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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:13 hulk joined 01:15 kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:10 Sgeo joined
wayland I guess what I really want to know is, why do the "returns" methods of two completely different signatures match this in the first place? 03:23
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ab5tract wayland: fair question.. I tried poking at it bit last night but it was too late for coherency 11:40
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wayland76 ab5tract: Thanks anyway :) 20:57
21:06 teatwo joined
wayland76 Interesting -- I've created a Parameter programmatically, and then passed it to Signature.new in the params array, and it wraps it inside another Parameter. Is that avoidable? 21:07
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wayland76 No, my bad, it's just not desstructuring something. 21:11
21:15 teatwo joined 21:17 hankache left 21:19 tea3po left
wayland76 Is there a way to get the debugger in Comma to show when it's jumped into the Raku code (ie. into Signature)? At the moment, I can see in the call stack when it jumps into Signature, but the code doesn't show up. 21:31
(I'm wanting to step through Signature.ACCEPTS and see where it's actually exiting, so I can figure out what it doesn't like about my programmatically-created Signature) 21:41
tbrowder ref signatures: is an explicit return type enough to distinguish between otherwise identical signatures? i thought not, but i don't understand the nqp comments earlier 21:43
wayland76 And it might not be. There are some structural differences (eg. some of the Parameter objects I've passed in seem to be getting wrapped in other Parameter objects), and I'm wanting to put my finger on the exact difference. 21:44
(IOW, I don't know, but see the line of code I linked yesterday -- it seems to be saying that maybe they have to be the same) 21:45
21:50 jpn joined
wayland76 Is there a way we can use adverbs/traits/something on a function /call/ instead of on a function /definition/ ? 22:03
ab5tract adverbs are already supported on calls
wayland76 Oh, you mean as syntactic sugar on named parameters? 22:04
ab5tract but they only have an impact if you have accounted for them in your function definition *or* if you dig into %_ manually
wayland76 OK.
ab5tract adverbs "are" named parameters :)
wayland76 Yep :)
ab5tract and of course, you'll be digging into %_ manually in your function definition... or it might work to take a &code block that looks into OUTER::<%_> ... hmmm 22:06
also, you may want to consider doing all of this signature generation via RakuAST 22:07
it may prove to be less fiddly, if more verbose
you can check `t/S12-rakuast/signature.rakutest` for a view on what that might look like 22:08
wayland76 Oh, thanks! 22:11
OTOH, maybe this is our chance to debug manual Signature/Parameter debugging.
s/debugging/creation/ 22:14
Also, just to make things more complicated, I'm creating a new Signature using parameters from an old Signature :)
ab5tract to me that definitely sounds like an RakuAST-appropriate use case 22:26
but it's probably a bit of torment here and a bit of torment there either way :) 22:27
wayland76 Actually, the part that might make it particularly difficult is turning the regular Parameter objects I'm nicking from the other Signature into RakuAST parameters. 22:35
22:44 wayland76 left 23:09 sena_kun left