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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:04 Manifest0 left 01:05 hulk joined, kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 05:09 soverysour joined 05:13 soverysour left 05:30 Sgeo left 05:56 sena_kun left, sena_kun joined 06:04 jpn joined 06:47 jpn left 07:11 jpn joined 07:17 jpn left 07:19 jpn joined 07:25 jpn left 07:42 sena_kun left 07:45 sena_kun joined 07:54 dakkar joined 08:11 lizmat_ joined 08:12 Geth left 08:14 lizmat left 08:16 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 08:33 jpn joined 08:36 nine left, nine joined 08:44 Manifest0 joined
xinming m: my $t = "1"; my $str = q:c["Hello" \{ {$t}]; $str.say; 08:44
camelia "Hello" \{ 1
xinming In this example, shouldn't the \{ be output as { instead of \{ ? 08:45
Is the escape wrong in this case? as q:c means escape the \{
means \{ shouldn't be processed as closure, But not output as \{
ab5tract :c is short for :closure which means “Interpolate {...} expressions” 08:48
08:51 jpn left
ab5tract q is analogous to single quotes, so escaped sequences are reperesented literally 08:51
m: say qq[ \{ say “not in a closure” \}] 08:52
camelia { say “not in a closure” }
08:53 jpn joined
ab5tract m: my $t = "1"; my $str = q:b:c["Hello" \{  {$t}]; $str.say; 08:53
camelia "Hello" {  1
ab5tract xinming: ^^ 08:54
09:00 Geth joined
xinming Thanks for the clarification, I don't know there is :b adv for the q :-) 09:04
09:09 sena_kun left
ab5tract That one and plenty more besides :). docs.raku.org/syntax/Q 09:20
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andinus i get "ERROR: Could not retrieve executable path." when trying to run rakudo, downloaded the binary from rakudo.org/downloads/rakudo - this is running inside a chroot, when i run `strace raku` - just before printing the error it tries to open /proc/self/exe - which is not available inside the chroot 13:24
any workarounds?
[Coke] from here: github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/e9f29c...path.c#L36 13:30
Can you get a trace to what's invoking it? 13:31
antononcube releasable6: status 13:32
releasable6 antononcube, Next release in ≈24 days and ≈5 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
antononcube, Details: gist.github.com/b35a6f6d4832186639...5fada0e400
[Coke] andinus: superuser.com/questions/165116/mou...nvironment ? 13:36
andinus yes, i'll just run strace on it, i was playing around with the vm and it weirdly it worked but i'm unable to replicate that again 13:39
[Coke] Good luck!
andinus [Coke]: mounting proc won't be an option, i need to do it without that
thanks! 13:42
now the error changes to 'raku: error while loading shared libraries: libmoar.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file'
oh it goes back to that error, once i put libmoar in /usr/lib 13:46
[Coke]: strace prints these lines before the program terminates: paste.debian.net/hidden/6f7cfd33/ 13:47
is there a way to specify the executable path?
[Coke] I don't know, but I'd google for libuv solutions. 13:53
I see a jvm call in that trace - are you using the JVM version of raku or the (default) MoarVM version? 13:55
I imagine you'd have some options if you were building rakudo from source, we could check to see if /proc was available and try something from stackoverflow.com/questions/102330...c-self-exe 13:57
but I don't think there's anything you can just run today to make that work.
andinus no, i'm using moarvm version, it seems like it's just looking for some .so files (the reason for jvm dir) 13:58
i see, makes sense. i'll look for some other workarounds 14:00
thank you :)
same trouble when installing with rakubrew, which makes sense it does the same thing as i did manually 14:01
[Coke] Might be worth opening a ticket on rakudo/rakudo on github that you can't run the exe in a chroot. 14:09
might get some dev eyeballs on it that way
andinus yes, i'll open a ticket in sometime 14:13
[Coke] andinus++ 14:46
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[Coke] givers DDG a week as his default search engine to see how it goes. 15:46
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coleman andinus: on the docs CI environment we build Rakudo w/o root and the configure script can be run to look for shared libs in a non-standard directory; github.com/Raku/infra/blob/main/im...kudo.sh#L8 16:00
perl Configure.pl --prefix=$HOME/MoarVM/install --gen-moar --backends=moar # (in the rakudo git checkout) 16:01
see scripts for nqp, moarvm, and rakudo
16:32 jpn left
[Coke] colman++ 16:32
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[Coke] coleman++ #oops 17:02
coleman :) Thanks for the props 17:05
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lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/06/03/2024-23-sparkling/ 18:48
antononcube @lizmat Thanks for the update! 18:55
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jdv hmm, how come searching for "Whateverable" doesn't work on raku.land? 20:54
20:54 soverysour left
AlexDaniel jdv: yeah, it's not listed for some reason hmmm 20:56
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AlexDaniel if you find the reason and it's something in META6.json, feel free to commit a fix :) 21:00
c: say 42
committable6 AlexDaniel, Seems like you forgot to specify a revision (will use “v6.c” instead of “say”)
AlexDaniel, ¦v6.c (80 commits): «42␤»
AlexDaniel c: HEAD say 42 21:01
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(16ce594): «42␤»
AlexDaniel well, it takes quite some time to run code on *all* releases… :)
21:03 soverysour left 22:16 Sgeo joined 22:23 AlexDaniel left 23:04 sena_kun left 23:39 Manifest0 left