply on www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...e_in_raku/ with regards to the status of your GSOC project of last year ?
tellable6 2020-04-17T11:21:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> chloekek: that being en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BagIt
tellable6_ 2020-03-21T10:13:00Z #raku-dev <tyil> .tell chloekek of course, I'm @tyil@soc.fglt.nl
tellable6 2020-04-20T14:06:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> .tell chloekek crai.foldr.nl doesn't show Camelia anymore, but still references it in the footer :-)
tellable6_ 2020-04-17T11:21:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> chloekek: wonder how that applies to CRAI ?
tellable6 2020-05-08T11:32:00Z #raku-dev <AlexDaniel> chloekek: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...05-08#l111
tellable6_ 2020-04-17T11:21:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> chloekek: that being en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BagIt
2020-04-20T14:06:00Z #raku-dev <lizmat> .tell chloekek crai.foldr.nl doesn't show Camelia anymore, but still references it in the footer :-)
2020-05-08T11:32:00Z #raku-dev <AlexDaniel> chloekek: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...05-08#l111
chloekek lol
lizmat chloekek o/ 11:43
loooong time no see :-)
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xinming m: sub t ($a, $b) { @_.raku.say; }; t("hello", Nil); 16:56
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Placeholder variable '@_' cannot override existing signature
at <tmp>:1
------> sub⏏ t ($a, $b) { @_.raku.say; }; t("hello",
xinming In this case, How do we get the array of the whole arg?
IIRC, there is a syntax in function declaration, which is something like sub t (@x = ($a, $b)) { ... }; 16:57
But not sure
ab5tract m: sub foo { dd @_ }; foo ‘Perl’, 5, ‘style’ 17:12
camelia ["Perl", 5, "style"]
ab5tract m: sub foo(*@a) { dd @a }; foo ‘slurpy’, ‘style’ 17:13
camelia ["slurpy", "style"]
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/04/22/2024-...dcabaacab/ 17:19
xinming ab5tract: Nope, What I mean is, IIRC, there is something like sub t (|c = ($p1, $p2)) { ... } kind of syntax. 17:23
Or maybe I remember wrong
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ab5tract 7:34 PM <ab5tract> m: sub first(@array ($first, *@rest)) { dd $first, @rest, @array }; first [5,6,7] 17:34
m: sub first(@array ($first, *@rest)) { dd $first, @rest, @array }; first [5,6,7]
camelia 5
[6, 7]
[5, 6, 7]
ab5tract xinming: ^^^ ? 17:35
xinming ab5tract: Yea, thanks, this is what I want ;-) 17:38
I've read raku docs several times, I do remember there is such kind of syntax for this. :-)
ab5tract I had forgotten about it :) 17:42
17:47 jpn joined
[Coke] ugexe: in one of my zef-deps tests I am now getting gist.github.com/coke/3058d45c5bb61...c6ea56a64a "use of Nil" errors from Zef::Repository 17:56
trying to golf this 17:57
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[Coke] think it's here: github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/main/lib...kumod#L145 18:06
er, github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/main/lib...kumod#L145 18:07
(having the backtrace show the precompiled hash IDs makes it slightly more challenging, apologies)
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ugexe [Coke]: maybe try `zef nuke StoreDir` 20:08
or maybe `zef update`
the key i think being to recreate the index for the repos
[Coke] no change - tried update first, then nuke, same error each time 20:17
ugexe what are the steps to reproduce
librasteve is this funky "array destructuring" in the docs by any chance? 20:18
20:18 jpn joined
ugexe docs.raku.org/language/signatures#..._arguments 20:19
i think those are the same
[Coke] ugexe: let me try with a fresh clone of my repo, but: git clone git@github.com:coke/raku-zef-deps.git; cd raku-zef-deps; zef test . (it's t/dot.t that gets noisy) 20:23
er, zef install --deps-only . probably also 20:24
librasteve ah yes, I could have searched for "destructuring" - thanks for googling that for me letmegooglethat.com
[Coke] yup, Welcome to Rakudo™ v2024.03.
git clone git@github.com:coke/raku-zef-deps.git; cd raku-zef-deps; zef install --deps-only .; raku -I. t/dot.t # minimal 20:28
I tried to golf it but I think it might need to be using the module and not just a script. 20:29
20:31 chloekek left
ugexe i think App::Zef-Deps is broken 20:38
it is passing values like "nameZef" to my $candidates = try $zef.find-candidates($module).head;
oh maybe that is just the result of gist and not what it is actually passing 20:39
[Coke] I'll double check that as well 20:44
ugexe at a minimum i think App::Zef-Deps needs `my @queue = map { Zef::Identity.new(|$_) }, @module;` 20:47
maybe not... 20:51
[Coke] must have accidentally passed before
ugexe my @queue = map { Zef::Identity.new(|$_).identity }, @module; rather, although this doesn't entirely fix it 20:53
probably need to use Zef::IDentity.new(|$_).identity in some other spots as well 20:55
which turns stuff like "{ "name": "wahtever", "ver": 42 }" into wahtever:ver<42>
[Coke] oh - wonder if I screwed up dec7c763fc1a092eb7ec40d47694eb096904d208 last year and din't notice 20:56
linkable6 (2023-10-31) github.com/coke/raku-zef-deps/commit/dec7c763fc Prefer hash format for META6.json deps
ugexe @module = map { Zef::Identity.new(|$_).identity }, @module; 20:57
that is the one line you need to add
[Coke] oops, relevant comment, not relevant commit
20:57 linkable6_ left
ugexe in MAIN-handler 20:57
[Coke] ah - no, it is relevant - i happen to work if you have ":ver" in the meta6.json - this will fail for any modules using the hash vwersion of meta6 20:58
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ugexe use Zef::Distribution::Local; given Zef::Distribution::Local.new($*CWD) { say $_.depends-specs.map(*.identity); say $_.build-depends-specs.map(*.identity); say $_.test-depends-specs.map(*.identity) } 21:03
slightly more abstracted
i guess that isn't useful though since it requires the distribution to actually be downloaded already 21:04
[Coke] META7.json ? 21:08
(just saw that in a backtrace) 21:09
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ugexe ? 21:10
[Coke] afk. I'll try to fix this and cut a release shortly 21:17
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Guest37 Is it possible to have a Set of Lists or other non-scalar items? 22:06
my $s = ( (0,0), (1,1) ).Set --> Set(0 1). What I'm looking for is Set( (0 0), (1 1) )
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guifa o/ 22:39
tellable6 2024-03-29T11:26:14Z #raku <ab5tract> guifa: what’s the conundrum here?
guifa ab5tract: just returning to my logical coding project. Will need to treat logical variables a bit differently than "normal" variables 22:40
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