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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:01 kst joined 01:36 wayland76 joined, wayland left
wayland76 [Coke]: You're right. I just didn't scroll enough to see it. 01:37
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wayland76 My bad about locales. Seems like we need to see what strftime/strptime do internally, and then mirror some of that. 02:30
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tbrowder any suggestions for choosing npm or yarn for graphql work? i lost faith in npm some time ago with a bad experience with rapid npm changes, security, etc., but i might use it again with a new hashnode acct. 11:41
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holmdunc Not worth going off the beaten track to an unofficial solution. NPM is mature now and works fine 12:01
[Coke] Depending on the concerns, setting up a private npm registry might be worth it to avoid some of your security concerns. 12:16
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tbrowder thnx 12:38
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lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/06/10/2024-...ys-sommer/ 13:35
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coleman Thanks for highlighting Tony's proposal. I've added my ringing endorsement news.perlfoundation.org/post/raku-...mment-2546 14:29
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[Coke] ++ 15:20
(so old) 15:21
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tonyo ty all <3 17:55
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antononcube @lizmat The package "JavaScripdt::Google::Charts" is brand new!!! 19:04
lizmat argh, I guess the version number threw me off the scent :-) 19:05
antononcube (It is not a big tragedy that it is mentioned just as a updated.)
Yeah, I had some internal, pre-release versions.
lizmat updated 19:07
antononcube Great, thanks!
lizmat yw :-)
antononcube It seems to me that I should have started with Google Charts 1.5 years ago, not with D3.js. 19:08
Then "plots with Raku" might have been a thing by now...
For whoever is interested in this: - "JavaScripdt::D3" is for making plots and charts using intuitive interface. (Suitable for a "simple Raku developer".) - "JavaScripdt::Google::Charts" is much more adapting to Google Charts (GS), and following GC's workflow design. 19:12
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tbrowder .seen jkramer 22:45
tellable6 tbrowder, I saw jkramer 2019-07-17T13:26:49Z in #perl6: <jkramer> Does grep with race not smartmatch?
tbrowder anyone have success GraphQL lately? 22:46
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tbrowder 22:54
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