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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:07 Manifest0 left 00:47 greaser|q left, greaser|q joined, greaser|q is now known as GreaseMonkey 01:56 hulk joined 01:58 kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:17 Sgeo_ joined 02:19 Sgeo left
wayland76 Do we have a Wiki where it'd be suitable to put a comparison of eg. DataQueryWorkflows, Dan, DBIish, and TOP? I'm happy to start it, but would like antononcube and librasteve to also be able to edit. 02:51
[Coke] I'd make a shared project on github and use that wiki probably 02:55
wayland76 Oh, yeah, smart idea. Thanks! 03:07
I can't find the documentation on the .so method. All I've found so far is a reference on the Signature Literals page. Any tips? 03:09
antononcube, is there a way I'm missing that lets you give hints to the DateTime::Grammar? ie. locale? 03:26
[Coke] docs.raku.org/routine/so
and that links to other primary sources 03:27
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wayland76 [Coke]: Interesting! If you search for "so", that doesn't come up. 04:54
[Coke]: Also, thanks :)
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antononcube @wayland76 “DateTime::Grammar” has a role — it can be extended to use “locale hints.” 11:33
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@wayland76 Of course, feel free to submit issues in the GitHub repository of "DataTime::Grammar". 12:27
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wayland m: use DateTime::Grammar; datetime-interpret("26/01/2001") 12:33
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find DateTime::Grammar in:
wayland On my local, it says: Month out of range. Is: 26, should be in 1..12 12:34
antononcube @wayland Does datetime-interpret("26.01.2001") work? 12:37
wayland Yep :) 12:38
I figured out I'm trying to match rule date6 12:39
raku -e 'use DateTime::Grammar; say datetime-interpret("26/01/2001", rule => "date6")' 12:40
That line above returns a Nil
antononcube @wayland I was going to write that -- I see token date6 defined for "your" date format, but I guess I have to define an overall regex, not just a token. 12:41
@wayland Yeah, the "date6" rule/token is for month names. This should work: raku -e 'use DateTime::Grammar; say datetime-interpret("26/Jan/2001", rule => "date6")' 12:43
@wayland I guess I have to define a new rule ("just for you.") 12:49
Ok, for all the people using your date format spec. 🙂 12:50
wayland Yeah, it's an Australian thing, I think. 12:55
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antononcube To be honest, working with dates- and date-time formats is both difficult and boring. It seems for your date format there should be a locale parameter handed to the grammar. 13:01
Which means (other) locale specs have to be respected.
wayland Sure. If you don't get to it any time soon, that's fine.
antononcube 👍 13:03
wayland (I threw together a quick Grammar just to handle my specific case :) )
I had a look at /usr/lib/locale/en_AU.utf8/LC_TIME and I can see it probably has the relevant info, but probably not in a useful format 13:04
(it's binary) 13:05
13:05 jpn left
wayland Yeah, it looks like we need something that calls the C function "localeconv", and returns the struct in "man 7 locale". Unless that's already happening somewhere that I've missed. 13:08
(For the record, I think a more useful name than "date6" would be "dmy-string", meaning that it's in DMY order, and that the month is a String instead of numeric) 13:09
Anyway, I've successfully made my Raku program go "Segmentation fault (core dumped)", so it's time to go to bed :) 13:13
m: use Cairo; my $surface = Cairo::Surface::PDF.new(filename => "file.pdf", :width(1683e0), :height(2383e0)); $surface.show_page()
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find Cairo in:
wayland That's the one that core dumps on my local 13:14
I'll try to put a bug report in tomorrow.
13:32 teatime left
antononcube @wayland Yeah, the "dmy-date" rule/tokne can be implemented without being attempted by default. I.e. using it via datetime-interpret("26/2/2001", rule => "dmy-date")'. 13:41
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[Coke] wayland: That's how I got there, was searching for so. The problem is that it's not the first hit. :| 17:15
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tbrowder hi, i'm looking again at maybe using MAIN for arg handling. my main problem with it is no apparent way to control the output arg and descrip widths in a terminal. i have suggested allowing options to allow arg and descrip line wrapping but got shot down. 18:15
is there any "easy" way to hook into the output to handle it downstream? 18:17
ah, i think lizmat's App::Rak has a solution... 18:21
lizmat App::Rak doesn't know about terminal widths 18:22
18:27 jpn left
tbrowder but the output seems to be a comfy width 18:30
if MAIN could recognize a \n inside a #= comment that would be a start 18:32
lizmat It does with RakuAST 18:33
it's just that MAIN processing doesn't use that afaik
tbrowder cool! i need to try getting that version working 18:34
...and not expect MAIN to be changed... 18:37
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[Coke] . 21:53
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