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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:01 teatwo left
Geth CCR: raiph++ created pull request #6:
Create "elli?".md
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Geth CCR/main: c98b2e4df7 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Collect/AaronSherman.md
Create AaronSherman.md (#5)
CCR/main: 6267ffca16 | raiph++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Collect/"elli?".md
Create "elli?".md (#6)

Notes explaining name / content in the file.
08:16 thaewrapt left
Geth CCR/main: 273eaedbde | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Give a more filesystem friendly name
08:22 dakkar joined
Geth CCR/main: 327db43945 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 11 files
Conserve all of Madeleine's blog posts
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ingy yamlscript.org/posts/jun-20-2024/#perl ā€” Latest YAMLScript Blog Post with shoutout to Perl and Raku (TPRC) 19:02
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toto hello 19:48
antononcube @ingy Interesting! If you use yamllm in a bash cell in a Jupyter notebook (see "Jupyter::Kernel") you can get the Markdown answers "properly" displayed. (I.e. Markdown rendered.) 19:49
19:49 jpn left
toto can rakudo execute Perl code? 19:50
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antononcube @toto Yes via "Inline::Perl5". Last time I tried it though it did not work on macOS. 19:52
Maybe, it works on Linux.
See : github.com/niner/Inline-Perl5
toto who uses raku? 19:53
antononcube šŸ™‚ Do you want the users listed by name, or by archetype? Or by age buckets? 19:55
toto I would just like to know if a lot of people use raku 19:56
vendethiel I deployed Raku code at two different companies, though I canā€™t vouch for the first still using it because the entire engineering team quit a few years ago.
tbrowder lizmat: ref Git::Status, iā€™m suggesting a PR to either (1) simplify the status to identify the non-clean files but not look into whether itā€™s due to the first or second char of the XY pair or (2) completely identify the situation (a complex task with many, confusing combinations). the current status i believe is in between 1 and 2, but closer to 1. looking at the git-status man page i count 19 possibilities for 2. my choice is 20:02
1 since that tells us when there are no git actions needed and that git directory is clean. note i believe that 1 will also show ā€œdirtyā€ submodules.
also, most of the complex cases take multiple git commands to clean up, which i couldnā€™t imagine trying to handle with a script unless it were interactive. 20:06
antononcube @toto There are at least 1,000 watchers of the reddit/r/rakulang page. 20:07
tbrowder sounds encouraging
toto is it much? 20:08
antononcube The actual number of users -- who knows. A year and a half ago I was analyzing IRC chat data. Again, there were ā‰ˆ1,000 total unique handles, most of the chtats (ā‰ˆ90%) was hapenning between ā‰ˆ200 people.
@toto No, it is not. šŸ™‚ Neither relatively- nor absolutely speaking. 20:10
ingy antononcube: Glad you tried yamllm out. I'm using it right now to help me write talk proposals for the Clojure Conj conference this Fall :) 20:13
Oh hi vendethiel :) 20:14
Nothing goes into YAMLScript without vendethiel's personal blessingā€¦ 20:15
antononcube @ingy I did not try yamllm -- I read the article you linked, and browsed the GitHub repository.
ingy Which is well seasoned by Raku I might add.
Oh I thought you got properly formatted markdown from it. 20:17
antononcube @ingy I know that Raku Jupyter notebooks can render Markdown format properly. šŸ™‚ 20:19
20:20 toto left
@toto Yes -- see my extensive answer above. 20:22
@ingy Well, it seems "Jupyter::Kernel" %% bash magic cell cannot redirect output to markdown. (I.e. I lied above.) 20:26
@ingy But, in "Jupyter::Chatbook" one has direct (and indirect) access to LLMs. Here is what I thought I can do with a bash magic cell and yamllm : 20:28
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@ingy On macOS and Linux you can install glow in order to render Markdown in the terminal (with CLI.) 20:59
github.com/charmbracelet/glow 21:02
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