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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:02 jpn joined 00:30 thaewrapt joined
wayland antononcube: Have you considered a GraphQL backend for DataQueryWorkflows? Or OpenAPI? 00:31
antononcube: Also, I'm not understanding the difficulty of adding a new backend for DataQueryWorkflows (under the Raku space). Is there a feature that's missing in TOP that you need for this? Maybe not everything can be converted to TOP, but I think we should be able to get a moderately functional mapping. But first, I need to finish at least one version of TOP :p 00:38
Interestingly, all of us are trying different approaches at making a generic frontend for data processing structures in array/tabular format, each with a different set of emphases. 01:08
antononcube @wayland There is no principle difficulty -- it is just the bottleneck of my understanding how to convert natural language specs into TOP-code.
wayland Oh! Right. Well, I think that can be overcome as I actually release the working thing and write documentation for it. 01:09
antononcube @wayland Yeah, I think all three of us (you, I, and Steve Row) understand that...
Hmm... from what you are saying it seems TOP is less mature than I thought... 01:11
I have not considered GraphQL as target of the DSL interpreter, but it might be not that difficult to make an initial version. I have no idea how to test it. 01:12
01:17 Manifest0 left
wayland Anyone know if there's any plan to release a hard copy of Think Raku? 01:23
antononcube: Agreed, now -- I was just late to the party :p 01:24
antonon: Yeah, with the TOP stuff I took the opposite approach from what I usually take -- I wrote the ideas down first, instead of starting with code. 01:25
My point (that I completely forgot to mention :p ) with the 3 different libraries we're writing, (plus DBIish as well) is that the next version of Raku (ie. Raku 7, whatever the next big rewrite is) needs this kind of stuff built in, just like the concepts from various Perl 5 modules (Parse::RecDescent, Moose, DateTime) were put into Raku. 01:35
antononcube: You could also make a DBIish backend, combining SQL and Raku (if you haven't already -- I'm just looking at your diagram) 01:42
01:48 jpn left
antononcube SQL is done to a point. 01:56
I have tested it with simple specs only. 01:57
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tbrowder re: Think Raku, does its license allow someone to use another publisher to produce a hard copy? if so it probably should be updated before going that route. 13:12
antononcube Also, does it licencse make it amenable to be used in a specially-biased Raku-LLM ? 13:13
tbrowder publisher like diggypod.com 13:19
13:35 jpn joined
wayland76 I think the last hardcopy was called Think Perl 6, and it's been updated online since then. 13:41
I've got the code " has Int $!doc-width = 1683; " and I get: Error: Type check failed in assignment to $!width; expected Num but got Int (1683) 13:43
Is there a way to tell it to just coerce other than using .Int on the number? 13:44
Actually, my bad -- please ignore. 13:45
lizmat 1683 looks pretty Inty to me :-)
13:57 jpn left
wayland76 Yeah, turns out I was passing it to Cairo, which does some native stuff. It turned out to only be 2 numbers, so I just coerced them with .Num 13:59
14:01 jpn joined 14:18 [Coke] left
antononcube ParSeq suddently moved from a micro version into mini versions. 14:24
lizmat yeah, all goals that I had set, looked like they were reached 14:25
antononcube 👍 14:26
lizmat integration into rak / App::Rak turned out to reveal a number of issues, that haven't all been solved yet :-(
antononcube I should start keeping / submitting a "Changes" file in my packages.
lizmat App::Mi6 basically forces you to do so, one of its features :-) 14:27
antononcube Of course, going parallel is natural way speed up "App::Rak".
lizmat App::Rak already does that, but was hindered by the limitations of .hyper 14:28
which was the impetus for me to start scratching that .hyper itch that I've had for years :-) 14:29
so the "drop in replacement for hyperize" goal was definitely not reached yet 14:31
antononcube Good to know! 14:43
lizmat so: ok to use in scripts atm, not yet to integrate into other modules :-( 14:54
tbrowder hi, i'm working on a new module, Checkwriter, to gen pdf checks on standard printers using standard check papers. first out will be for us dollars using Office Depot single check paper on Letter. Later, if there is interest, I can produce for other sizes and langiages and currencies 15:23
teatime do you need MICR ink 15:24
you can get it for laser printers
tbrowder on A4 or other stanfard sizes. it uses Lingua::EN::Numbers. my bank does not need MICR ink, buy i do have the MICT 15:25
MICR font
and i do use a laser printer 15:26
the font is included with my published FontFactory::Type1 15:27
Checkwriter progress can be viewed at github.com/tbrowder/Checkwriter. 15:29
teatime tbrowder++
tbrowder this was my motivation to urge more language support for Lingua:XX::Numbers 15:30
checks are not printable yet, but hopefully before too long. lot's of behind-the-scenes scafolding for privacy and account accuracy. 15:33
btw, my bank (and many others now i'll bet) can take check deposits via a picture with its app, so, at least for a personal account, the MICR font ink seems to be no factor. 15:36
but i will try it all out in my banking world before publishing it 15:37
16:12 [Coke] joined
tbrowder oh, actually, until full language support, the actual check writing is done with a prompt/response dialog, so, with an appropriate option, the user can enter enter the words needed instead of having the calculated based on the number amount. 16:23
lizmat wonders where cheques are still being used 16:24
I haven't seen one in 15+ years
tbrowder well, in my world, local small business ppl take checks or cash 16:25
many don't want service charges. our local tax authority likes debiting a bank acct, but their UI is terrible 16:27
but i hear rumors that the us fed banking system is going to poke noses into the situation 16:28
anyhoo, i still need checks and that means Raku 16:29
lizmat great to hear being able to use Raku for such a goal :-) 16:30
the last check I got out of the US for about 20 dollar cent, would cost 50 euros to actually process 16:31
I decided not to have it processed :)
tbrowder wise move 😁 16:45
17:39 jpn left
coleman liz lives in the future (Europe) 17:40
where you can buy a cell phone without going to the company store like it's an 1890's coal town 17:41
I needed a cashier's check recently, and I realized I hadn't gone to a physical bank in years. It had been so long they needed to ask me a long series of questions to verify my identity 17:42
17:44 Sgeo joined
tbrowder ymmv 19:10
i'm from a different gen, i still love going to physical stores, the post office, and the bank, and esp. the hardware store. alas, not many small computer stores left, Best Buy maybe best where i live now. 19:13
and i like the grocery store
lizmat Ah, don't get me wrong, I love going to stores as well.... it's just that I don't need cheques to do shopping
tbrowder gotcha, i do understand 19:14
and using raku for "practical" things is also very fun 19:15
speaking of that, some time ago i asked zoffix about the source for some nice perl6 booklets he had made with Adobe. he said we could do whatever with it. 19:20
it would be nice if someone with access to Adobe stuff could update it with a name change and any other words or code changes. 19:21
it probably needs someone with good graphics design skills and an artistic talent 19:22
lizmat antononcube looks like I need to re-imagine infectiousness in ParaSeq :-( 19:57
antononcube @lizmat Good luck! 21:00
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