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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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[Coke] waves from Dallas, TX 02:09
ugexe [Coke]: lmk if you happen to stop into houston 02:13
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[Coke] Used to live there! 02:29
... in '96
jdv is everything really bigger in tx? 02:43
[Coke] haven't seen this much traffic in a while.. 02:45
jdv hit the fdr or the belt or midtown almost any day:) 02:47
[Coke] I am from a small town in upstate NY, so yeah that would do it. :) 02:48
ugexe I-10 26 lane supremecy 02:49
jdv geez 02:51
[Coke] Trying to change ls colors on zsh on mac is apparently non-trivial. :| 03:33
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[Coke] ah, LSCOLORS not LS_COLORS 03:47
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[Coke] ... nope. getting overwritten. :| 03:50
/me gives up on trying to make his C64 color scheme work. :( 04:21
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El_Che . 08:48
ok, it looks that I missed raku releases 08:49
will have a look this afternoon
lizmat El_Che: and 2024.05 is just around the corner! :-) 08:56
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antononcube Hm... I waited and waited for 2024.05 and two days ago I installed / primed 2024.04. 11:15
lizmat releasable6: status 11:16
releasable6 lizmat, Next release in ≈1 day and ≈7 hours. 1 blocker. Changelog for this release was not started yet
lizmat, Details: gist.github.com/71670c9d7242ec0ac1...75fcd0dd63
lizmat antononcube you can ask for the ETA
antononcube ✍️
@Coke I use these lines in my "~/.zshrc" (on macOS) and I get colors: export PS1="[%T]%2/> " export LSCOLORS="Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad" 11:17
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El_Che lizmat: as in today? In that case, I'll release that 12:10
a, 1 day
will do that then
lizmat Q: do older releases remain available? if so, it would be nice to have the missing releases as well 12:11
El_Che yes, until we run out of space 12:12
lizmat and who determines the size / cost of that space ? 12:13
El_Che I have an opensource account on cloudsmith. 12:16
ik see I use 14g of 50g
lizmat ok, so that should allow for quite a few releases still, right ? 12:17
it's not like we're storing Netflix movies :-)
El_Che yeah, a few years 12:20
if nothing changes
antononcube In a few years one can generate and reproduce "Netfix movies" in full using LLM functionalities in Raku. 12:25
So, no need to plan for storage that large.
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Of course, reproducing all of Raku's code base is harder. (Say, after 5 years...) 13:29
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"Algorithm::Tree" is nice / interesting. Unfortunately, it does not work correctly. 14:10
I am not is the problem on the Raku side or the C implementation of
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melezhik o/ 21:27
tellable6 2024-04-26T15:56:55Z #raku <tbrowder> melezhik: i think one of the raku advents discussed a terminal prog of some kind
2024-04-26T16:14:40Z #raku <tbrowder> melezhik: Terminal::Graphing::BarCharts may be a starting point
melezhik I've added 2 authentication schemas to Sparky, default one does not need any extrenal provider, for simple use case - github.com/melezhik/sparky/blob/ma...cs/auth.md 21:28
future release notes - github.com/melezhik/sparky/blob/ma...ges#L5-L13 21:29
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wayland76 OK, so once I have some RakuAST nodes, how do I convert to Raku? 22:21
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