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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:17 hulk joined 01:18 kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 04:09 MasterDuke joined 04:19 jmcgnh left 04:29 swaggboi left 04:34 jmcgnh joined 05:30 Sgeo left 05:53 jmcgnh left 06:11 GreaseMonkey left 06:12 greaser|q joined 06:15 jmcgnh joined 07:10 vrurg_ left 07:46 teatime left, teatime joined 08:21 dakkar joined 08:28 sena_kun joined 08:32 thaewrapt left 08:33 thaewrapt joined 08:39 thaewrapt left 08:49 thaewrapt joined 08:55 thaewrapt left 09:05 thaewrapt joined 09:12 thaewrapt left 09:23 thaewrapt joined 09:28 wayland76 joined, thaewrapt left
wayland76 Hi all! I've had a look through github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...rammar.nqp and couldn't find any reference to the "redo" function. That means I'm looking in the wrong place. Where do we keep the official grammar for Raku? 09:29
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lizmat wayland76: "redo" is implemented as a sub, so you won't find it in any grammar other than as <identifier> in locations where a sub call would be valid 10:02
the implementation of redo can be found at: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...#L114-L116 10:03
the documentation here: docs.raku.org/language/control#redo 10:04
10:11 thaewrapt left
tbrowder ugexe: would it be helpful to make an option for zef to search only for distro names so we can help root out needed fixes? 10:15
zef list --distros ... 10:16
and i think using App::Mi6 prevents the problem on the author's end 10:22
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tbrowder my mi6-helper lint option should also help 10:24
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wayland76 lizmat: Great, thanks! :) 11:02
Is this a bug: gist.github.com/wayland/a5209aab36...dae2d39d74 ? 11:04
Shouldn't answer 5 be 84?
(Documentation at docs.raku.org/language/variables#The_let_prefix ) 11:05
No, my bad.
When I return Nil instead of False, answer 5 becomes 84. 11:06
I *did* find a doco bug though -- docs.raku.org/type/X/Control refers to CX::Oops, but then goes on to define CX::Vaya instead 11:30
lizmat wayland76: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/new?ass...amp;title= :-) 11:43
11:49 jpn left 11:59 zupss is now known as zups 12:28 jpn joined
[Coke] Please report the doc bug, trying to do a cleanup pass this month 12:59
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[Coke] anyone looking to help out with docs but would rather write code: this example could use tweaking: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3979 13:22
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Voldenet [Coke]: I did some refactoring for the code to make sense (it used to serve <html><body> for every line) 0x0.st/XZbu.txt 16:02
while it's not a complete http server, it does work
on firefox at least
[Coke] Voldenet++ a PR would make it very easy for me to accept that! 16:05
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[Coke] m: my $line = "a b ACCEPTS c d"; Allomorph.^lookup($line ~~ /'ACCEPTS'/) 17:16
camelia This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Match
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] apparently this used to work but now requires you pass an explict Str 17:21
... (explicit Str works in my sample, but not in raku/doc xt/check-signatures.t)
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[Coke] bisectable6: my $line = "a b ACCEPTS c d"; Allomorph.^lookup($line ~~ /'ACCEPTS'/) 17:48
bisectable6 [Coke], Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
[Coke], Output on all releases: gist.github.com/f288afd7995d0acec9...781485b858 17:49
[Coke], Bisecting by exit code (old=2024.02 new=2024.03). Old exit code: 0
[Coke], bisect log: gist.github.com/0b7869102cc761905b...576b5133e1
[Coke], (2024-03-18) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/cf...09f9b6f9b6
[Coke], Bisecting by exit code (old=2020.08.2 new=2020.09). Old exit code: 1
17:49 vrurg left
bisectable6 [Coke], bisect log: gist.github.com/e318c9139533418de8...bfb2f8122d 17:50
[Coke], (2020-08-25) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/48...1d15897c0e
[Coke], âš  New output detected, please review the results manually
[Coke], Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/26fe91928d7e31f9be...034b847f9d
Voldenet [Coke]: there you go github.com/Raku/doc/pull/4470 18:09
[Coke] Voldenet++ #Merged! 18:17
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[Coke] Here's another coding thing that would help: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/4471 - the code for raku/doc to check signatures in the docs against the rakudo source doesn't realize that a "has $.proc" means that you can call a method ".proc" on that thing, so it complains. 22:27
If someone wants to hack on that, please join us in #raku-doc with any questions.
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[Coke] another simple (but lengthy) updated needed in raku-doc if anyonr is looking for an easy PR. 23:38