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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:08 popebob joined 00:28 jpn joined 00:36 jpn left 00:37 jpn joined 00:41 jpn left 01:04 hulk joined 01:05 kylese left 01:29 jpn joined 01:34 jpn left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:23 jpn joined 02:28 jpn left 02:30 jpn joined 02:34 jpn left 02:56 lilbabyboogie joined 03:04 lilbabyboogie left 03:18 jpn joined 03:23 jpn left 03:31 jpn joined 03:36 jpn left 04:06 jpn joined 04:11 jpn left 04:45 jpn joined 05:14 jpn left 05:20 jpn joined 05:29 jpn left 05:30 Sgeo left 05:33 jpn joined 05:38 jpn left 06:34 jpn joined 06:39 jpn left 07:02 CIAvash joined 07:19 CIAvash left 07:20 abraxxa joined 07:33 CIAvash joined 07:35 jpn joined 07:40 jpn left 07:48 sena_kun joined 08:12 CIAvash left 08:17 CIAvash joined 08:27 jpn joined 08:28 CIAvash left 08:37 Manifest0 joined
Manifest0 Hi. I updated my raku to latest main, and now i'm getting the error: An exception X::AdHoc occurred while evaluating a CHECK: Could not find symbol '&EXPORT' in 'NativeCall' 08:40
full exception stack: paste.opensuse.org/pastes/894e37f1a7b2 08:41
lizmat Manifest0: thanks for the report 08:50
is there a way to look at he code that is causing this? The stacktrace is sadly not very informative 08:51
Manifest0 i can provide you a zip with my code 08:54
just a sec
09:02 abraxxa left
Manifest0 lizmat, you can download the code from here: www.swisstransfer.com/d/23a25e89-d...9869be9a64 09:03
i ran now without the --ll-exception, and it seems the error originates in the DBIish module: paste.opensuse.org/pastes/2ac152c9d2ab
lizmat seems this is the problem: 09:06
CHECK for NativeCall::EXPORT::.keys {
m: use NativeCall; CHECK for NativeCall::EXPORT::.keys { .say } # golf 09:07
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception X::AdHoc occurred while evaluating a CHECK:
Could not find symbol '&EXPORT' in 'NativeCall'
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
Could not find symbol '&EXPORT' in 'NativeCall'
in …
lizmat bisectable6: old=2024.04 use NativeCall; CHECK for NativeCall::EXPORT::.keys { .say }
bisectable6 lizmat, Bisecting by exit code (old=2024.04 new=f253d68). Old exit code: 0
lizmat, bisect log: gist.github.com/d3f9ee4b6a2f31ad78...9678d98c81
lizmat, (2024-05-02) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/89...cd93093f76
lizmat Manifest0: fixing this now! 09:09
Manifest0 :-D 09:10
10:32 jpn left 10:36 abraxxa joined 10:52 jpn joined
lizmat Manifest0: fwiw, still mulling over what would be the best approach to fix 11:31
Manifest0 sure, take your time. Should i open a ticket so it could be tracked? 11:44
12:00 abraxxa left 12:22 jpn left 13:28 MasterDuke joined
tbrowder Manifest0: is your company use of Raku shown on the Raku.org page? 13:38
if not, pls file an issue there
if appropiate, that is 13:39
lizmat Manifest0: please do, using my golf :-) 13:41
Manifest0 tbrowder, no. I just use it in my personal scripts at home. 13:42
lizmat, will do
13:42 jpn joined
Manifest0 lizmat, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5561 13:50
lizmat Manifest0++ 13:51
13:54 MasterDuke left 13:58 MasterDuke joined
librasteve @antononcube - they say that when steamships arrived, the sailing ships got faster (viz. Cutty Sark) 14:06
tbh I don't want to implement the 10'5" shorthand since it messes up my code highlighting 14:07
so instead I can now annouce the addition of proper fractions to App::Crag 14:09
eg. crag 'say :<§|10⁵/₁₂| ft> .in: <m>'
antononcube > they say that when steamships arrived, the sailing ships got faster Actually, I use that as analogy why grammars become more relevant because of the popularity of LLMs.
librasteve (note the new §|...| syntax I made that goes Q|...|.AST.EVAL without all the boring typing 14:10
and the use of subscripts to put proper and improper fractions into raku) 14:11
imo this is better than typing `wolfram-alpha-result('what is 10 feet and 5 inches in metres'); 14:12
antononcube Sure -- W|A is slower, requires internet connection, and one has limited number of calls, (or pays for them.) 14:17
As I mentioned yesterday, it has been in my TODO list for at least a year to make "WWW::WolframAlpha". I finally did it yesterday because, well, it seemed fun/easy and it can be useful for testing some functionalities in my day job. 14:18
Hooking up the WolframEngine with "Proc::ZMQed" is fine, but I cannot make Docker images with WolframEngine yet. And linking to Wolfram|Alpha is really "lightweight" distribution-wise. 14:20
librasteve yeah - to paraphrase our motto, there's more than one way to skin a cat 14:21
antononcube And there is more than one cat to skin. 🙂 14:22
BTW, my first "official" release of the functionalities of "Chemistry::Stoichiometry" was for Wolfram|Alpha. 14:23
Although, I worked on some functionalties of Wolfram|Alpha, I am not using often. I might do that now, because of having it readily accessible in Raku sessions. 14:24
15:29 Xliff_ joined
Xliff_ \o 15:29
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Is there a way to tell if a module needs to be precompiled? 15:30
jdv was ok. yours?
Xliff_ Meh.
16:19 jpn left
roguerakudev I saw in the latest rakudo weekly that a new “is item” trait was added 17:23
I don’t see anything in the docs about it so I was wondering what it does
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/05/06/2024-...nstrained/ 17:37
roguerakudev it hasn't made it into a release yet 17:38
so it's not 100% sure it'll be properly available
though I'd say 99.9% sure :-) 17:39
m: multi a(@a) { dd "array" }; multi a(@a is item) { dd "item" }; a [1,2,3]; a $[1,2,3]; a (1,2,3); a $(1,2,3) 17:40
camelia "array"
lizmat roguerakudev ^^
hope that clarifies!
it is basically a tie breaker on what would otherwise be a ambiguous dispatch 17:41
librasteve chucking down with rain 17:55
only the weekly relieves the misery 18:08
Rog - I share your curiosity
lizmat fg 18:12
librasteve I see that Q|10⁵/₁₂|.AST.EVAL (fractions with super-/sub-scripts) works ... is there some plan to have a more pithy literal style for this? (apologies if already there and I didn't notice) 18:14
lizmat 10 + <5/12> ? 18:15
librasteve ah yes, sorry 18:17
.oO (on the item thing) 18:18
clojure on MoarVM - yikes 18:36
roguerakudev lizmat - I'm assuming the ambiguity would arise when one candidate takes a $-sigiled param? 18:44
m: multi a(@a) { dd 'array'; }; multi a($a) { dd 'item' }; a [1, 2, 3]; a $[1, 2, 3]; a (1, 2, 3); a $(1, 2, 3); 18:45
evalable6 "array"
Raku eval "array" "array" "array" "array"
roguerakudev I need adjust the bot permissions 18:46
lizmat yeah, that was exactly the issue: you could not distinguish between [] and $[] as an argument in dispatch
and even if you'd mark the $ case as Positional, it wouldn't work 18:47
m: 'multi a(@a) { dd }; multi a(Positional $a) { dd }; a $[1,2,3]
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> ulti a(Positional $a) { dd }; a $[1,2,3]⏏<EOL>
expecting …
lizmat m: multi a(@a) { dd }; multi a(Positional $a) { dd }; a $[1,2,3]
camelia Ambiguous call to 'a(Array)'; these signatures all match:
(Positional $a)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
roguerakudev that makes sense 18:48
I would kind of expect $(1, 2, 3) to take the $-sigiled candidate 18:49
there are probably reasons why it shouldn't though
lizmat well, perhaps it should, but that would be a breaking change 18:50
perhaps the Positional $ candidate should 18:51
but generally, containerization is not considered in dispatch
e.g. if you have an Array as an element on another Array, or a Hash, it will be containerized unless you do something special 18:52
antononcube Maybe the rain mood got to you... 18:54
lizmat afk& 18:57
19:05 Xliff_ left
antononcube @Rog "I need adjust the bot permissions" -- Bot permits... 19:07
19:35 MasterDuke left 19:45 jpn joined 19:50 jpn left
ab5tract roguerakudev: I implemented that differentiation (@a vs Positional $a) first but it's actually a bit more intrusive while being less comprehensive than `is item` 20:07
m: multi s(@a) { '@' }; multi s(@a is item) { '$' }; say s [<a l r e a d y>]; say s $[<h e r e>]
camelia @
20:08 MasterDuke joined 20:10 MasterDuke left
ab5tract m: multi s(%a) { '%' }; multi s(%a is item) { '$' }; say s %( :already ); say s ${ :here } 20:11
camelia %
ab5tract Ah, I didn't scroll back far enough, I see lizmat++ already demo'd it 20:13
gfldex: not sure if you are seeing the efforts @ github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/51...1563090611 so poking you here about it as well 20:40
gfldex looks
21:12 jpn joined 21:17 jpn left
roguerakudev btw the bot on this end should no longer respond to queries - I removed its ability to view this channel 21:20
21:32 MasterDuke joined
antononcube @Rog Did you tell it "bad bot, bad!" 21:40
21:56 Sgeo joined
Geth ¦ problem-solving: bbkr assigned to samcv Issue Add `nomark` for striping accents, `samemark` is counterintuitive and slow for that purpose. github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/427 21:58
roguerakudev No, it would like that too much... 22:12
antononcube Yeah, no negative reinformcements for bots. 22:15
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